Monday, May 31, 2010
Our Last Ad!

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Taking time for Mom...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Involuntary Smiles...
I have a friend who blogs and she talks about "Involuntary Smiles". She defines them loosely as spontaneous smiles that just HAPPEN when something unexpected makes us smile. If we really look at our days I think she is right. You have tons of oppourtunites for these moments!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Welcome the plague! (Bad Omens)
Maybe it is b/c I am half Puerto Rican but I've always been hugely superstitious. Last night was a lovely evening and we really had such a good time. We got the kids to bed early and I wrapped up everything and got into bed by 10:30. But I couldn't sleep... I just had a HORRIBLE feeling something bad was coming. I took a sleeping pill... it didn't work... so I took another... I finally drifted off into a Benadryl stupor when I awoke to the oh so HORRIBLE wretching noise... BLAH! Poor Chris got soooo sick and has spent the whole day in bed today or worse. His whole family has been passing around this horrendous stomach virus (so far 7 have come down with it) and so now I just have this horrible feeling of a new foreboding: I CAN'T GET SICK!!!!! Or worse, my Nanny better not get sick!!!! Or even WORSE THAN THAT what would happen if we both got sick???? Or the most worse scenario at all WHAT IF THE KIDS GET SICK????? Hopefully this is just silly worrying not another omen... just in case I washed all our emergency crib/tot bed sheets so I am prepared for the worse.
So if you are wondering if having Chris sick was bad for me? YES, yes it was! I am so spoiled at night that he deals w/colicky Callum (he gets lonely in his crib). Between Callum, and being worried about Chris I think I slept 3 hrs. Today was logjammed w/appointments and "must do's" so there was no time to feel sorry for myself and of course Harm woke me up at the butt crack of dawn (obviously he went to bed way way too early last night). I've got through everything in a coma. In fact I didn't realize I had Harm's poop on my pants until a few hrs after it happend. Chris is feeling better and it was cute having him call me on my cell phone each time he wanted fresh Gatorade ;) I will miss him tomorrow. But I got through everything, the kids show NO signs of illness, and neither do I so I am VERY grateful. Hopefully the plague is over!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Doing his own thing...
Friday, May 21, 2010
A little about my Chris!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I really don't think I can believe tonight...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dear Rachel...

Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is church like w/3 kids?
That doesn't always work today someone took our usual pew and the chapel was completely full. This left us on a new pew right next to the exit. So Harm tried to crawl under the pew and over the pew in a bid for freedom. Another problem w/this was that it was right next to the air conditioning system and THE LIGHTS... yes you do know where this is going! Today in the middle of church Harm turned off a 1/3 of the chapel's lights. I tried to stop him but I had Rach in my hands and I wasn't quick enough. He did this twice before I could subdue him. It was priceless to see an entire chapel turn around and STARE at you. Daddy and I try... it just isn't easy.
The next hour is fairly easy b/c Harm attends Primary Sunday School and we only have the twins. It is divide and conquer and we have WONDERFUL friends who often give us a break and kidnap one or both of the babies. Today one of my sweet friends took Rachel when she got fussy into the hall. She got mad and I could hear her so I grabbed her bottle. That ran out and we forgot extra formula!!!! So I went back into the room to grab Puffs. When I came back out Rachel peed ALL OVER the carpet and my friend (I had forgotten to change her diaper). I feel so bad.
It is funny b/c I know I will miss this when they are older, living far away with their own families and I am attending church just Chris and I. I need to treasure these times even when they are frustrating... but days like this make me consider being an agnostic!
Friday, May 14, 2010
My poor little men! (Big Scare)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The gag reflex!
This morning Harmon sauntered into the room and quickly jumped into my bed next to Cally. I was busy getting dressed so at first I didn't notice... but than I smelled it... VOMIT! I can not handle smelly things: poop, vomit, etc. I still am not used to it after three children, I clean it b/c I love them but I have to desperately fight the GAG reflex. So yes, my poor sweet boy was covered in head to toe vomit. I went to his room and it was everywhere! You would think he had starred in Exorcist. He also kindly had gotten it all over our bed too.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
One of those days...

