I'm waiting to hear about a friend's daughter who might be really sick with cancer. It just made me realize how precious every day I have with all three of my children is. Yes we are facing some challenges but they are minor to the challenges we faced when the day they were born. Neither is on tubes, both are breathing, and in general they are just really thriving!
To mark this oh so special day Callum came walking up to me this morning going "Mama" and than when I picked him up he smiled and said "Mama". It is official he knows me. Speech doesn't come easily and words are very special. It was a beautiful thing to hear! It was his first word (other than quacking and barking).
Since it is Rachel's 1/2 birthday as well it is good to point out that she is no slacker! She has NEVER let me, Chris, or our nanny leave the room when other people are around. At church she stayed in the nursery the whole time. It was so nice to have a break like that and I am so happy that she is learning how to socialize with other kids and adults!
Monday, February 28, 2011
18 months of miracles! (and a first word)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A joyous celebration!
Each child must be celebrated. Even when you have a few and life gets in the way it is important to STOP and let each one know how special they are. Yesterday was Harm's day!
We finally celebrated his 3rd birthday (which occurred on the 17th of January)! I was sick during his birthday. There was a lot of other stuff going on so we kept having to push the actual party back. It was worth the wait though.
There was a smaller group of guests than the twins party but that was part of what made it nice. Everything was just very casual and laid back. In fact I didn't take a lot of pictures b/c I was too busy having fun with our guests. Harmon had one his classmates come, many of our friends came with their kids, family of course, and Chris even had a childhood friend come with his family from El Paso. It was just right. Everyone enjoyed the party except for Callum who slept the whole time... he wasn't feeling too good :(
Our food was real simple! It was a sub sandwich buffet w/chips, dips, veggies, and fresh fruit while the kids munched down on PB & Js or PB & Nutella sandwiches. It was great b/c neither Chris and I had to lift a finger. We had crafts but all the kids were having too much fun just playing. Even opening presents was just real fun. Harmon is in Heaven b/c he has sooo many new fun toys (including lots of new Thomas toys... in fact last night he was feeding a new Percy train french fries).
The kids loved the bounce house, pinata, etc. I felt bad b/c it wasn't exactly all Thomas. We got a 50% discount on the Cars bounce house as opposed to the the train one. We never got to El Paso for a Thomas pinata so I bought the cheap Sam's Club one. Chris' friend teased me that it was a "transportation theme". It wasn't my best work as per themes but when it comes to a bunch of small children no one really cared. Everyone had fun and it proved once again that I should just let it fly sometimes!
For more pictures you can see our family album blog: link.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I hate you Suze Orman!
We budget very carefully in our home. It is important to be responsible because even though things are good now things can change very very quickly. When we make a budget we need to stay by it... right?

We are very blessed to be moving in a couple of months to a new home that will offer the children more space. There are a lot of one time expenses that come with that and so our vacation budget is going to have to be cut. That hurts b/c I skimp all year long on all sorts of things so we can travel. It is my favorite thing and of all the places we have gone I'm never happier than when I'm in the ocean.
We wanted Hawaii this year but the overages are going to put us just short of that goal and considering expenses there are high I don't think I can fudge the numbers.. I keep running the numbers and it doesn't fit so I need to kiss my Caribbean good-bye and get over it. With all the stress we have had though I really want to be irresponsible and sale a kidney or something so we can go. In general though we love traveling and I'm sure we can find something slightly more affordable and just as fun... but it still won't be Oahu :( As Suze would say: DENIED!!!!!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Blogging while exhausted :p
This morning I laughed when I glanced at my blog... it was complete gibberish! I tried to edit it a little but it was a pretty crazy convoluted post. I think this is a sign I need to be simplifying my life more... but how does one go about doing that?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
That wasn't the plan but life is still good!
Miriam our nanny teases me horribly because when I have the most work to be done things always fall apart. Today that is what happened!
Everything was scheduled perfectly balancing kids and all the work that needed to be done. By the time it was over with I got vomited on, missed appointments, bribed the pedi office w/cookies (I love those ladies) to ensure there was nothing infectious going on in the house (there isn't, the puke was b/c of antibiotics from an ear infection), and pretty much got the bare minimum done with Miriam's help during the day and Chris' tonight.
