Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Cupcakes!

Having twins is very surreal. When I had Harmon it was like: "look this is my cute little baby boy". We did pictures all the time, traveled, etc. He was very much the center of our universe. Than all of a sudden I brought two of them home and it wasn't just one cute little baby to focus on. Instead you see double!

Suddenly instead of one baby to feed, hug, change, etc. there were two. Sometimes I feel bad b/c they never get to be a singular unit hardly (we try to change that by doing one on one activities). They just go together like a great pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. As they age I realize they are starting to part ways and will grow into two wonderful individuals. They will have always have each other though and that is a gift. While they may have had to share the limelight, how many people are born with a built in best friend.

So now my baby cupcakes are growing into full sized pastries. That means as of today our household has no more babies (and it won't unless I die and Chris remarries b/c for me I'm beyond done). I should be sad (and I imagine I will get sad here and there) but in general I'm very excited for my babies and this new phase. Each is growing into such a cute little child. They are determined, sweet, and each is unique. It is like reading a book and being so excited for the next chapter to begin.

My Birthday Letters to my children....

Dear Ms Rachel,

You are my first born of the twins. By the time you are old enough to read this letter you will probably be helping me shop at Fashion Show Mall in Vegas making sure your mom stays in style. Afterwards we will be basking in our mani/pedis and while talking boys you like in a cafe overlooking the strip. I guess that is the future I picture for us. The dream I didn't know I wanted but now am so glad I have. Already you are my little BFF. You make me smile and laugh all day with your antics. I've never seen a girl want to wear 17 bows at one time and change clothing every hour on the hour.

You are so girly; but at the same time so strong and smart! That is what I love most about you! The day you were born you could have died but you fought your way through! You have a condition, cerebral palsy, but you never let it define you. You always break down the walls that keep you down and exceed all expectations. I love how you run the house and are so smart. You figure out what you want and go for it. With this attitude I know you will do in life anything you choose to do. No boundary or limit will stop you. All you will need to do is focus on what you want and the world will eat out of your hands.

I love you baby girl! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love, Mom~

Dear Callum,

You are the baby of the family. People say the babies always get spoiled and perhaps that is true (although all the kids around here get spoiled). We call you Jolly ally Cally for a reason. You are a source of light in our home. While your siblings are high energy and very frenetic, you seem to be the calm one (which of course is what your name means). I love how you still want to be cuddled and always want to cheer up anyone who is down. Your brother Harmon calls you his favorite bestest friend in the world. You have a gift Callum and that is to draw everyone to you. Everyone falls in love with you when they meet you.

Today you were singing in the car. Yesterday I caught you dancing. It makes me wonder what you have in store for your future. You have been given gifts and talents that I've never seen in such a youngster. I know that one day in the future you will start experiencing disappointment and maybe rejection. Please don't let those things ever stop you! You were put on this earth to help others and share your gifts. You are a magnet for goodness. As the scripture says don't hide your candle under a bush but let your light so that it shines for all the world to see.

I love you little man! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love your Mum~

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Cupcakes!

Having twins is very surreal. When I had Harmon it was like: "look this is my cute little baby boy". We did pictures all the time, traveled, etc. He was very much the center of our universe. Than all of a sudden I brought two of them home and it wasn't just one cute little baby to focus on. Instead you see double!

Suddenly instead of one baby to feed, hug, change, etc. there were two. Sometimes I feel bad b/c they never get to be a singular unit hardly (we try to change that by doing one on one activities). They just go together like a great pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. As they age I realize they are starting to part ways and will grow into two wonderful individuals. They will have always have each other though and that is a gift. While they may have had to share the limelight, how many people are born with a built in best friend.

So now my baby cupcakes are growing into full sized pastries. That means as of today our household has no more babies (and it won't unless I die and Chris remarries b/c for me I'm beyond done). I should be sad (and I imagine I will get sad here and there) but in general I'm very excited for my babies and this new phase. Each is growing into such a cute little child. They are determined, sweet, and each is unique. It is like reading a book and being so excited for the next chapter to begin.

My Birthday Letters to my children....

Dear Ms Rachel,

You are my first born of the twins. By the time you are old enough to read this letter you will probably be helping me shop at Fashion Show Mall in Vegas making sure your mom stays in style. Afterwards we will be basking in our mani/pedis and while talking boys you like in a cafe overlooking the strip. I guess that is the future I picture for us. The dream I didn't know I wanted but now am so glad I have. Already you are my little BFF. You make me smile and laugh all day with your antics. I've never seen a girl want to wear 17 bows at one time and change clothing every hour on the hour.

You are so girly; but at the same time so strong and smart! That is what I love most about you! The day you were born you could have died but you fought your way through! You have a condition, cerebral palsy, but you never let it define you. You always break down the walls that keep you down and exceed all expectations. I love how you run the house and are so smart. You figure out what you want and go for it. With this attitude I know you will do in life anything you choose to do. No boundary or limit will stop you. All you will need to do is focus on what you want and the world will eat out of your hands.

I love you baby girl! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love, Mom~

Dear Callum,

You are the baby of the family. People say the babies always get spoiled and perhaps that is true (although all the kids around here get spoiled). We call you Jolly ally Cally for a reason. You are a source of light in our home. While your siblings are high energy and very frenetic, you seem to be the calm one (which of course is what your name means). I love how you still want to be cuddled and always want to cheer up anyone who is down. Your brother Harmon calls you his favorite bestest friend in the world. You have a gift Callum and that is to draw everyone to you. Everyone falls in love with you when they meet you.

Today you were singing in the car. Yesterday I caught you dancing. It makes me wonder what you have in store for your future. You have been given gifts and talents that I've never seen in such a youngster. I know that one day in the future you will start experiencing disappointment and maybe rejection. Please don't let those things ever stop you! You were put on this earth to help others and share your gifts. You are a magnet for goodness. As the scripture says don't hide your candle under a bush but let your light so that it shines for all the world to see.

I love you little man! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love your Mum~

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