Monday, May 3, 2010

Twins by numbers and pictures!

So I was taking some pictures for an ad for work and I had my camera left out after we got back from the store. So I decided to do a photo tour of what life w/twins by the numbers is like!

They are innocent and VERY tiny but don't let it fool you... they consume!

We go through 5 of these per month. They are 3 lb "double cans" of formula. One is missing... probably still in the car.

This is a month of solids. It is 78 servings!

These are the daily bottles. Depending on the time of day they eat more or less formula. We do 5 feedings every 24 hrs. They hate large servings and still don't sleep through the night.

Bulky kid equipment everywhere x2! We have had at one point or another 2 bouncers, 2 swings, 2 excersaucers, 2 play mats, 2 infant carseats, 2 boppies, 2 bumbo chairs; and soon we will have 2 convertible carseats, 2 high chairs (I'm desperately holding off), and 2 cribs in the nursery. Big stuff sucks. There is no place to walk.

Diapers by bulk (about 200 a month per child and a big box of 720 wipes). We keep Rach in the Huggies and Cally in the Pampers b/c they are in different sizes and it is easier to differentiate.

Laundry for a week. We normally have about 13 outfits per week (we have some ubber cute onesies I use on days we don't leave the house), 16 onesies, 14 sleepers, 14 pairs of socks, and about 40 bibs!

Pacifiers are the bain of my existence. I can only guess but we probably have around 40 lying around our house and or in the SUV but when the twins are screaming NONE are anywhere to be found. We buy around 6 new ones a month and had 14 to begin with. I'm sure we also have lost some in the line of duty at restaurants, stores, and parks.

These are more for me than for the twins. Daddy always tries to get fresh ones for me each week. It is my reward for all the poopy diapers I deal with while he is at the office ;)


  1. Love it. I often think Flash goes through a lot, but you take the cake with your cupcakes. :) They are growing fast. I can't wait to meet them. You still coming out to visit?

  2. I'm not even going to try to do the math - but I can see that if all adds up! Bully for you two, you are doing such a geat job, and those kids are so dang cute and happy you know they are getting lots of good lovin'! Chris gets a gold star for bringing you fresh flowers each week.

  3. I am so glad that you did this post. I have been wondering about the numbers. Hey and if you need to get rid of any of your things, I know someone that is having a boy and girl twins too:).

  4. That sounds about normal! We used to go through about the same amount of formula, when we had all three in diapers they went through a case every 3-4 days!

  5. Hi there! I just found your blog! I have four boys and a set of almost four month old twin girls! I can so relate. I breastfeed 99% of the time, but the girls now get a bottle at bedtime to top them off. I feel like I spend all day changing diapers (I use cloth most of the time, so I don't get an accurate count). I'm hoping to keep them in one crib a bit longer so that we can save on space...we live in a three bedroom house! (These twins were a HUGE surprise!) Stop by my blog and see my girls (and boys too...!) Your kiddos are super adorable!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Twins by numbers and pictures!

So I was taking some pictures for an ad for work and I had my camera left out after we got back from the store. So I decided to do a photo tour of what life w/twins by the numbers is like!

They are innocent and VERY tiny but don't let it fool you... they consume!

We go through 5 of these per month. They are 3 lb "double cans" of formula. One is missing... probably still in the car.

This is a month of solids. It is 78 servings!

These are the daily bottles. Depending on the time of day they eat more or less formula. We do 5 feedings every 24 hrs. They hate large servings and still don't sleep through the night.

Bulky kid equipment everywhere x2! We have had at one point or another 2 bouncers, 2 swings, 2 excersaucers, 2 play mats, 2 infant carseats, 2 boppies, 2 bumbo chairs; and soon we will have 2 convertible carseats, 2 high chairs (I'm desperately holding off), and 2 cribs in the nursery. Big stuff sucks. There is no place to walk.

Diapers by bulk (about 200 a month per child and a big box of 720 wipes). We keep Rach in the Huggies and Cally in the Pampers b/c they are in different sizes and it is easier to differentiate.

Laundry for a week. We normally have about 13 outfits per week (we have some ubber cute onesies I use on days we don't leave the house), 16 onesies, 14 sleepers, 14 pairs of socks, and about 40 bibs!

Pacifiers are the bain of my existence. I can only guess but we probably have around 40 lying around our house and or in the SUV but when the twins are screaming NONE are anywhere to be found. We buy around 6 new ones a month and had 14 to begin with. I'm sure we also have lost some in the line of duty at restaurants, stores, and parks.

These are more for me than for the twins. Daddy always tries to get fresh ones for me each week. It is my reward for all the poopy diapers I deal with while he is at the office ;)


  1. Love it. I often think Flash goes through a lot, but you take the cake with your cupcakes. :) They are growing fast. I can't wait to meet them. You still coming out to visit?

  2. I'm not even going to try to do the math - but I can see that if all adds up! Bully for you two, you are doing such a geat job, and those kids are so dang cute and happy you know they are getting lots of good lovin'! Chris gets a gold star for bringing you fresh flowers each week.

  3. I am so glad that you did this post. I have been wondering about the numbers. Hey and if you need to get rid of any of your things, I know someone that is having a boy and girl twins too:).

  4. That sounds about normal! We used to go through about the same amount of formula, when we had all three in diapers they went through a case every 3-4 days!

  5. Hi there! I just found your blog! I have four boys and a set of almost four month old twin girls! I can so relate. I breastfeed 99% of the time, but the girls now get a bottle at bedtime to top them off. I feel like I spend all day changing diapers (I use cloth most of the time, so I don't get an accurate count). I'm hoping to keep them in one crib a bit longer so that we can save on space...we live in a three bedroom house! (These twins were a HUGE surprise!) Stop by my blog and see my girls (and boys too...!) Your kiddos are super adorable!