Things are not all bad though. Callum is walking more and more and he is looking so good doing it. There are no serious illnesses (just ear infections and allergies). Rachel's important Cerebral Palsy assessment from UNM is coming out next week after the physician team were kind enough to rush it. The best thing today Harmon's Vice-Principal came to me when I was picking him up. She gushed about how she has been watching him since he began and how amazing his progress has been... almost miraculous in her words. He is just really thriving in school and I am in great debt to his teachers and therapists. Two of his school friends are even coming to his party this weekend. I remember when I used to blog about how things were so frustrating with Harmon and now things are going so great for him! It was such an unexpected bit of sunshine today.
Tomorrow I have more work to be done, only one appointment, and even lunch w/a friend. The party is looking to be lovely! I'm surrounded by such great people like Miriam who teaches me great things about my children, the early intervention teams who love my kids, great friends, and of course my husband. It makes the days go by so much better and even when plans fall through all is not lost.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quack Quack...
I haven't talked a lot about Callum lately and Callum is just doing such a great job these days so he was long overdue a post!!! As my mom would say he is doing his "walkings, walkings and talkings, talkings"! I love him, he is so cute. He passed my mom a rubber ducky on Saturday and he tells her "quack quack". She was confused and so she just looked at him so he proceeded to quack. When she got it she quacked and than next thing we know he is just rolling in laughter. He just likes hearing people quack.
He feels the same way about barking. I have a book by Sandra Boynton that is about 10 barking dogs and you have to bark 10 different ways. Cally loves that book and when I can't read it to him he just sits patiently and keeps barking at the book until I cave. Callum loves all books and brings them to any person who walks through our doors. There is nothing funnier than seeing random people trying to read Dr. Seuss. Today he tormented Rachel's poor social worker who has no rhythm with his favorite book: Rings Rings Fingers Thumbs.
His walking is improving. His gait is really good and so even though it took him longer it is definitely quality movement. With all the challenges we have had with Rachel it makes me appreciate more the little things like walking with your feet facing forward.
I'm really proud of Callum. Sometimes I wish each twin had been like Harmon and I could have enjoyed them one at a time b/c I feel like I miss so much. Now that Rachel has this diagnoses I need to remember to brag and gush over my Cally just like I do my Rachel b/c everything wonderful he is doing is just as special!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Now I know how Cinderella feels!!!

Unfortunately one of the great little tidbits of news I got was that Rachel won't be able to wear any of her old shoes except for her high tops. They act like an orthotic to help straighten her ankle and prevent toe walking. In time she will have a permanent orthotics and than she can wear maybe certain sneakers also. The days of cute shoes are over :(
It isn't a big deal but in a way for me it is. It is just the beginning of her starting to look different. I had these adorable sandals that matched her bathing suit and hat that she will never wear. No ballet shoes, no flip flops, no mary janes, and of course when she is older no heels for prom or her first date. I don't want her to look different from her cohorts. I feel bad the little guys get to romp around the house barefoot in a few months and she will have to have shoes and socks on always.
Oh well, there is nothing to be done. So if anyone has a link for great high tops please do share! She is an infant size 3 still and the shoes need to have firm sides (the Converse ones are too floppy). I'm having the worse time finding them b/c it is out of season :(
Perhaps one day long away in the future her Prince Charming will first notice her for her enchanting high top in July... It worked for Cinderella right?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Return to me...
As I have mentioned Chris and I have a VERY serious life it feels like sometimes. Friday was a very serious day for each of us. Chris had personnel issues at work to solve which are always stressful, I was dealing w/a therapist violating our HIPAA rights and breaching confidentiality with Rachel's condition, we had to make final decisions on our house, etc. etc. I think by the end of the day we just didn't even want to talk. He tried a little but the effort minimal and mine was non-existent. I was so stressed last night that I don't think I fell asleep till past one. I finally drifted off watching this silly show on Animal Planet about 25o lb stingrays in a river in East Asia.
Today wasn't going much better. We had differences of opinion about the latest model, what to have for breakfast, what to do for the day, and how to spend our cash at the Farmer's Market. After visiting family the kids were all napping and we could either go our separate ways or we could watch a cheesy movie that found it's way on our cue. We choose the latter... it was a cheesy but cute romantic comedy/drama "Return to Me" about a guy's wife dying and he finding a second chance at love with a girl who got a second chance at life with a heart transplant (which happen to be his dead wife's).

