Sunday, July 31, 2011

The funny strange place known as Harmon's World!

I always love talking to Harmon, he is just so entertaining! This week he was very busy but his words never ceased. Here is a sample of what he said:

Chris: What did you dream about Harmon?
Harmon: My Dolly, she loves me very much and so we went on many adventures together on Thomas the Train...

Harmon: Callum is my best best best friend in the whole wide world. You can have Rachel, I don't need her.

Harmon: I like Cousin Hailey... she needs to like busses and trains. Than we could be best friends.

Me: Harmon where did the sun go?
Harmon: The sun went to sleep... it was tired. Mommy do I have to go to sleep with the sun?
Me: No, you took a nap, the sun didn't so you can stay up a little later.
Harmon: Oh good the moon is fun... where is the moon?

Me: We need to go home now. You can play with Sienna next weekend. She will be at the twins birthday.
Harmon: Can I go to the twin's birthday?

Dad: Please don't touch Callum, he doesn't want to be touched right now...
Harmon: Why not, I want him to play tag with me.
Me: He doesn't want to...
Harmon: why?
Me: Because he is a human like you.
Harmon: No he isn't... he is my brother!

Harmon (holding Bob our 20 lb cat): Look I found a new friend.
Me: ok
(the cat runs off and he chases him under my bed but can't reach him)
Harmon: Mom my friend left me!
Me: No he is just taking a nap...
Harmon: I'm very sad now! (after some contemplation) It is okay... I find Miriam (our nanny), she is my new friend!

Truth be told he says adorable stuff all day every day. I wanted to share a few moments I could remember b/c I worry one day I will forget all the cuteness!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The power on marketing on kids!!!!!

Let me preface, I've always loved marketing and psychology. I actually spent 2 years on a science project about human behavior and Marketing (got to the Intel International Science Fair with the project... at least something to show for my lack of a life in high school). Professionally I've done a lot of marketing and so I'm always striving to learn and understand it better.

Okay as I've said we don't watch TV! So when we went to pick out the twins birthday cake on Tuesday I let the kids look at the book with us. Callum who is still learning how to say ball SHOCKED me! Every page we turned he exclaimed the name of the character: "Hello Kitty", "Dora the Explorer" (yes all 3 words clearly), "Cars", "Princesses", "Sponge Bob Square Pants", etc. etc.

What the heck? How does he even know Dora? I think we have a tent with her on it but he has NEVER seen that show. So either Chris is sneaking major TV behind my back or honestly that marketing is really good b/c he is picking this stuff up from existing in society and letting it permeate through his observations. I need to learn their secrets if that is the case. We would be selling a million homes if I could figure that out.

Oh and yes I'm super super super excited about Callum's great speech strides!!!! He is doing so great :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gotta stop the hating on myself!

Yesterday was just a great day. It wasn't anything particular, I was just on a roll. Callum was just doing great with his speech, had some good meetings, found a great cake for the twin's party, etc. It was just a peaceful good day for the most part. Today WASN'T!!!!

I woke up at 3 am in severe pain and couldn't fall asleep again till 6. I was late to an appointment, my inbox was a house of horrors, got in a drop dead drag out fight with Chris on the way to El Paso about expansion and football, they discontinued my 2 favorite meals at Panda Express (Barbecued Pork and Kung Pao Shrimp), my inlaws sprung a surprise family reunion on us for the weekend, we had to leave mid-meal at Chick-Fil-A b/c the kids were acting like wild baboons, etc. etc. etc. The worse part was I just didn't really spend any quality time with my critters. Seriously it was a bad day!

It just got me down. The final revelationI got a cook book tonight and Chris nicely said: you sure have a lot of those things. It hit me, I buy cookbooks all the time but HATE cooking. I've even joined online menu groups, planned meals, etc. but I don't like it. I don't even know what a Dutch Oven is and when Chris told me I had no desire to ever have one. I keep thinking if I keep buying these books I will suddenly wake up Betty Crocker but it isn't going to happen.

I think days like this I just start getting down on myself. I feel like I'm just not doing anything in my life very well. I'm balancing so much but it seems like nothing is quite up to my standards. I know that I'm being unrealistic and I know tomorrow these feelings will dissipate. Kids are not always going to be perfect angels. Good mother's are not judged by how well they cook. Just b/c Chris and I might not see eye to eye on every matter doesn't mean my reasoning isn't valid. I know these things, but right now, tonight I just don't feel like I'm doing that great.

I'm going to take some extra meds, have a good night sleep, and go from there. Life is always better in the morning... well after 10 am (I'm not a good morning person the first few hours I'm awake).

Monday, July 25, 2011

For good...

I think I once read that in life if you can find one true friend who will accept you for who you are and love you than you are a rich person. I must be a millionaire b/c I have a few friends like that and it really is just awesome. This past week I got to visit two very special friends! I could share what we did but probably a travelogue would just be mundane. Perhaps I would rather just say why they are so special.

One of my favorite songs is from the musical Wicked (many of my favorite songs but that is a different post for a different time) and it is called "For Good". The lyrics are as follows:
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

For me real friends are those that change your heart, give you courage, and never desert; even when things get hard.

(Vintage gorgeous Sylvia b/c I was a dork and waited till the last day to take pics and she fell sick)

Sylvia is probably my oldest friend that I stay in contact with. While so much has changed (hairstyles, guys, jobs, and now kids) we can sit down and just laugh and talk. Sylvia taught me what faith was when I was a jaded teen who didn't really have that. Since than she keeps teaching me that faith has to be active. Even when life comes at you full speed you can't relent, you can't give in; instead you have to be strong. She also is probably the only friend who had the courage to tell me when I was in college I needed to be true to myself and I was failing at that miserably. These days she has the nicest husband and two really great kids. It was just so much fun to just hang out.

(My gorgeous Mrs. Amy)
Amy and I served together 6 yrs ago. She is my kindred spirit oddly enough (I say oddly b/c when you would first meet us you might not think so b/c she seems so straight laced and well me not so much). We could sit back than and talk for hours about obscure fables or unsung bible characters. As old souls we can talk about our 1940's dreams and reminisce about pin-curls. I think fundamentally we both don't understand why anyone would want to be mean. I love how she constantly stretches herself to embrace new types of people. When things get hard she is always the first to cheer me on either by blog or email. She has great husband also and the most tenderhearted kids I've ever met (Rachel picked on them).
(this is Sylvia's son, Rachel adopted him as her twin during the trip)

Both friends: are incredible homemakers. They craft, decorate, and yes even cook! I love learning from them. Sylvia taught me the joys of Costco pre-made foods that taste great so I might have a new idea in my quest to "cook". Amy taught me the joys of homemade honey and peanut butter sandwiches. I just loved catching up with them. It makes me sad I don't ever get to see them hardly. That is something I hope to change... but I don't know how realistic that will be for now but it will be a goal. It also made me realize I need to make sure to find time with my true dear friends! After all I'm an odd duck and to find people who love me and I accept them just as much back, for me is a gift.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Crazy baby vs diarhea cat on an airplane..

