Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Counting, death threats, and best friends!

Our nanny Miriam was a mean horrible women: she wanted a 2 week vacation to go see Europe with her siblings. Okay she isn't horrible by any means and I actually really happy for her, but we miss her so much! I was so lucky b/c at the last minute we found a great temporary girl who is a college student and was only going to be in town for 3 wks before she started her Summer term at BYU. She is great but I've had to teach someone from scratch our very complicated routines. This upheaval has made me realize and appreciate a few things though!

First when I'm home I'm constantly going don't make me put you in time out: 5... 4... 3... 2... and he I never have to get to 1. The twins even understand counting means death. I don't know how but if I say "drop it" or "no" they ignore me but if they hear: 5... 4... they stop it right away. It is funny b/c I rarely have to follow through on a threat but when I do Miriam normally helps. I think she comes off as the good cop. I laugh though b/c she and now Brett each tell me the kids (and the pets) only listen to me. I didn't think I was mean but I guess I am!

The other thing I realized while training up our new girl was that I am so glad that we have all 3 of these kids so close in age. They love playing with one another. Especially Harmon loves making up games and the twins go along with it. Today he turned the couch into a school bus and the twins were his students. Other times today I noticed the three just LAUGHING and later at the park Harmon and Cally tried to sneak off to play with this water fountain. It was adorable. I miss the days when it was just Harm and I. I feel bad I don't spend time one on one with the kids like I used to spend time with him; but I think all of them are happier in a way b/c they have each other.

It is going to be a tough 2 weeks for everyone (Harm especially is struggling but everyone here misses Miriam), but I'm grateful to have a new perspective.

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Counting, death threats, and best friends!

Our nanny Miriam was a mean horrible women: she wanted a 2 week vacation to go see Europe with her siblings. Okay she isn't horrible by any means and I actually really happy for her, but we miss her so much! I was so lucky b/c at the last minute we found a great temporary girl who is a college student and was only going to be in town for 3 wks before she started her Summer term at BYU. She is great but I've had to teach someone from scratch our very complicated routines. This upheaval has made me realize and appreciate a few things though!

First when I'm home I'm constantly going don't make me put you in time out: 5... 4... 3... 2... and he I never have to get to 1. The twins even understand counting means death. I don't know how but if I say "drop it" or "no" they ignore me but if they hear: 5... 4... they stop it right away. It is funny b/c I rarely have to follow through on a threat but when I do Miriam normally helps. I think she comes off as the good cop. I laugh though b/c she and now Brett each tell me the kids (and the pets) only listen to me. I didn't think I was mean but I guess I am!

The other thing I realized while training up our new girl was that I am so glad that we have all 3 of these kids so close in age. They love playing with one another. Especially Harmon loves making up games and the twins go along with it. Today he turned the couch into a school bus and the twins were his students. Other times today I noticed the three just LAUGHING and later at the park Harmon and Cally tried to sneak off to play with this water fountain. It was adorable. I miss the days when it was just Harm and I. I feel bad I don't spend time one on one with the kids like I used to spend time with him; but I think all of them are happier in a way b/c they have each other.

It is going to be a tough 2 weeks for everyone (Harm especially is struggling but everyone here misses Miriam), but I'm grateful to have a new perspective.

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