Afterwards we talked about not putting off our dreams (like going to Europe again) while we diligently plan for the future. We cuddled and laughed together. We didn't talk about work and cerebral palsy was not in our vocabulary. There were no inlaw issues to discuss or wondering when our diaper expenses will no longer be in the triple digits. I reminded him that he better remember I am an organ donor and if he goes he will be donated.
It was nice! We worked so hard at Valentines to be romantic and it didn't work. It goes to show the nicest moments in life are always the simplest :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I finally ran away...
Last night in about 6 hrs. my kids woke us up 9 times. The twins are on another teething kick but Harmon was just on some sort of kick from who knows where! He was the ring leader and he was just moaning in pain. We asked him if he was okay and he said yeah but when I asked if he had an ouchie he said yeah to that as well. So after not sleeping the whole night Chris left for work at I think 7 (which is my wake up time and he is normally already at work long before than). I turned of the alarm clock b/c I was miserably tired.
I dreamed Chris and I ran away while the kids were napping. We were heading to the mall (a cool one like in Vegas not a boring one like here in Las Cruces). We went there and I invented the most amazing thing: an automated fresh Dominos Pizza Vending machine. The machine makes a 100% fresh pizza in 10 minutes after you order it and it comes out like a coke at the bottom. I was so proud of myself but we realized we needed to get back home before the kids woke up. So we got into a HUGE fight on the way home b/c Chris wanted to take a wierd shortcut. We drove over a cattleguard that was more like those spikes that you see in the fancy gated communities so people don't go out the exit instead of going through the coded entrance. Of course our tires popped and I was mad at Chris b/c our knew our nanny Miriam would be there and she would be very upset we left the kids unattended for a nap.
I was freaking out... it seemed so real but it really was just a dream. I come to my senses and grab my phone. It said 9:03... thank heaven's this was the day Miriam didn't come till 9:45 and I didn't need to be anywhere until 10. I could hear the twins laughing in their cribs and Harmon was just rousing himself.
I guess the point of this blog is that I need sleep b/c I'm beginning to hallucinate.
Today I took Harmon to the doctors. He is fine. She thinks it is just an allergy headache that had him so miserable. He is on Zyrtec now and hopefully tonight will mean some good sleep for everyone. He and I spent about 2 hrs alone together and we had a great time tonight. I may want to run away sometimes but I'm glad I always come home :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The EVIL Droid Rooster!

At the butt crack of dawn both of us practically fall out of bed. You would think that stupid rooster was violently getting murdered in a cock fight. Here is a sample if you don't believe me: link but trust me when it is going off for like 1 minute it is MUCH worse.
So yes, the IPhone is superior. It has a peaceful harp sound I wake up too. So Mr. Rooster I'm channeling my Cee Lo Green and all I've got to say is "Forget you"!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Best Valentines Day gift EVER!!!!!!!!!
In times past my Valentines gifts have always been the sweet but usual suspects: flowers, chocolates, earrings, etc.
Today I got the most amazing Valentines day gift ever and it didn't cost Chris a dime! Right after Rachel's occupational therapy she was a little anxious so I picked her up and took her to our family photos. She loves to look at the pictures and I always tell her who everyone is. Before I opened my mouth she focused on Chris in one of the pictures and said "daddy" all on her own. I hadn't even mentioned the word all morning but she saw his picture and said it all on her own.
This is special for us. The specialists all have warned us that speaking might be very difficult with her cerebral palsy. One beautiful, completely spontaneous word has given me so much hope that this will NOT be an issue for her. That is the best feeling ever and the best Valentines day gift a girl could ask for :)
Edit: Tonight Harmon came in here with a card. "Please open Mommy, it is gift for you". It wasn't what was in the card that mattered, all my babies are the best gift ever and Chris reminded me one last time tonight of that!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Procrastination is not just a gift but an art form!
My friends and I locally have a tradition. Rather than exchanging Christmas Cards you drop off freshly baked goods. Some make tasty breads while others make yummy cookies. We received countless sweet treats and warm wishes. Planning ahead at the beginning of December I bought lots of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Kisses, and rolls of Pillsbury gingerbread cookie dough. The PB cups are gone b/c of Chris' slow raiding of the bags, the dough sits sadly in my refrigerator and the kisses will be finding a new purpose. What do you think my friends will think if they get Christmas cookies in March?

