So today we had a big adventure: we went to visit the specialist and see if Callum's plagiocephaly (flat head) would require a helmet. The good news is that Cally's head is doing well and so we will not be sporting a funky helmet 23 hrs a day!!!!
On the other hand we were all casually talking about Rachel's difficulty to walk and the physical therapist tellling us Rachel might need an AFO from an orthotic. He started telling us how silly that was and how kids her age rarely need it. So to prove it to us he started working with her feet and immedeatly became concerned. He than said, that the physical therapist is right and that we need to address this issue aggresively or her condition will require surgery later.
So yes, I'm very worried right now. It has been quite a stressful week already (we got in the twins test results for thier year end development and Rachel especially had some odd results so she is being reffered for further evaluation in Albuquerque... I'll explain it someday when I know more) and now we have this to worry about. We are going to see more specialist soon I'm sure. So we lose one problem and now we have a new one that perhaps was more serious than the first.
In a happy note: The doctor we saw was across the street from Las Palmas Hospital where I lived for 2 mos and the twins lived for another 6 wks in the NICU. We visited our favorite NICU nurse and than popped in to say hi to the anti-partum nurses who took care of me. Even with the bad news today it was nice to celebrate just how far we have come.
Health has always been a trial in your life, hasn't it? I am so sorry to hear about Rachael! I hope it can be fixed without surgery and Yay for Callum's head fixing itself. That is a relief, I must say. You are all in my prayers, as always.