When I was moving from Austin TX after college to Las Vegas NV I brought along guy who had my heart at the time: my kitty Woody. Well Woody didn't fly well and between the Austin to Vegas flight he got horrid diarhea. I tried to desperately to wash him off during my layover in Houston. It didn't work he was covered in feces and I missed my flight stranding me in Houston for 7 hours with an angry angry crap smelling kitty cat. It was the worst traveling day ever!

Today wasn't much better. Really the actual flying with Rachel wasn't bad at all. She got a seat and she behaved. She loved watching Elmo's world on the little DVD player I bought. The problem was the broken plane and unexpected 3 hour delay. That 19 lb little girl wrecked havoc on Phoenix Sky Harbor. First she wouldn't eat her lunch so she canoodled me into buying her Pizza Hut. She screamed, she ran away from me, she would entertain herself with a movie or book I would buy her from the gift shop for 10 minutes and than be crazy again. I had to spend an hour letting her ride the electric walk way. I'm in so much pain having tried so hard to keep up with her.

I made sure Rachel was not loud and not touching anyone. At one point we were sitting waiting for an update and Rachel was doing her baby Yoga in the center of the room; an older lady loudly exclaims: that girl has way too much energy. I responded in my usual cheery voice (masking my pain and exhaustion) I went to the gift shop and they were completely out of baby tranquilizers... do you have any extra on you by chance? Every one started laughing at her and two ladies clapped. I was pretty amazed at the moment when I realized how supportive was being. Many people helped. It was interesting b/c some people did comment on her unusual gait. I think the people who love me and her are much less likely to comment on things like that than strangers. Again though people were kind and many volunteered Cerebral Palsy resources.

This trip in general was special and I want to share about 2 very special friends who I saw during the trip when I can upload pictures tomorrow. Truth be told I'm way to tired to express myself the specialness of that... all I can do is whine about the horrendous trip I had today and be glad is wasn't the crap covered cat I had!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little thoughts and highlights so far!

I just got a break. In my life breaks are rare but because I'm traveling and I only have one kid I can take a break. I went to bed at 10 o'clock last night. It was so nice! I slept till 9. I don't even know when the last time I got 11 hrs of sleep that was not related to a post-operative moment.

I miss Chris TONS!!! It is so odd that I realized we have maybe only spent 5 nights away from each other since we were married. We get sick of a each other a little bit b/c of the company, and the kids, and just being total opposites... but it is these rare moments away that I realize how much we love each other and that no matter what we will make it. He misses me. I like that! He calls me all the time just to talk. I laugh b/c when we talk he does ask me, "hey you need to go visit this builder... if you have time of course ::wink::" I guess the funny thing when I am doing things like this I wish Chris was here. It just isn't the same secret shopping without him. What can I say, we are cheesy attached.

I miss my boys a ton too. Harmon broke my heart when I was leaving. He told me Mommy, "I sad, no more trips after this one or you take me next." I think I would love to take him somewhere next time and I would like to take Cally on an adventure as well. It is so neat to have this one on one. I feel like I'm getting to know Rachel better. I talk to the boys every few hours and between our nanny Miriam spoiling them rotten, Daddy, and Gualita they are having a great time.

The problem is the twins really really miss each other. Callum keeps asking about Rachel ALL the time. On the phone he kept saying "Rachel Rachel". One of my friends has a blonde little boy her age and so that is nice for her. Yesterday in the airport she was very unhappy to be away from her brothers. Bless their hearts but they are both having trouble being away from one another (especially sleeping). May they always be close together. Rachel is so cute. Chris keeps telling me he misses his Mighty Mouse. That is what she is, she is so cute getting around places. We might pierce her ears tonight... maybe... Chris might kill us ;)

Oh well I might add pictures later with my iphone.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh crumb... here we go!

So I need to travel and I'm excited about this trip b/c it will involve 2 very close friends whom I've not seen in years. Who I love very much. I would like to still have a nanny when I come home so I'm taking one of the babies and since Rachel has been the one struggling most with my recent travels she is the one who gets to come. It is going to be a challenge but I'm excited my friends will meet Rachel (I wish they could meet Callum as well) and I think she will have a good time b/c they all have children as well. I know the boys are going to really love all the neat things Miriam has planned. The hardest will be missing my boys but I like that Daddy will have some special bonding time with them.

I'm honestly dreading this in a way. I've always flown a certain airline where I could snag my lap child a seat if one is available for free. I just fly at non-peak times so there is always one available and this has never been an issue. Well Chris booked the tickets and unbeknownst to him the airline he booked me on isn't as friendly as our usual airline and all the flights are oversold so we can't even buy a ticket for Rachel at this point. So this time I'm really going to have a lap child and all I can say is OH CRUMB!!!! Rachel is a total spaz... I don't know how this is going to work out :p

I normally don't blog when I travel but if I can I will. Otherwise I'll be sure to share the stories on Saturday when I get home.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is it like to have a nanny?

On Friday night I watched a really touching 20/20 segment about "The Help" in 1960's America. The last segment talked about how "The Help" today was much more different. Where back than the ladies were treated less than human today modern moms revere and appreciate the women who come into their homes to help them raise their children. It really hit me b/c this is how I feel. I have nothing but shear gratitude for Miriam our nanny. When she talks I listen. She loves my children and they love her. Miriam doesn't do this job b/c it is all she can get. She is smart and well educated.

Sometimes I get asked if I am jealous how much the critters adore Miriam. Honestly no, I know they love me like crazy. No one ever replaces mom. I think I count myself lucky b/c my children are blessed to have another person in their little life whom they can lean on and they love unconditionally; and she loves them. When the twins transition to pre-k Miriam will transition back into the business world but hopefully not out of our lives. We kids love her and so do I. During this time she has become a friend and as the women in the 20/20 segment said "I can never fire the nanny, she knows too much!" It is too true, but moreover I would miss her too much.