Yes, my name is Francisca and I'm a serial procrastinator! I really do try to be on the ball but I've always been this way. Working I've always had to follow the Franklin Covey rules so I don't miss deadlines and I keep piles moving. Unfortunately I've never learned this type of planning for the rest of my life! This is why meals are never made, grocery shopping is spotty, and yes, I forgot to put my son's birthday party together.
I'm repenting! I planned Harm's party today and I made the cupcakes for Harm's class tonight instead of trying to bribe Miriam our nanny to do it tomorrow morning for me. I caught up on all my old Facebook messages. I even bought Chris' Valentines day gift for the first time before February 14.
But I'm still not there yet... I was supposed to clean either my office, closet, or the garage today. I need to file for Social Security Disability for Rachel. Etc. etc. etc. Honestly though eating stale popcorn and chicharones, watching a "My Fair Wedding" marathon with Chris and browsing big boy bedding sounded like so much fun. How could I resist? When I'm crying on this blog about not being ready to move or whatever else I've procrastinated on at least I had a peaceful Sunday afternoon!

Friday, February 11, 2011
"She seems so normal..."

Now the future seems fuzzier to me. I just got out of a meeting explaining that I need to register Rachel for long term community resources and care. Care that she might need in adulthood. I don't think that possibility even dawned on me. That she could need help even into adulthood. After all why would the future CEO of a Fortune 500 need disability services. She isn't disabled when I see her. When I see her she is perfect. People tell me "she seems so normal" and I always want to tell them: she is better than normal... she is amazing!
Just a month ago I was anxiously looking for summer programs like gymnastics to get her involved in and now she will be doing "special programs" instead so she can learn to use her body better and not be in so much pain. I have to fill out forms for Social Security Disability, DD Waiver Services, Early Intervention, etc. Not fun! I keep thinking this is a dream and I'm going to wake up from it but it is serious and it is life long altering condition for her. I don't think I want to wrap my mind about all of that.
I know tonight I promise I will work on "getting my loving on" as I talked about last night and try to put this behind me for a least a day or two. It is hard b/c every time I'm coping than I get hit with more news. Chris and I need help more than ever and so I'm more grateful than ever for the friends who have come by dropping off cookies or giving us virtual support. As I always say, I can't let myself get too down b/c Rachel isn't down or depressed. She is smiling, even as she struggles and looks in pain she still smiles! That is what I need to do too. Rachel is filled with endless possibilities CP and all!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Getting Your Loving on :p
Remember this picture from earlier this week?
Yeah that is me these days when I'm not out and about! I'm tired and I've got more on my plate than I think I can possibly take. Chris mentioned when we talk we don't just laugh or joke or even argue politics. Instead it is about the kids, family, work, health, etc. Very serious stuff because right now there is a lot going on. Always very serious.
Of course as I walk the aisles of Target I realize it is Valentines... the season of love. I remembered being in love while we were first dating. This hard nosed unromantic focused chick was secretly listening to cheesy love songs on her IPod and swooning over Chris' last kiss goodnight. Love and romance just seems so foreign some times and this was one of those times. How do you reconcile being this tired stressed out Mom with that one who fell off her rocker and fell in love overnight giving up everything for this one guy?
I need to try! After all the best things in my life have never been a promotion or a great new outfit. It is my family and my relationship with Chris at the heart of it. We both need to grow out of all the stresses that we are feeling and just fall back in love.
Tomorrow we are going on a mini-vacation. We are dropping off them critters and we are going out to a fine restaurant and going to spend the night at a nice hotel. Maybe go and visit some museums the next day and than go back to the real world. I think we are hoping that will bring us closer. It wont make everything perfect but hopefully the little time together will put some of the stresses of life aside and give us that chance to reconnect.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Things that make me happy in tired world!
Today was exhausting! The twins are having a new round of teething and so Chris and I are suffering from sleep deprivation again. In fact I was so tired today I fell asleep meeting with someone... he kept talking and talking and next thing I know I'm closing my eyes! So embarrassing! He was cool with it though thankfully.

So on days like this I can either bemoan my fate of count the many great things going on!
My good things of the day list :)
- Rachel did not spend her whole physical therapy hour running away screaming (like she has for the last 3 months)! She actually worked with her PT for 5 minutes here and there.
