Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a day... and Tomorrow more of the same?!?

Vintage Harmon b/c I'm too lazy to download the new pictures

Anyone who reads this blog and deals with any type of snow or rain on a regular basis probably thinks I am a crazy whiny women but man this storm was NOT FUN!

Let's see today I dealt with rolling black outs the whole day. I never realized how gratful I am for electricity. Everything was closed today including Target and the Mall. Even if I did manage out of the house, despite my driveway being an ice skating rink, it isn't like we had a place to go :p The worse was that the specialist who was supposed to see me for my sinus issue (I've been waiting for 6 wks to see him and am still not myself) canceled b/c their office never opened! Seriously, now they want me to wait till the last day in February... argh!

So we were stranded at home (Chris managed to miss most of the drama working in El Paso today) but it could have been worse. Miriam our nanny did actually make it to work late after it looked like she wouldn't make it. I owe her (and her brother who took her) BIG TIME!!! Harm was out of control. Poor little guy loves his pre-k and being stuck at home was just torture for him. I had some Thomas trains that were meant for his birthday that I took out in desperation... it helped until he got sick tonight and vomited b/c he had too many cookies.

Tomorrow school is canceled again and so are my meetings for Rachel (they are now on Friday). I'm frustrated with that to no end. I feel like time is of the essence figuring out her therapy plan. But Miriam and I have plans assuming Harm is doing well. One reader gave a great idea about bringing the snow into a bowl inside to play with the kids and so we will try that. I got some watercolors and I have a new coloring book all the kids can play with. Also Chris and I are taking Harm out to lunch and to the design center... hopefully that will stave off Harm's cabin sickness. It should go good I think! I have 2 more Thomas trains left I can bring out if we really get desperate again.

One more snow day and hopefully the world will be back as it should be!!!! So those who live in cold places laugh if you may at my wussiness, but remember I lived in Las Vegas during many Summers and can handle a 128 degree day like it was nothing ;) Try that!


  1. Wow, that sounds intense! And I am jealous. I would much rather have major snowstorms over this frigid cold. Blech. Good luck for tomorrow.

  2. I'm with ya! There was nothing fun about the storm! It was so stinkin cold outside that the kids couldn't even enjoy it! I hate being cooped up at home and oh how I love electricity. I hope and pray tomorrow is better to!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What a day... and Tomorrow more of the same?!?

Vintage Harmon b/c I'm too lazy to download the new pictures

Anyone who reads this blog and deals with any type of snow or rain on a regular basis probably thinks I am a crazy whiny women but man this storm was NOT FUN!

Let's see today I dealt with rolling black outs the whole day. I never realized how gratful I am for electricity. Everything was closed today including Target and the Mall. Even if I did manage out of the house, despite my driveway being an ice skating rink, it isn't like we had a place to go :p The worse was that the specialist who was supposed to see me for my sinus issue (I've been waiting for 6 wks to see him and am still not myself) canceled b/c their office never opened! Seriously, now they want me to wait till the last day in February... argh!

So we were stranded at home (Chris managed to miss most of the drama working in El Paso today) but it could have been worse. Miriam our nanny did actually make it to work late after it looked like she wouldn't make it. I owe her (and her brother who took her) BIG TIME!!! Harm was out of control. Poor little guy loves his pre-k and being stuck at home was just torture for him. I had some Thomas trains that were meant for his birthday that I took out in desperation... it helped until he got sick tonight and vomited b/c he had too many cookies.

Tomorrow school is canceled again and so are my meetings for Rachel (they are now on Friday). I'm frustrated with that to no end. I feel like time is of the essence figuring out her therapy plan. But Miriam and I have plans assuming Harm is doing well. One reader gave a great idea about bringing the snow into a bowl inside to play with the kids and so we will try that. I got some watercolors and I have a new coloring book all the kids can play with. Also Chris and I are taking Harm out to lunch and to the design center... hopefully that will stave off Harm's cabin sickness. It should go good I think! I have 2 more Thomas trains left I can bring out if we really get desperate again.

One more snow day and hopefully the world will be back as it should be!!!! So those who live in cold places laugh if you may at my wussiness, but remember I lived in Las Vegas during many Summers and can handle a 128 degree day like it was nothing ;) Try that!


  1. Wow, that sounds intense! And I am jealous. I would much rather have major snowstorms over this frigid cold. Blech. Good luck for tomorrow.

  2. I'm with ya! There was nothing fun about the storm! It was so stinkin cold outside that the kids couldn't even enjoy it! I hate being cooped up at home and oh how I love electricity. I hope and pray tomorrow is better to!