I think if anyone follows this blog they should know how lucky I am to have someone as amazing Miriam helping our family! Maybe one day I can catch her in my camera more often ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Toddlers & Tiaras, Elmo, and a sister for sale!

This week I had one cute experience of each kid expressing their secret desires...

Rachels is to be on Toddlers and Tiaras! Tonight I had this show on while we were cleaning up after dinner. It was the Vegas episode and so I put it on just to drive Chris crazy. He said, it is a good thing we don't live in Vegas anymore... Rachel would love this! Well a few minutes later Rachel after seeing a girl her age on TV says: "pageant please". So I ask her thinking I misunderstood (b/c she speaks oddly and very softly) "do you want to be in a pageant?" "Yes please!!!" she replied and than she struck a pose... yes we have a diva on our hands!

Callum goes everywhere these days saying "Elmo Elmo Elmo"... we got him a small stuffed Elmo lovey when we went on vacation so he holds it all day long. After a particularly painful morning of kids screaming (and Miriam our nanny still 15 minutes from getting to work) I thought I should put on that Elmo & Goo Goo Dolls song that I saw once googling them on for their video slide. The kids loved it, especially Callum. It was like his baby dreams came true. He had no idea Elmo was real and had a show that played on my computer. Now every time he sees me working online he says: Elmo Elmo! I feel so bad telling him no and I think I feel a touch guilty b/c if Callum knew Elmo had a daily TV show (we don't really watch any children's TV) he would feel very gipped! It is too bad for Cally the Goo Goo Dolls don't play on the show every day... I might actually want to watch Elmo.
Finally there is Harmon. Perhaps he is the one I feel most proud of these days when it comes to great speech. It is hard to believe 18 months ago he really couldn't even say Momma and now well he could probably share a Shakespearean sonnet! Seriously he communicates so well. For example he told me yesterday: Mommy I like crafts, tomorrow can you, me, Miriam do crafts... no babies. He also told me cutely when I got home from vacation: "mommy I like Callum. He is my best friend." Unfortunately he also had to add: "I don't like Rachel. Can we have her go bye bye?" I know he loves Rachel. He tells her when I'm not looking "I love you" or "Rachel you pretty" but I like how he is expressing frustration with her. In the past he would just deck her or bite her. I much prefer this method!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My baby needs rehab...

I think I know how Amy Winehouse's family or Lindsey Lohan's family feels like... my beautiful princess needs help. She has a horrible addiction!!!!! It is called...

EL CHUPE!!!!!! aka: the pacifier

Neither of my boys has ever obsessed over a chupe so I didn't think much of giving it to my children. Even in the NICU though it was obvious, Rachel has an addiction! In the past 20 months we have probably bought over 80 of them.

I knew we needed to take it away from her but than when her front teeth stopped coming in we knew it was time. Of course I had not really wanted to do it and neither did my Nanny Miriam. But Chris did it... she is on day 4 and it is still hard. She still isn't napping as well and she chews on her blanket all day. Tomorrow her speech therapist is bring oral-motor sensory chewing stuff and so I'm hoping that can calm her a little.

I don't know how but she is even finding hidden ones; we call it her contraband. Every time we think we have gotten rid of the last ones we find her with a new one. Even different colored soothies (and we have never bought different colored ones) so I think she stole it from a kid at church and hid it b/c Monday morning she had when she came out of her room. I have faith though that the worse for her is over... If not, well there is always the Betty Ford Clinic!

But with a little luck her permanent green appendage will be gone!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Going crazy and finding Calm (Callum)...

Today we sat in church and the kids were on a roll driving me totally crazy. Than I had the most random non-sensical thought I've ever had: hmm... I miss them as squishy cute little babies... maybe I should just have another...

Yes, that was a moment of pure insanity and should it had persisted I would have needed to be committed into a looney bin for a long long time. I guess it was a combination of having missed them while I was away and holding my niece Juliet who is 10 months. It just goes so fast and I'm already missing it a little.

Don't worry though, the moment passed and there will be no more baby cakes or cupcakes to come in our home!!!!!! It did make me decide what I really need in a couple of years is to expand our family with perhaps a 2nd dog. Mackenzie could use a little buddy! And Heaven knows dogs are much easier than kids ;)

The time away did make me appreciate my babies though more. I had missed Harmon jumping into bed and giving me a little wake up and Rachey showing me how pretty she looks in her outfit. I really missed Callum too. He is still the only one of my little babies that still likes to just sit on my lap, be rocked... I love Cally Cuddles! He is just different. Callum is an old Gaelic/Scottish name meaning "peaceful". That is Callum, peaceful. With everything going on trying to catch up and all it is nice to just have a bundle of peace smiling in your arms at you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feeding my husband to a Crocodile and other notable Cancun moments...

Since I can't imagine anyone wants a boring travelogue I thought I would share a memorable stories instead.

So we danced on table tops and we drank too many shots...

As most people know neither Chris or I drink. So when we planned going to Cancun and I would ask my friends what did they do when they went. Their answer normally was "all inclusive: endless drinks/food/ and an oceanside cabana". Since we didn't drink I decided to do only breakfast inclusive at our resort so I wouldn't be charged for alcohol I wasn't planning on drinking. Well the day we did the dolphin swim and went to Isla Mujeres it was an all-inclusive event. By this point I hadn't slept very much for the past couple of days and I was tired. I figured the beer was pouring like wine so I might as well keep the Coca-Cola coming. In one day I drank 7 cokes (probably not smart for a girl w/a heart murmur) but heck I wanted to get at least some of our money back ;)

It was a fun day swimming with dolphins, driving around the island in a golf cart, snorkeling, etc. So on the boat ride home (cokes still flowing) I started dancing. Chris almost died. He can't dance and so he was embarrassed but by that point the entire upper deck of the boat was chanting for him to dance with me and clapping. He took the advice from the movie "Hitch" and tried to stay in the zone but he wanted to die of total embarrassment. Than the crew wanted to start dancing with me. The couple we had been hanging out with agreed: if I drank alcohol I probably would have been the craziest one in the group. As it was I was still one of the liveliest according to the crew even w/o alcohol... Life is too short and man Chris needs to learn to dance!!!

Yo Hablo Espanol Americana...

My husband lived in Mexico City for 2 yrs and so despite the fact that he is as Anglo-Saxon as they come he speaks native Chilango (a fun nick-name for Mexico City dialect). Everybody adored him because while Chris is charming in English he is even more charming in Spanish. He got this Chicharito jersey (famous Mexican soccer player) and so everyone was calling out his name "Hey Chicharito!!!"