- Harmon ate a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich... A REAL SANDWICH!!!! He has NEVER eaten bread since he was 18 mos!!!!! It was so cool. He always has rejected this in the past.
- I got a new pillow! I love super overstuffed firm pillows and mine was getting flabby so now I have a new one :) I will sleep so nicely tonight if the twins don't do an encore.
- Callum is just walking everywhere and learned a new song. He can now hum the "clean up" song in addition to "Twinkle Twinkle". He also learned today to put small objects into a container.
- A friend saw yesterday's post and recommended this Easy Meals club. I actually think I could do something like this and cook some good meals rather than Taco Bell and Bertolli!
- I picked out my new light fixtures for the new house. I found the most hideously cute ceiling fan for Rachel's room w/pastels and flowers. We found a cute Cinderella Toy Vanity too for her room for only $27 on clearance at Walmart. Can we say her birthday is bought for?
- Everyone napped when they were supposed to meaning they were all in great moods.
I know my some of these things seem silly but I'm trying to be more grateful and enthusiastic. This way when I am so tired on nights like this I won't be cursing the Heavens.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oh to be SUPER rich! I would love it at this point!

When I first moved to Las Vegas after college I got to know some of the local entertainers. I thought it was so crazy how they had assistants for what I saw was the silliest things. They had people to buy groceries for them. They had cleaning crews to clean their homes and pools. Other people would be charged to get lunch and pick up the latest gadget at Fry's electronics. I thought it was RIDICULOUS! I was like I will never waste money like that! Come on anyone can find time to grocery shop!
Now I would UTTERLY LOVE to be in the position to have people to do all the jobs around here. I have my hands so full! I have a nanny but after caring for the kids, helping me coordinate Harm's DDPre and the twins various therapies, and picking up the floor she doesn't ever have a lot of time to do other things. I made a "to-do" list of the most pressing things and I wanted to faint. It includes organizing/packing this whole house before the April move, going over our investments, organizing our March of Dimes team, throwing Harmon his long overdue birthday party, etc. etc. Add in all of Rachel's new therapies I really think I might lose my mind. Instead of despairing I am dreaming...
So here is my fantasy wish list!
- A chef who could make us all healthy meals that taste good
- A cleaning crew who could come in weekly to just scrub everything down perfectly
- A personal assistant to run errands like grocery shopping and cleaning my car
- An executive assistant who can handle paying bills, paying all these other assistants, balance my books, handle insurance issues, etc.
- Oh and most important a personal masseuse for a daily massage. After all I'm worth it!
This way when I am home all I would have "to do" is play/love my critters, snuggle with Chris, and maybe even relax a little ;)
But alas, none of this is in the budget for we are not millionaires. Nevertheless when all is said and done it will get done and I know can't worry!
But man I should have become a magician...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sorrow & Joy... Let the games begin!!!!
Today we met with the entire team set to work with Rachel. I came into the meeting sick with worry but now I realize I was over-worrying. Everyone was on the ball and ready to work. I found out that the ECEP team will be meeting one more time with not only Chris and I; but her entire therapy team to make sure she is getting the services needed to give her the best chance possible to overcome her Cerebral Palsy challenges. She will be in physical therapy, pool, gym, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and probably itsy bitsy yoga and even a music class. It will be intense not only for (the PT and OT will likely be at times painful) but for us to make sure everything is taken care of. I'm grateful at least she will have so many good resources available but sad she has to deal with this.

I think what made me so sad for her yesterday and today was the overwhelming theme that this is very serious and she will likely have doors closed to her. I started feeling this way yesterday morning at 7 am when I was watching that campy chick flick, Center Stage on Oxygen. For those who have not seen this poorly written, poorly acted, yet incredibly addicting movie it is about ballet dancers and all this behind the scenes drama. I danced till I was 11 and got diagnosed with RA. I love to see dancing movies and always wished I could move like that. It makes me sad that Rachel will probably feel limited as I. It made me sad that she will have these stupid limitations when she has such determination! It had me worry if kids will tease her because she walks odd or one day or if she will feel sad because she is the last picked for kickball.
