Sunday, June 17, 2012

Remembering Daddy's Day and a cold Coke!

I ended up on some Coke commercials doing advertising research.  This was always one of my favorites.  Cute reminder of Father's Day.

This was a hard weekend for me.  I've not been feeling well with my head.  Moreover though I found out another friend of mine, my age, had her husband die from some really sad circumstances.  Their baby boy just turned one.  She shared a picture with her husband last year holding his new baby and the caption "First Father's Day".  A year later they are saying good bye to him.  Life isn't too fair sometimes...

For all the craziness and of course love Chris adds to our lives I am grateful to him.  I am grateful he is here and he cares.  Marriage is not easy and nor is being a parent.  I think the hardest part about life is simply enduring faithfully.  While each of as parents and spouses stumble it is the idea of going forward and to keep trying.  Chris does that.  He is filled with love and at the end of the day that is what matters.

So Chris Happy Father's Day!  I'm glad you are part of the team and I love you (and so do they).  I'll drink to you any time with my large 20 oz (soon to be banned in NYC) Coca-Cola!

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Remembering Daddy's Day and a cold Coke!

I ended up on some Coke commercials doing advertising research.  This was always one of my favorites.  Cute reminder of Father's Day.

This was a hard weekend for me.  I've not been feeling well with my head.  Moreover though I found out another friend of mine, my age, had her husband die from some really sad circumstances.  Their baby boy just turned one.  She shared a picture with her husband last year holding his new baby and the caption "First Father's Day".  A year later they are saying good bye to him.  Life isn't too fair sometimes...

For all the craziness and of course love Chris adds to our lives I am grateful to him.  I am grateful he is here and he cares.  Marriage is not easy and nor is being a parent.  I think the hardest part about life is simply enduring faithfully.  While each of as parents and spouses stumble it is the idea of going forward and to keep trying.  Chris does that.  He is filled with love and at the end of the day that is what matters.

So Chris Happy Father's Day!  I'm glad you are part of the team and I love you (and so do they).  I'll drink to you any time with my large 20 oz (soon to be banned in NYC) Coca-Cola!

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