The sad thing for me is that even though I'm Puerto Rican I am 3rd generation (my grandparents never learned English, my mom is perectly bilingual, and of course I struggle) and so everything was a challenge. But I'm proud of myself. I forced myself to listen and fully converse rather than lean on Chris to do all of the talking. I did well... when people would ask if I speak the language I would always say Mi esposo hablo perfecto Chilango and yo hablo perfecto Espanol Americana ;) Last year he learned more about me visiting Puerto Rico and this time I learned much more about him visiting Mexico.

A romantic night: me, Chris, and a Crocodile!

Coastal Mexican is just amazing. We we went from street Carne tacos to great fish to Lobster Tacos to shrimp, etc. The best night was our final dinner though. Not just the food but the circumstances. We travel off season so we can get good deals and places will not be crowded. Our final dinner was this amazing fine sea food restaurant out of the way of the bustle. We sat in a private cabana at the end of the dock. We danced in the moon light and just fell a little back in love.

As our night was winding down the waiter asked us if we had noticed the huge crocodile. Chris didn't think it was real so the waiter livened him up... it was real. After that Chris was so flipping scared. He thought we would be eaten at any moment. As we were returning home I told him if he went back to be a dork I was going to take him back and feed him to that crocodile.

My Happy Place...

Recently I read a Summer Fun article telling ladies they need to find their happy place. For me that is hard. I never stop! I'm always dealing with kids, business, family, etc. etc. I feel like my mind doesn't stop. It is difficult b/c I used to love just being by myself and having time to think or better yet not think! Chris kept asking me why I was so quiet this week... I was quiet b/c for the first time in a long time I could just catch up with myself. It was nice. I treasured my swims alone... I would just swimming for as long as I could (swimming is the last real exercise I am allowed to do with my condition). I would watch the water, trees, and the sky. Maybe in the future I will share some of my quiet revelation so I don't forget what I learned. Most notably I just was humbled seeing God's loving hand guide my life. Yes, I have challenges and hardships; but it is during these quiet moments of reflection that I truly understand how greatly blessed I am.

I feel bad having left my kids for so long but it did me good just to rest and get in touch with myself. It also did "us" good! Chris and I need to constantly take some time for ourselves. We forget what being "in love" is like. For this I think us leaving the little ones help them in the long run because it helps us be better parents. But we do look forward to one day taking our kids with us! I can't wait to see Rachel with the dolphins, Harmon para-sailing, and Cally dancing on a boat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

There is no place like home...

One of my friend on Facebook teased me about coming home: they were like "sure you miss them and can't wait to see them..." but I really did miss my critters and couldn't wait to come home and see them. Seriously who wouldn't want to come home to the best kids ever!

Don't get me wrong, it was a wonderful trip but I really did miss my kids. The good thing is that they missed me horribly (wouldn't leave me until bed time as you can see from the picture) but had a great time at their wonderful Abuelita's home!!!! I think the hardest part leaving is how you feel like you missed something. I know it is only in my mind but it seems like I left a couple babies and got back full blown toddlers. Harmon expressed himself so well about everything that happened. It is great to see them doing so well but it still like I missed so much.

Harmon said it best when we arrived. He jumps into the car and says "Mommy I had a wonderful time at Gualita's but I am ready to go home". It wasn't always easy for him. The first day I wanted to fly back because Harmon told me: "Mommy, I am upset" but by the time I called later he reported happily "Mommy I am having a fun time, I am happy". It is such a groundbreaking happy milestone for him to be talking like this. It makes it much easier for me to leave and know he can express himself finally and I can really respond to what he needs. Even in our December trip this wasn't the case.... BIG MILESTONE!!!

The babies fared pretty well also! Rachel got her first hairstyle (I don't know why I never thought of something like this but we all know girliness is not my forte). My dad just ADORED Callum. They played the "hello/goodbye" game for hours. Callum would run into his study and say "Hello"... my father would say "Hello" and Callum would than say "bye bye" and run out. It gave my father such joy to play like that with him. Honestly it made me happy that everyone had a good time with them. But now they are home and I'm glad, I missed my critters!!!!!!!

We had a great time and I've got fun stories and pictures to share(I'm in the midst of uploading); so I promise they will come tomorrow. But alas for now I'm tired (and shocked when I got to the airport and found out Casey Anthony got acquitted... what the hell????)and I'm just glad to be home with my critters. Tomorrow we are staging the 4th of July... we have time to make up for :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

And the "mom guilt" creepeth in!!!!

This has been probably one of my strangest weeks... but it is over. I just need to finish packing a little and putting the final touches on the kid's stuff. It is really odd to be prepping for vacation that I let the trip fall to the back burner. This has been the most stressful summer I've had in a while so we are going to sort of wing everything.

Anyhow the hardest part will be leaving the kids. I know compared to a lot of parents we travel a lot without them but it still is hard for me to leave them. The good thing is though that this has really motivated me to spend some extra special quality time. That part has been wonderful! I watched Thomas the Train with Harmon, cuddled tons extra with Rachel, and played his favorite game: head-butting with Cally. Honestly when I have this really special time with each child I really kick myself. I shouldn't wait for trips as a reason to take that extra time. I should make a point more of doing it daily.

So today is D-Day. I got a new special toy for each child: Elmo dolly for Cally, Thomas the Train magazine for Harmo, and well Rachel was a challenge. In the aisle Rachel saw a dolly that she loved. She screamed: BABY!!!! Great the doll is only $6 so we are done, right???? No, I give her one and she starts crying again: "more baby more baby". I grab a second one to see if she wanted one with a different color outfit. She grabbed the 2nd one happily so I tried to grab the first one out of her hands.... she screaming: my baby. So I tried to grab the 2nd one and she repeated: my baby. Than I remembered, "oh yeah, she has a twin complex". If you don't remember Rachel only likes dolls if they come in 2's... so yup I had to buy 2 dolls! Ugh... the trouble with twins!!!!

So I tucked them in for their final nap and in an hour we will take them over to Gualita's... I will get them settled and we will leave. I'm giving my mom a family of our new pictures so she can show the babies and Harmon it if they start missing us. We will be gone for a week and I feel bad. I will miss them horribly BUT Heaven knows Chris and I need this time. The waters of Cancun await and so I need to leave the mom guilt at the door.

PS: The blog will be on Vacation until Thursday July 6, 2011. Have a WONDERFUL 4th of July everyone :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The funny strange place known as Harmon's World!