As I was thinking all of this I remembered listening to Katy Perry's song "Firework" and there are the following lyrics:
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
It kind of renewed my hope. Just like I've had doors closed due to my RA and other health issues it is what led me to where I am now and who I am. God doesn't make mistakes. I know He has watched over me and will watch over Rachel. She will grow strong because of her trials and one day help others. Perhaps becoming a drama filled ballerina is out of her sights but something great will be waiting for her whatever it may be.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Embracing the snow and the "other" snow haters!
Today I loved the snow and the cold. The snow had stopped and was just nice and fluffy all over the house. I got to wear my cute winter clothes that only get touched once a year. The roads were clear and so life continued onward. I felt like a Christmas card today going about my business in town.
The kids on the other hand HATED the snow. I bundled Harmon up all cuddly and was going to let him play just a little this morning while the twins were asleep but he got out there, screamed while I took a picture and ran back in. That is my boy! The twins only peeked out quickly for a picture with Miriam (we were so worried about them we ran outside took a picture and ran them back in all within 30 seconds) but nevertheless Callum protested. Only Rachel was crazy enough to want to go out and played. She let us know every few minutes.
No one wanted to play with the snow in a bowl but w/some creativity we kept everyone very happy today. Harmon even got to see the office today and have lunch w/Daddy and I. Tomorrow our Meetup group has plans so no cabin fever for the critters. The whineist of all though has been Chris. The city government has been closed so no inspection and of course none of the trades want to be outside so he is very concerned about the homes falling behind schedule. He thinks he has it hard... he should have hung out with me yesterday!
The only negative is that we are still having power outages (thank Heaven's for Steve Jobs b/c our only light was the iphone and my Ibook) but oh well... You can't change mother nature! You can only embrace the moment and dream of the Carribean. Come Sunday life will be normal back in the 50's and Monday it will all be a memory. Hopefully we have some good memories along with the bad.
Blog Note: Tomorrow is Rachel's big meeting to make a plan and figure out what services will help her most. Wish us luck. I'm so nervous... it is 11:30 and I'm wound up to a 10. Hopefully it will go well. I'll update tomorrow as soon as I can.
Oh and I promise, no more weather posts!!!!! (At least for the near future).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What a day... and Tomorrow more of the same?!?
Vintage Harmon b/c I'm too lazy to download the new pictures
Let's see today I dealt with rolling black outs the whole day. I never realized how gratful I am for electricity. Everything was closed today including Target and the Mall. Even if I did manage out of the house, despite my driveway being an ice skating rink, it isn't like we had a place to go :p The worse was that the specialist who was supposed to see me for my sinus issue (I've been waiting for 6 wks to see him and am still not myself) canceled b/c their office never opened! Seriously, now they want me to wait till the last day in February... argh!
So we were stranded at home (Chris managed to miss most of the drama working in El Paso today) but it could have been worse. Miriam our nanny did actually make it to work late after it looked like she wouldn't make it. I owe her (and her brother who took her) BIG TIME!!! Harm was out of control. Poor little guy loves his pre-k and being stuck at home was just torture for him. I had some Thomas trains that were meant for his birthday that I took out in desperation... it helped until he got sick tonight and vomited b/c he had too many cookies.
Tomorrow school is canceled again and so are my meetings for Rachel (they are now on Friday). I'm frustrated with that to no end. I feel like time is of the essence figuring out her therapy plan. But Miriam and I have plans assuming Harm is doing well. One reader gave a great idea about bringing the snow into a bowl inside to play with the kids and so we will try that. I got some watercolors and I have a new coloring book all the kids can play with. Also Chris and I are taking Harm out to lunch and to the design center... hopefully that will stave off Harm's cabin sickness. It should go good I think! I have 2 more Thomas trains left I can bring out if we really get desperate again.
One more snow day and hopefully the world will be back as it should be!!!! So those who live in cold places laugh if you may at my wussiness, but remember I lived in Las Vegas during many Summers and can handle a 128 degree day like it was nothing ;) Try that!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Puerto Ricans and snow don't mix!
Pic from last year's storm...
Tonight Chris asked me if I wanted to get out of the car and run into a store. I said no. I than explained: "I am Puerto Rican and this is Hades".
My mother is from Puerto Rico and so I was raised that if the temperature is below 70 you better be dressed very warmly or you will instantly die of pneumonia. Although I always have toyed with the idea of living in Salt Lake City I don't know how I would ever reconcile the idea of this white stuff falling on me. Since my whole life I've only lived in West Texas, Southern New Mexico, Southern Nevada, and Southern California... I rarely worry about this darn white stuff.
