Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rachel and the Tigers!

I think with Rachel day to day I just forget that she is different. We do the hours of therapy every week but I just don't really focus on her having Cerebral Palsy. But when we went to the zoo yesterday my heart broke all over for her again. The first thing we do is go and see the Sea Lion show and she kept wanting to leave our seat and go SEE that sea lion. As I saw her struggling to move it really made me sad. The rest of the trip I watched her. You could see how uncomfortable and in pain she was in. When it was time to walk she fell a lot. Excuse the cheesy analogy but it hurts becuase she has the spirit of one of those lions or tigers we saw but like them it seems like she is caged. She can't just go where she wants and do what she wants to do. She has such a fierce spirit but she faces so many other limitation.

Today one of our friends shared with Chris and I separately a story of a girl with Cerebral Palsy. She told me how much amazing progress she made through intensive therapy and how she lives such a full life. Her son also struggles with a serious disability and we talked on about mourning at times when we remember the reality of the situation. She also reminded me how important it is to count your blessings and believe in your children. Other friends commented today how they thought she was making really positive progress. It helped us see the good side to the journey.

I know there is nothing Rachel can't do and she will overcome this. It won't be easy and we are all going to have tough moments but it will happen.

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rachel and the Tigers!

I think with Rachel day to day I just forget that she is different. We do the hours of therapy every week but I just don't really focus on her having Cerebral Palsy. But when we went to the zoo yesterday my heart broke all over for her again. The first thing we do is go and see the Sea Lion show and she kept wanting to leave our seat and go SEE that sea lion. As I saw her struggling to move it really made me sad. The rest of the trip I watched her. You could see how uncomfortable and in pain she was in. When it was time to walk she fell a lot. Excuse the cheesy analogy but it hurts becuase she has the spirit of one of those lions or tigers we saw but like them it seems like she is caged. She can't just go where she wants and do what she wants to do. She has such a fierce spirit but she faces so many other limitation.

Today one of our friends shared with Chris and I separately a story of a girl with Cerebral Palsy. She told me how much amazing progress she made through intensive therapy and how she lives such a full life. Her son also struggles with a serious disability and we talked on about mourning at times when we remember the reality of the situation. She also reminded me how important it is to count your blessings and believe in your children. Other friends commented today how they thought she was making really positive progress. It helped us see the good side to the journey.

I know there is nothing Rachel can't do and she will overcome this. It won't be easy and we are all going to have tough moments but it will happen.

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