I always love talking to Harmon, he is just so entertaining! This week he was very busy but his words never ceased. Here is a sample of what he said:

Chris: What did you dream about Harmon?
Harmon: My Dolly, she loves me very much and so we went on many adventures together on Thomas the Train...

Harmon: Callum is my best best best friend in the whole wide world. You can have Rachel, I don't need her.

Harmon: I like Cousin Hailey... she needs to like busses and trains. Than we could be best friends.

Me: Harmon where did the sun go?
Harmon: The sun went to sleep... it was tired. Mommy do I have to go to sleep with the sun?
Me: No, you took a nap, the sun didn't so you can stay up a little later.
Harmon: Oh good the moon is fun... where is the moon?

Me: We need to go home now. You can play with Sienna next weekend. She will be at the twins birthday.
Harmon: Can I go to the twin's birthday?

Dad: Please don't touch Callum, he doesn't want to be touched right now...
Harmon: Why not, I want him to play tag with me.
Me: He doesn't want to...
Harmon: why?
Me: Because he is a human like you.
Harmon: No he isn't... he is my brother!

Harmon (holding Bob our 20 lb cat): Look I found a new friend.
Me: ok
(the cat runs off and he chases him under my bed but can't reach him)
Harmon: Mom my friend left me!
Me: No he is just taking a nap...
Harmon: I'm very sad now! (after some contemplation) It is okay... I find Miriam (our nanny), she is my new friend!

Truth be told he says adorable stuff all day every day. I wanted to share a few moments I could remember b/c I worry one day I will forget all the cuteness!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The power on marketing on kids!!!!!

Let me preface, I've always loved marketing and psychology. I actually spent 2 years on a science project about human behavior and Marketing (got to the Intel International Science Fair with the project... at least something to show for my lack of a life in high school). Professionally I've done a lot of marketing and so I'm always striving to learn and understand it better.

Okay as I've said we don't watch TV! So when we went to pick out the twins birthday cake on Tuesday I let the kids look at the book with us. Callum who is still learning how to say ball SHOCKED me! Every page we turned he exclaimed the name of the character: "Hello Kitty", "Dora the Explorer" (yes all 3 words clearly), "Cars", "Princesses", "Sponge Bob Square Pants", etc. etc.

What the heck? How does he even know Dora? I think we have a tent with her on it but he has NEVER seen that show. So either Chris is sneaking major TV behind my back or honestly that marketing is really good b/c he is picking this stuff up from existing in society and letting it permeate through his observations. I need to learn their secrets if that is the case. We would be selling a million homes if I could figure that out.

Oh and yes I'm super super super excited about Callum's great speech strides!!!! He is doing so great :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gotta stop the hating on myself!

Yesterday was just a great day. It wasn't anything particular, I was just on a roll. Callum was just doing great with his speech, had some good meetings, found a great cake for the twin's party, etc. It was just a peaceful good day for the most part. Today WASN'T!!!!

I woke up at 3 am in severe pain and couldn't fall asleep again till 6. I was late to an appointment, my inbox was a house of horrors, got in a drop dead drag out fight with Chris on the way to El Paso about expansion and football, they discontinued my 2 favorite meals at Panda Express (Barbecued Pork and Kung Pao Shrimp), my inlaws sprung a surprise family reunion on us for the weekend, we had to leave mid-meal at Chick-Fil-A b/c the kids were acting like wild baboons, etc. etc. etc. The worse part was I just didn't really spend any quality time with my critters. Seriously it was a bad day!

It just got me down. The final revelationI got a cook book tonight and Chris nicely said: you sure have a lot of those things. It hit me, I buy cookbooks all the time but HATE cooking. I've even joined online menu groups, planned meals, etc. but I don't like it. I don't even know what a Dutch Oven is and when Chris told me I had no desire to ever have one. I keep thinking if I keep buying these books I will suddenly wake up Betty Crocker but it isn't going to happen.

I think days like this I just start getting down on myself. I feel like I'm just not doing anything in my life very well. I'm balancing so much but it seems like nothing is quite up to my standards. I know that I'm being unrealistic and I know tomorrow these feelings will dissipate. Kids are not always going to be perfect angels. Good mother's are not judged by how well they cook. Just b/c Chris and I might not see eye to eye on every matter doesn't mean my reasoning isn't valid. I know these things, but right now, tonight I just don't feel like I'm doing that great.

I'm going to take some extra meds, have a good night sleep, and go from there. Life is always better in the morning... well after 10 am (I'm not a good morning person the first few hours I'm awake).

Monday, July 25, 2011

For good...

I think I once read that in life if you can find one true friend who will accept you for who you are and love you than you are a rich person. I must be a millionaire b/c I have a few friends like that and it really is just awesome. This past week I got to visit two very special friends! I could share what we did but probably a travelogue would just be mundane. Perhaps I would rather just say why they are so special.

One of my favorite songs is from the musical Wicked (many of my favorite songs but that is a different post for a different time) and it is called "For Good". The lyrics are as follows:
So let me say before we part
So much of me
Is made of what I learned from you
You'll be with me
Like a handprint on my heart
And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have re-written mine
By being my friend...

For me real friends are those that change your heart, give you courage, and never desert; even when things get hard.

(Vintage gorgeous Sylvia b/c I was a dork and waited till the last day to take pics and she fell sick)

Sylvia is probably my oldest friend that I stay in contact with. While so much has changed (hairstyles, guys, jobs, and now kids) we can sit down and just laugh and talk. Sylvia taught me what faith was when I was a jaded teen who didn't really have that. Since than she keeps teaching me that faith has to be active. Even when life comes at you full speed you can't relent, you can't give in; instead you have to be strong. She also is probably the only friend who had the courage to tell me when I was in college I needed to be true to myself and I was failing at that miserably. These days she has the nicest husband and two really great kids. It was just so much fun to just hang out.

(My gorgeous Mrs. Amy)
Amy and I served together 6 yrs ago. She is my kindred spirit oddly enough (I say oddly b/c when you would first meet us you might not think so b/c she seems so straight laced and well me not so much). We could sit back than and talk for hours about obscure fables or unsung bible characters. As old souls we can talk about our 1940's dreams and reminisce about pin-curls. I think fundamentally we both don't understand why anyone would want to be mean. I love how she constantly stretches herself to embrace new types of people. When things get hard she is always the first to cheer me on either by blog or email. She has great husband also and the most tenderhearted kids I've ever met (Rachel picked on them).
(this is Sylvia's son, Rachel adopted him as her twin during the trip)

Both friends: are incredible homemakers. They craft, decorate, and yes even cook! I love learning from them. Sylvia taught me the joys of Costco pre-made foods that taste great so I might have a new idea in my quest to "cook". Amy taught me the joys of homemade honey and peanut butter sandwiches. I just loved catching up with them. It makes me sad I don't ever get to see them hardly. That is something I hope to change... but I don't know how realistic that will be for now but it will be a goal. It also made me realize I need to make sure to find time with my true dear friends! After all I'm an odd duck and to find people who love me and I accept them just as much back, for me is a gift.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Crazy baby vs diarhea cat on an airplane..