Now though for the next 3 days it is snowing and having three cabin fevered tots is not going to be fun! With our nanny being Latin as well those kids won't do anything with out 7 layers of clothing. No one around here is used to this stuff and so driving is a nightmare. Already tonight there were major crashes everywhere. Oh well, at least we can take more fun house in snow pictures. I guess this is the silver lining an opportunity in SLC, NYC, Chicago, or anywhere else that is like this hasn't opened up for us.
EDIT: Worse nightmare has been confirmed this morning. My nanny who lives in the valley can't make it up to the Mesa so I'm on my own today AND school was canceled for Harmon.... white stuff is no fun!
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Monday, February 28, 2011
18 months of miracles! (and a first word)
I'm waiting to hear about a friend's daughter who might be really sick with cancer. It just made me realize how precious every day I have with all three of my children is. Yes we are facing some challenges but they are minor to the challenges we faced when the day they were born. Neither is on tubes, both are breathing, and in general they are just really thriving!
To mark this oh so special day Callum came walking up to me this morning going "Mama" and than when I picked him up he smiled and said "Mama". It is official he knows me. Speech doesn't come easily and words are very special. It was a beautiful thing to hear! It was his first word (other than quacking and barking).
Since it is Rachel's 1/2 birthday as well it is good to point out that she is no slacker! She has NEVER let me, Chris, or our nanny leave the room when other people are around. At church she stayed in the nursery the whole time. It was so nice to have a break like that and I am so happy that she is learning how to socialize with other kids and adults!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A joyous celebration!
Each child must be celebrated. Even when you have a few and life gets in the way it is important to STOP and let each one know how special they are. Yesterday was Harm's day!
We finally celebrated his 3rd birthday (which occurred on the 17th of January)! I was sick during his birthday. There was a lot of other stuff going on so we kept having to push the actual party back. It was worth the wait though.
There was a smaller group of guests than the twins party but that was part of what made it nice. Everything was just very casual and laid back. In fact I didn't take a lot of pictures b/c I was too busy having fun with our guests. Harmon had one his classmates come, many of our friends came with their kids, family of course, and Chris even had a childhood friend come with his family from El Paso. It was just right. Everyone enjoyed the party except for Callum who slept the whole time... he wasn't feeling too good :(
Our food was real simple! It was a sub sandwich buffet w/chips, dips, veggies, and fresh fruit while the kids munched down on PB & Js or PB & Nutella sandwiches. It was great b/c neither Chris and I had to lift a finger. We had crafts but all the kids were having too much fun just playing. Even opening presents was just real fun. Harmon is in Heaven b/c he has sooo many new fun toys (including lots of new Thomas toys... in fact last night he was feeding a new Percy train french fries).
The kids loved the bounce house, pinata, etc. I felt bad b/c it wasn't exactly all Thomas. We got a 50% discount on the Cars bounce house as opposed to the the train one. We never got to El Paso for a Thomas pinata so I bought the cheap Sam's Club one. Chris' friend teased me that it was a "transportation theme". It wasn't my best work as per themes but when it comes to a bunch of small children no one really cared. Everyone had fun and it proved once again that I should just let it fly sometimes!
For more pictures you can see our family album blog: link.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I hate you Suze Orman!
We budget very carefully in our home. It is important to be responsible because even though things are good now things can change very very quickly. When we make a budget we need to stay by it... right?

We are very blessed to be moving in a couple of months to a new home that will offer the children more space. There are a lot of one time expenses that come with that and so our vacation budget is going to have to be cut. That hurts b/c I skimp all year long on all sorts of things so we can travel. It is my favorite thing and of all the places we have gone I'm never happier than when I'm in the ocean.
We wanted Hawaii this year but the overages are going to put us just short of that goal and considering expenses there are high I don't think I can fudge the numbers.. I keep running the numbers and it doesn't fit so I need to kiss my Caribbean good-bye and get over it. With all the stress we have had though I really want to be irresponsible and sale a kidney or something so we can go. In general though we love traveling and I'm sure we can find something slightly more affordable and just as fun... but it still won't be Oahu :( As Suze would say: DENIED!!!!!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Blogging while exhausted :p
This morning I laughed when I glanced at my blog... it was complete gibberish! I tried to edit it a little but it was a pretty crazy convoluted post. I think this is a sign I need to be simplifying my life more... but how does one go about doing that?
