Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Huge Milestones!

Holding Rachel and the first time I got to see her with her eyes open. Below Rachel is bemoaning her bad hair day.

I just had to do a quick update tonight. I can't really express how happy I am and how blessed we are. Today both kids were eating, both were off the the CPAP and onto small nasal canulas, and both were moved to more comfortable incubators. They told me it would be a long time before this these milestones were going to happen but they are beating every single prediction! I am truly in awe of these two.

Finally my twins are back together! Grandma is admiring Callum below.

I also had a special day with Harmon. He came and sat by me tonight on the couch. He hasn't wanted to sit next to me a lot since we came home. I think it shows how well he is starting to adjust. He has been smiling and playing the whole night.


  1. Could you look any more beautiful after just having twins??? I don't think so!!! I'm glad you got to hold your babies! It looks like they are doing amazing!

  2. I bet you can start dressing them soon! They're getting healthier so fast!

  3. So glad to hear about all the good news! Keep it coming!

  4. How far along were you when you delivered?


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Huge Milestones!

Holding Rachel and the first time I got to see her with her eyes open. Below Rachel is bemoaning her bad hair day.

I just had to do a quick update tonight. I can't really express how happy I am and how blessed we are. Today both kids were eating, both were off the the CPAP and onto small nasal canulas, and both were moved to more comfortable incubators. They told me it would be a long time before this these milestones were going to happen but they are beating every single prediction! I am truly in awe of these two.

Finally my twins are back together! Grandma is admiring Callum below.

I also had a special day with Harmon. He came and sat by me tonight on the couch. He hasn't wanted to sit next to me a lot since we came home. I think it shows how well he is starting to adjust. He has been smiling and playing the whole night.


  1. Could you look any more beautiful after just having twins??? I don't think so!!! I'm glad you got to hold your babies! It looks like they are doing amazing!

  2. I bet you can start dressing them soon! They're getting healthier so fast!

  3. So glad to hear about all the good news! Keep it coming!

  4. How far along were you when you delivered?
