Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why do I do these things????

Around the holidays I always bite off more than I can chew. I don't know why I have to wrap every gift just perfectly with a bow around them. Especially only to have Harmon break into some of them and undo all my hard work (I think I've got him scared to ever do that again :p ). Or like today I rearranged my whole schedule to attend Harm's pre-k Christmas party and he didn't even acknowledge that I existed.

We are cutting back this year. We had to drop half the Christmas Card list :( Most of my shopping was done far in advance. I'm not going to even try to bake anything this year (instead I bought a ton of those big tubs of popcorn and I'm going to make small bags for friends rather than cookies. But I also took on new projects like hosting the companies' service project and agreeing to the several gift exchanges that come around this time of year.

I guess I will always overdo things. It is my nature to jolly all year long and overextended b/c of it. There are worse things in life... right?

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Why do I do these things????

Around the holidays I always bite off more than I can chew. I don't know why I have to wrap every gift just perfectly with a bow around them. Especially only to have Harmon break into some of them and undo all my hard work (I think I've got him scared to ever do that again :p ). Or like today I rearranged my whole schedule to attend Harm's pre-k Christmas party and he didn't even acknowledge that I existed.

We are cutting back this year. We had to drop half the Christmas Card list :( Most of my shopping was done far in advance. I'm not going to even try to bake anything this year (instead I bought a ton of those big tubs of popcorn and I'm going to make small bags for friends rather than cookies. But I also took on new projects like hosting the companies' service project and agreeing to the several gift exchanges that come around this time of year.

I guess I will always overdo things. It is my nature to jolly all year long and overextended b/c of it. There are worse things in life... right?

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