When I was growing up I wanted to do well in school, work, and have tons of adventures criss-crossing the country and eventually the globe. I never ruled out marriage and children but it was never part of the plan. I think for that reason I was pretty judgemental back in my single days. If I saw a kid screaming his guts out at Target I would think, "gee put a muzzle on that kid or something". I didn't understand why my co-workers who were moms sometimes seemed so frazzled and tired. Now 2 1/2 yrs into this I'm the frazzled and tired one w/the kid who needs a muzzle. I think any mom w/a 2 yr old feels like getting through anything is a challenge somedays but when you add in the fact that Harmon is on the spectrum it just makes things harder b/c his senses get so overloaded that he can no longer come to terms w/reality.
In time and w/help this will get better but it is hard. Yesterday at the store he was having one of his total meltdowns. He was was punching and biting and screaming and pinching etc. I just couldn't get him to look at me and focus so he could calm down. That is when not one but 2 nice strangers came and rather than judge, offered to help me. With their help I was able to get him to calm down. Today he had another meltdown during swim class and again no one judged. The other parents offered me support as did the teachers.
It humbles me to see this. I think of all the times I've judged others and never considered helping instead and I know I need to be better in the future.
Oh to be a mother. So difficult. I love when people give me a look of understanding, or offer to help. Nothing is better than that. I am so glad you have angels around helping you. What sweet people there are in the world, despite what the news says.