When I was moving from Austin TX after college to Las Vegas NV I brought along guy who had my heart at the time: my kitty Woody. Well Woody didn't fly well and between the Austin to Vegas flight he got horrid diarhea. I tried to desperately to wash him off during my layover in Houston. It didn't work he was covered in feces and I missed my flight stranding me in Houston for 7 hours with an angry angry crap smelling kitty cat. It was the worst traveling day ever!

Today wasn't much better. Really the actual flying with Rachel wasn't bad at all. She got a seat and she behaved. She loved watching Elmo's world on the little DVD player I bought. The problem was the broken plane and unexpected 3 hour delay. That 19 lb little girl wrecked havoc on Phoenix Sky Harbor. First she wouldn't eat her lunch so she canoodled me into buying her Pizza Hut. She screamed, she ran away from me, she would entertain herself with a movie or book I would buy her from the gift shop for 10 minutes and than be crazy again. I had to spend an hour letting her ride the electric walk way. I'm in so much pain having tried so hard to keep up with her.

I made sure Rachel was not loud and not touching anyone. At one point we were sitting waiting for an update and Rachel was doing her baby Yoga in the center of the room; an older lady loudly exclaims: that girl has way too much energy. I responded in my usual cheery voice (masking my pain and exhaustion) I went to the gift shop and they were completely out of baby tranquilizers... do you have any extra on you by chance? Every one started laughing at her and two ladies clapped. I was pretty amazed at the moment when I realized how supportive was being. Many people helped. It was interesting b/c some people did comment on her unusual gait. I think the people who love me and her are much less likely to comment on things like that than strangers. Again though people were kind and many volunteered Cerebral Palsy resources.

This trip in general was special and I want to share about 2 very special friends who I saw during the trip when I can upload pictures tomorrow. Truth be told I'm way to tired to express myself the specialness of that... all I can do is whine about the horrendous trip I had today and be glad is wasn't the crap covered cat I had!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Little thoughts and highlights so far!

I just got a break. In my life breaks are rare but because I'm traveling and I only have one kid I can take a break. I went to bed at 10 o'clock last night. It was so nice! I slept till 9. I don't even know when the last time I got 11 hrs of sleep that was not related to a post-operative moment.

I miss Chris TONS!!! It is so odd that I realized we have maybe only spent 5 nights away from each other since we were married. We get sick of a each other a little bit b/c of the company, and the kids, and just being total opposites... but it is these rare moments away that I realize how much we love each other and that no matter what we will make it. He misses me. I like that! He calls me all the time just to talk. I laugh b/c when we talk he does ask me, "hey you need to go visit this builder... if you have time of course ::wink::" I guess the funny thing when I am doing things like this I wish Chris was here. It just isn't the same secret shopping without him. What can I say, we are cheesy attached.

I miss my boys a ton too. Harmon broke my heart when I was leaving. He told me Mommy, "I sad, no more trips after this one or you take me next." I think I would love to take him somewhere next time and I would like to take Cally on an adventure as well. It is so neat to have this one on one. I feel like I'm getting to know Rachel better. I talk to the boys every few hours and between our nanny Miriam spoiling them rotten, Daddy, and Gualita they are having a great time.

The problem is the twins really really miss each other. Callum keeps asking about Rachel ALL the time. On the phone he kept saying "Rachel Rachel". One of my friends has a blonde little boy her age and so that is nice for her. Yesterday in the airport she was very unhappy to be away from her brothers. Bless their hearts but they are both having trouble being away from one another (especially sleeping). May they always be close together. Rachel is so cute. Chris keeps telling me he misses his Mighty Mouse. That is what she is, she is so cute getting around places. We might pierce her ears tonight... maybe... Chris might kill us ;)

Oh well I might add pictures later with my iphone.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Oh crumb... here we go!

So I need to travel and I'm excited about this trip b/c it will involve 2 very close friends whom I've not seen in years. Who I love very much. I would like to still have a nanny when I come home so I'm taking one of the babies and since Rachel has been the one struggling most with my recent travels she is the one who gets to come. It is going to be a challenge but I'm excited my friends will meet Rachel (I wish they could meet Callum as well) and I think she will have a good time b/c they all have children as well. I know the boys are going to really love all the neat things Miriam has planned. The hardest will be missing my boys but I like that Daddy will have some special bonding time with them.

I'm honestly dreading this in a way. I've always flown a certain airline where I could snag my lap child a seat if one is available for free. I just fly at non-peak times so there is always one available and this has never been an issue. Well Chris booked the tickets and unbeknownst to him the airline he booked me on isn't as friendly as our usual airline and all the flights are oversold so we can't even buy a ticket for Rachel at this point. So this time I'm really going to have a lap child and all I can say is OH CRUMB!!!! Rachel is a total spaz... I don't know how this is going to work out :p

I normally don't blog when I travel but if I can I will. Otherwise I'll be sure to share the stories on Saturday when I get home.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is it like to have a nanny?

On Friday night I watched a really touching 20/20 segment about "The Help" in 1960's America. The last segment talked about how "The Help" today was much more different. Where back than the ladies were treated less than human today modern moms revere and appreciate the women who come into their homes to help them raise their children. It really hit me b/c this is how I feel. I have nothing but shear gratitude for Miriam our nanny. When she talks I listen. She loves my children and they love her. Miriam doesn't do this job b/c it is all she can get. She is smart and well educated.

Sometimes I get asked if I am jealous how much the critters adore Miriam. Honestly no, I know they love me like crazy. No one ever replaces mom. I think I count myself lucky b/c my children are blessed to have another person in their little life whom they can lean on and they love unconditionally; and she loves them. When the twins transition to pre-k Miriam will transition back into the business world but hopefully not out of our lives. We kids love her and so do I. During this time she has become a friend and as the women in the 20/20 segment said "I can never fire the nanny, she knows too much!" It is too true, but moreover I would miss her too much.