Saturday, May 8, 2010
The strangest comments!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Harmon going to school? Already?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Ramblings of a tired women after a long day...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Twins by numbers and pictures!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Oh no!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Our Last Ad!

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Taking time for Mom...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Involuntary Smiles...
I have a friend who blogs and she talks about "Involuntary Smiles". She defines them loosely as spontaneous smiles that just HAPPEN when something unexpected makes us smile. If we really look at our days I think she is right. You have tons of oppourtunites for these moments!!!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Welcome the plague! (Bad Omens)
Maybe it is b/c I am half Puerto Rican but I've always been hugely superstitious. Last night was a lovely evening and we really had such a good time. We got the kids to bed early and I wrapped up everything and got into bed by 10:30. But I couldn't sleep... I just had a HORRIBLE feeling something bad was coming. I took a sleeping pill... it didn't work... so I took another... I finally drifted off into a Benadryl stupor when I awoke to the oh so HORRIBLE wretching noise... BLAH! Poor Chris got soooo sick and has spent the whole day in bed today or worse. His whole family has been passing around this horrendous stomach virus (so far 7 have come down with it) and so now I just have this horrible feeling of a new foreboding: I CAN'T GET SICK!!!!! Or worse, my Nanny better not get sick!!!! Or even WORSE THAN THAT what would happen if we both got sick???? Or the most worse scenario at all WHAT IF THE KIDS GET SICK????? Hopefully this is just silly worrying not another omen... just in case I washed all our emergency crib/tot bed sheets so I am prepared for the worse.
So if you are wondering if having Chris sick was bad for me? YES, yes it was! I am so spoiled at night that he deals w/colicky Callum (he gets lonely in his crib). Between Callum, and being worried about Chris I think I slept 3 hrs. Today was logjammed w/appointments and "must do's" so there was no time to feel sorry for myself and of course Harm woke me up at the butt crack of dawn (obviously he went to bed way way too early last night). I've got through everything in a coma. In fact I didn't realize I had Harm's poop on my pants until a few hrs after it happend. Chris is feeling better and it was cute having him call me on my cell phone each time he wanted fresh Gatorade ;) I will miss him tomorrow. But I got through everything, the kids show NO signs of illness, and neither do I so I am VERY grateful. Hopefully the plague is over!!!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Doing his own thing...
Friday, May 21, 2010
A little about my Chris!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I really don't think I can believe tonight...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dear Rachel...

Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is church like w/3 kids?
That doesn't always work today someone took our usual pew and the chapel was completely full. This left us on a new pew right next to the exit. So Harm tried to crawl under the pew and over the pew in a bid for freedom. Another problem w/this was that it was right next to the air conditioning system and THE LIGHTS... yes you do know where this is going! Today in the middle of church Harm turned off a 1/3 of the chapel's lights. I tried to stop him but I had Rach in my hands and I wasn't quick enough. He did this twice before I could subdue him. It was priceless to see an entire chapel turn around and STARE at you. Daddy and I try... it just isn't easy.
The next hour is fairly easy b/c Harm attends Primary Sunday School and we only have the twins. It is divide and conquer and we have WONDERFUL friends who often give us a break and kidnap one or both of the babies. Today one of my sweet friends took Rachel when she got fussy into the hall. She got mad and I could hear her so I grabbed her bottle. That ran out and we forgot extra formula!!!! So I went back into the room to grab Puffs. When I came back out Rachel peed ALL OVER the carpet and my friend (I had forgotten to change her diaper). I feel so bad.
It is funny b/c I know I will miss this when they are older, living far away with their own families and I am attending church just Chris and I. I need to treasure these times even when they are frustrating... but days like this make me consider being an agnostic!
Friday, May 14, 2010
My poor little men! (Big Scare)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The gag reflex!
This morning Harmon sauntered into the room and quickly jumped into my bed next to Cally. I was busy getting dressed so at first I didn't notice... but than I smelled it... VOMIT! I can not handle smelly things: poop, vomit, etc. I still am not used to it after three children, I clean it b/c I love them but I have to desperately fight the GAG reflex. So yes, my poor sweet boy was covered in head to toe vomit. I went to his room and it was everywhere! You would think he had starred in Exorcist. He also kindly had gotten it all over our bed too.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
One of those days...