Friday, September 25, 2009

4 amazing weeks!

Can you believe it has been only 4 wks since I gave birth. I still think I am a little traumatized by all that happened that day but when I take a step back and realize how miraculous this time has been I am humbled.

4 wks ago Rachel wouldn't even cry and was on a respirator. Callum was so small that his chest sunk in each time his little body took a breath. Today both are off of the warmers and learning to eat from bottles. Rumor has it we might even leave in 2 wks or so. I just can't express how grateful I am for this.

Oh and here is a picture of Callum all handsome in his normal clothing.

He now bottle feeds 2x a day and Rachel 3x a day. We have to get them up to 12 feeds a day and a little more weight to send them home. Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. ::crossing my fingers::
    Such precious babies and they are growing stronger everyday! They have made a lot of progress in 4 weeks :)

  2. Hooray. I'm hoping for two weeks for all of you. We love you! You guys are amazing. :)


Friday, September 25, 2009

4 amazing weeks!

Can you believe it has been only 4 wks since I gave birth. I still think I am a little traumatized by all that happened that day but when I take a step back and realize how miraculous this time has been I am humbled.

4 wks ago Rachel wouldn't even cry and was on a respirator. Callum was so small that his chest sunk in each time his little body took a breath. Today both are off of the warmers and learning to eat from bottles. Rumor has it we might even leave in 2 wks or so. I just can't express how grateful I am for this.

Oh and here is a picture of Callum all handsome in his normal clothing.

He now bottle feeds 2x a day and Rachel 3x a day. We have to get them up to 12 feeds a day and a little more weight to send them home. Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. ::crossing my fingers::
    Such precious babies and they are growing stronger everyday! They have made a lot of progress in 4 weeks :)

  2. Hooray. I'm hoping for two weeks for all of you. We love you! You guys are amazing. :)