I think if anyone follows this blog they should know how lucky I am to have someone as amazing Miriam helping our family! Maybe one day I can catch her in my camera more often ;)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Toddlers & Tiaras, Elmo, and a sister for sale!

This week I had one cute experience of each kid expressing their secret desires...

Rachels is to be on Toddlers and Tiaras! Tonight I had this show on while we were cleaning up after dinner. It was the Vegas episode and so I put it on just to drive Chris crazy. He said, it is a good thing we don't live in Vegas anymore... Rachel would love this! Well a few minutes later Rachel after seeing a girl her age on TV says: "pageant please". So I ask her thinking I misunderstood (b/c she speaks oddly and very softly) "do you want to be in a pageant?" "Yes please!!!" she replied and than she struck a pose... yes we have a diva on our hands!

Callum goes everywhere these days saying "Elmo Elmo Elmo"... we got him a small stuffed Elmo lovey when we went on vacation so he holds it all day long. After a particularly painful morning of kids screaming (and Miriam our nanny still 15 minutes from getting to work) I thought I should put on that Elmo & Goo Goo Dolls song that I saw once googling them on for their video slide. The kids loved it, especially Callum. It was like his baby dreams came true. He had no idea Elmo was real and had a show that played on my computer. Now every time he sees me working online he says: Elmo Elmo! I feel so bad telling him no and I think I feel a touch guilty b/c if Callum knew Elmo had a daily TV show (we don't really watch any children's TV) he would feel very gipped! It is too bad for Cally the Goo Goo Dolls don't play on the show every day... I might actually want to watch Elmo.
Finally there is Harmon. Perhaps he is the one I feel most proud of these days when it comes to great speech. It is hard to believe 18 months ago he really couldn't even say Momma and now well he could probably share a Shakespearean sonnet! Seriously he communicates so well. For example he told me yesterday: Mommy I like crafts, tomorrow can you, me, Miriam do crafts... no babies. He also told me cutely when I got home from vacation: "mommy I like Callum. He is my best friend." Unfortunately he also had to add: "I don't like Rachel. Can we have her go bye bye?" I know he loves Rachel. He tells her when I'm not looking "I love you" or "Rachel you pretty" but I like how he is expressing frustration with her. In the past he would just deck her or bite her. I much prefer this method!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My baby needs rehab...

I think I know how Amy Winehouse's family or Lindsey Lohan's family feels like... my beautiful princess needs help. She has a horrible addiction!!!!! It is called...

EL CHUPE!!!!!! aka: the pacifier

Neither of my boys has ever obsessed over a chupe so I didn't think much of giving it to my children. Even in the NICU though it was obvious, Rachel has an addiction! In the past 20 months we have probably bought over 80 of them.

I knew we needed to take it away from her but than when her front teeth stopped coming in we knew it was time. Of course I had not really wanted to do it and neither did my Nanny Miriam. But Chris did it... she is on day 4 and it is still hard. She still isn't napping as well and she chews on her blanket all day. Tomorrow her speech therapist is bring oral-motor sensory chewing stuff and so I'm hoping that can calm her a little.

I don't know how but she is even finding hidden ones; we call it her contraband. Every time we think we have gotten rid of the last ones we find her with a new one. Even different colored soothies (and we have never bought different colored ones) so I think she stole it from a kid at church and hid it b/c Monday morning she had when she came out of her room. I have faith though that the worse for her is over... If not, well there is always the Betty Ford Clinic!

But with a little luck her permanent green appendage will be gone!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Going crazy and finding Calm (Callum)...

Today we sat in church and the kids were on a roll driving me totally crazy. Than I had the most random non-sensical thought I've ever had: hmm... I miss them as squishy cute little babies... maybe I should just have another...

Yes, that was a moment of pure insanity and should it had persisted I would have needed to be committed into a looney bin for a long long time. I guess it was a combination of having missed them while I was away and holding my niece Juliet who is 10 months. It just goes so fast and I'm already missing it a little.

Don't worry though, the moment passed and there will be no more baby cakes or cupcakes to come in our home!!!!!! It did make me decide what I really need in a couple of years is to expand our family with perhaps a 2nd dog. Mackenzie could use a little buddy! And Heaven knows dogs are much easier than kids ;)

The time away did make me appreciate my babies though more. I had missed Harmon jumping into bed and giving me a little wake up and Rachey showing me how pretty she looks in her outfit. I really missed Callum too. He is still the only one of my little babies that still likes to just sit on my lap, be rocked... I love Cally Cuddles! He is just different. Callum is an old Gaelic/Scottish name meaning "peaceful". That is Callum, peaceful. With everything going on trying to catch up and all it is nice to just have a bundle of peace smiling in your arms at you.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Feeding my husband to a Crocodile and other notable Cancun moments...

Since I can't imagine anyone wants a boring travelogue I thought I would share a memorable stories instead.

So we danced on table tops and we drank too many shots...

As most people know neither Chris or I drink. So when we planned going to Cancun and I would ask my friends what did they do when they went. Their answer normally was "all inclusive: endless drinks/food/ and an oceanside cabana". Since we didn't drink I decided to do only breakfast inclusive at our resort so I wouldn't be charged for alcohol I wasn't planning on drinking. Well the day we did the dolphin swim and went to Isla Mujeres it was an all-inclusive event. By this point I hadn't slept very much for the past couple of days and I was tired. I figured the beer was pouring like wine so I might as well keep the Coca-Cola coming. In one day I drank 7 cokes (probably not smart for a girl w/a heart murmur) but heck I wanted to get at least some of our money back ;)

It was a fun day swimming with dolphins, driving around the island in a golf cart, snorkeling, etc. So on the boat ride home (cokes still flowing) I started dancing. Chris almost died. He can't dance and so he was embarrassed but by that point the entire upper deck of the boat was chanting for him to dance with me and clapping. He took the advice from the movie "Hitch" and tried to stay in the zone but he wanted to die of total embarrassment. Than the crew wanted to start dancing with me. The couple we had been hanging out with agreed: if I drank alcohol I probably would have been the craziest one in the group. As it was I was still one of the liveliest according to the crew even w/o alcohol... Life is too short and man Chris needs to learn to dance!!!

Yo Hablo Espanol Americana...

My husband lived in Mexico City for 2 yrs and so despite the fact that he is as Anglo-Saxon as they come he speaks native Chilango (a fun nick-name for Mexico City dialect). Everybody adored him because while Chris is charming in English he is even more charming in Spanish. He got this Chicharito jersey (famous Mexican soccer player) and so everyone was calling out his name "Hey Chicharito!!!"

