Yesterday was just one of those where the bad news kept coming. Also I was just worn thin. Chris was also nearing his breaking point and so was Miriam. Some days since the accident we are all really just flourishing. At other times though to be honest we are holding it together with our teeth it feels like.
So of course I knew Miriam was supposed to pick up Harm from school but I was busy getting a medical procedure done that was taking a couple of hours. Miriam thought Chris was going to do it and Chris figured two of our friends were helping. So of course mid-procedure I get a text: it has been 20 mins, who is getting Harmon? They really need to get here.
I freaked (which caused the procedure to take longer). I sent Chris right away since the office is very close to school. He said the teacher was fuming and told him very sarcastically, "this is an important not to forget isn't it? More important than a house." I felt bad. It was my fault and he got thrown under the bus. Harm never noticed. We all made a mistake. You would think one of 3 parents wouldn't forget :(
gee I would think the teacher would have some sympathy to what is going on in your family these days and cut some you all some slack this time!