We are very blessed to be moving in a couple of months to a new home that will offer the children more space. There are a lot of one time expenses that come with that and so our vacation budget is going to have to be cut. That hurts b/c I skimp all year long on all sorts of things so we can travel. It is my favorite thing and of all the places we have gone I'm never happier than when I'm in the ocean.
We wanted Hawaii this year but the overages are going to put us just short of that goal and considering expenses there are high I don't think I can fudge the numbers.. I keep running the numbers and it doesn't fit so I need to kiss my Caribbean good-bye and get over it. With all the stress we have had though I really want to be irresponsible and sale a kidney or something so we can go. In general though we love traveling and I'm sure we can find something slightly more affordable and just as fun... but it still won't be Oahu :( As Suze would say: DENIED!!!!!!!
You have no idea how jealous I am that you can go on vacations. Really. But I would be heartbroken as well if I had been planning on HI and was then told that I couldn't go. I hope you can go to FL or somewhere else that will put you near the ocean. Maybe Puerto Rico?