The sad thing for me is that even though I'm Puerto Rican I am 3rd generation (my grandparents never learned English, my mom is perectly bilingual, and of course I struggle) and so everything was a challenge. But I'm proud of myself. I forced myself to listen and fully converse rather than lean on Chris to do all of the talking. I did well... when people would ask if I speak the language I would always say Mi esposo hablo perfecto Chilango and yo hablo perfecto Espanol Americana ;) Last year he learned more about me visiting Puerto Rico and this time I learned much more about him visiting Mexico.

A romantic night: me, Chris, and a Crocodile!

Coastal Mexican is just amazing. We we went from street Carne tacos to great fish to Lobster Tacos to shrimp, etc. The best night was our final dinner though. Not just the food but the circumstances. We travel off season so we can get good deals and places will not be crowded. Our final dinner was this amazing fine sea food restaurant out of the way of the bustle. We sat in a private cabana at the end of the dock. We danced in the moon light and just fell a little back in love.

As our night was winding down the waiter asked us if we had noticed the huge crocodile. Chris didn't think it was real so the waiter livened him up... it was real. After that Chris was so flipping scared. He thought we would be eaten at any moment. As we were returning home I told him if he went back to be a dork I was going to take him back and feed him to that crocodile.

My Happy Place...

Recently I read a Summer Fun article telling ladies they need to find their happy place. For me that is hard. I never stop! I'm always dealing with kids, business, family, etc. etc. I feel like my mind doesn't stop. It is difficult b/c I used to love just being by myself and having time to think or better yet not think! Chris kept asking me why I was so quiet this week... I was quiet b/c for the first time in a long time I could just catch up with myself. It was nice. I treasured my swims alone... I would just swimming for as long as I could (swimming is the last real exercise I am allowed to do with my condition). I would watch the water, trees, and the sky. Maybe in the future I will share some of my quiet revelation so I don't forget what I learned. Most notably I just was humbled seeing God's loving hand guide my life. Yes, I have challenges and hardships; but it is during these quiet moments of reflection that I truly understand how greatly blessed I am.

I feel bad having left my kids for so long but it did me good just to rest and get in touch with myself. It also did "us" good! Chris and I need to constantly take some time for ourselves. We forget what being "in love" is like. For this I think us leaving the little ones help them in the long run because it helps us be better parents. But we do look forward to one day taking our kids with us! I can't wait to see Rachel with the dolphins, Harmon para-sailing, and Cally dancing on a boat.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

There is no place like home...

One of my friend on Facebook teased me about coming home: they were like "sure you miss them and can't wait to see them..." but I really did miss my critters and couldn't wait to come home and see them. Seriously who wouldn't want to come home to the best kids ever!

Don't get me wrong, it was a wonderful trip but I really did miss my kids. The good thing is that they missed me horribly (wouldn't leave me until bed time as you can see from the picture) but had a great time at their wonderful Abuelita's home!!!! I think the hardest part leaving is how you feel like you missed something. I know it is only in my mind but it seems like I left a couple babies and got back full blown toddlers. Harmon expressed himself so well about everything that happened. It is great to see them doing so well but it still like I missed so much.

Harmon said it best when we arrived. He jumps into the car and says "Mommy I had a wonderful time at Gualita's but I am ready to go home". It wasn't always easy for him. The first day I wanted to fly back because Harmon told me: "Mommy, I am upset" but by the time I called later he reported happily "Mommy I am having a fun time, I am happy". It is such a groundbreaking happy milestone for him to be talking like this. It makes it much easier for me to leave and know he can express himself finally and I can really respond to what he needs. Even in our December trip this wasn't the case.... BIG MILESTONE!!!

The babies fared pretty well also! Rachel got her first hairstyle (I don't know why I never thought of something like this but we all know girliness is not my forte). My dad just ADORED Callum. They played the "hello/goodbye" game for hours. Callum would run into his study and say "Hello"... my father would say "Hello" and Callum would than say "bye bye" and run out. It gave my father such joy to play like that with him. Honestly it made me happy that everyone had a good time with them. But now they are home and I'm glad, I missed my critters!!!!!!!

We had a great time and I've got fun stories and pictures to share(I'm in the midst of uploading); so I promise they will come tomorrow. But alas for now I'm tired (and shocked when I got to the airport and found out Casey Anthony got acquitted... what the hell????)and I'm just glad to be home with my critters. Tomorrow we are staging the 4th of July... we have time to make up for :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

And the "mom guilt" creepeth in!!!!

This has been probably one of my strangest weeks... but it is over. I just need to finish packing a little and putting the final touches on the kid's stuff. It is really odd to be prepping for vacation that I let the trip fall to the back burner. This has been the most stressful summer I've had in a while so we are going to sort of wing everything.

Anyhow the hardest part will be leaving the kids. I know compared to a lot of parents we travel a lot without them but it still is hard for me to leave them. The good thing is though that this has really motivated me to spend some extra special quality time. That part has been wonderful! I watched Thomas the Train with Harmon, cuddled tons extra with Rachel, and played his favorite game: head-butting with Cally. Honestly when I have this really special time with each child I really kick myself. I shouldn't wait for trips as a reason to take that extra time. I should make a point more of doing it daily.

So today is D-Day. I got a new special toy for each child: Elmo dolly for Cally, Thomas the Train magazine for Harmo, and well Rachel was a challenge. In the aisle Rachel saw a dolly that she loved. She screamed: BABY!!!! Great the doll is only $6 so we are done, right???? No, I give her one and she starts crying again: "more baby more baby". I grab a second one to see if she wanted one with a different color outfit. She grabbed the 2nd one happily so I tried to grab the first one out of her hands.... she screaming: my baby. So I tried to grab the 2nd one and she repeated: my baby. Than I remembered, "oh yeah, she has a twin complex". If you don't remember Rachel only likes dolls if they come in 2's... so yup I had to buy 2 dolls! Ugh... the trouble with twins!!!!

So I tucked them in for their final nap and in an hour we will take them over to Gualita's... I will get them settled and we will leave. I'm giving my mom a family of our new pictures so she can show the babies and Harmon it if they start missing us. We will be gone for a week and I feel bad. I will miss them horribly BUT Heaven knows Chris and I need this time. The waters of Cancun await and so I need to leave the mom guilt at the door.

PS: The blog will be on Vacation until Thursday July 6, 2011. Have a WONDERFUL 4th of July everyone :)