Thursday, February 24, 2011
That wasn't the plan but life is still good!
Miriam our nanny teases me horribly because when I have the most work to be done things always fall apart. Today that is what happened!
Everything was scheduled perfectly balancing kids and all the work that needed to be done. By the time it was over with I got vomited on, missed appointments, bribed the pedi office w/cookies (I love those ladies) to ensure there was nothing infectious going on in the house (there isn't, the puke was b/c of antibiotics from an ear infection), and pretty much got the bare minimum done with Miriam's help during the day and Chris' tonight.
Things are not all bad though. Callum is walking more and more and he is looking so good doing it. There are no serious illnesses (just ear infections and allergies). Rachel's important Cerebral Palsy assessment from UNM is coming out next week after the physician team were kind enough to rush it. The best thing today Harmon's Vice-Principal came to me when I was picking him up. She gushed about how she has been watching him since he began and how amazing his progress has been... almost miraculous in her words. He is just really thriving in school and I am in great debt to his teachers and therapists. Two of his school friends are even coming to his party this weekend. I remember when I used to blog about how things were so frustrating with Harmon and now things are going so great for him! It was such an unexpected bit of sunshine today.
Tomorrow I have more work to be done, only one appointment, and even lunch w/a friend. The party is looking to be lovely! I'm surrounded by such great people like Miriam who teaches me great things about my children, the early intervention teams who love my kids, great friends, and of course my husband. It makes the days go by so much better and even when plans fall through all is not lost.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Quack Quack...
I haven't talked a lot about Callum lately and Callum is just doing such a great job these days so he was long overdue a post!!! As my mom would say he is doing his "walkings, walkings and talkings, talkings"! I love him, he is so cute. He passed my mom a rubber ducky on Saturday and he tells her "quack quack". She was confused and so she just looked at him so he proceeded to quack. When she got it she quacked and than next thing we know he is just rolling in laughter. He just likes hearing people quack.
He feels the same way about barking. I have a book by Sandra Boynton that is about 10 barking dogs and you have to bark 10 different ways. Cally loves that book and when I can't read it to him he just sits patiently and keeps barking at the book until I cave. Callum loves all books and brings them to any person who walks through our doors. There is nothing funnier than seeing random people trying to read Dr. Seuss. Today he tormented Rachel's poor social worker who has no rhythm with his favorite book: Rings Rings Fingers Thumbs.
His walking is improving. His gait is really good and so even though it took him longer it is definitely quality movement. With all the challenges we have had with Rachel it makes me appreciate more the little things like walking with your feet facing forward.
I'm really proud of Callum. Sometimes I wish each twin had been like Harmon and I could have enjoyed them one at a time b/c I feel like I miss so much. Now that Rachel has this diagnoses I need to remember to brag and gush over my Cally just like I do my Rachel b/c everything wonderful he is doing is just as special!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Now I know how Cinderella feels!!!

Unfortunately one of the great little tidbits of news I got was that Rachel won't be able to wear any of her old shoes except for her high tops. They act like an orthotic to help straighten her ankle and prevent toe walking. In time she will have a permanent orthotics and than she can wear maybe certain sneakers also. The days of cute shoes are over :(
It isn't a big deal but in a way for me it is. It is just the beginning of her starting to look different. I had these adorable sandals that matched her bathing suit and hat that she will never wear. No ballet shoes, no flip flops, no mary janes, and of course when she is older no heels for prom or her first date. I don't want her to look different from her cohorts. I feel bad the little guys get to romp around the house barefoot in a few months and she will have to have shoes and socks on always.
Oh well, there is nothing to be done. So if anyone has a link for great high tops please do share! She is an infant size 3 still and the shoes need to have firm sides (the Converse ones are too floppy). I'm having the worse time finding them b/c it is out of season :(
Perhaps one day long away in the future her Prince Charming will first notice her for her enchanting high top in July... It worked for Cinderella right?
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Return to me...
As I have mentioned Chris and I have a VERY serious life it feels like sometimes. Friday was a very serious day for each of us. Chris had personnel issues at work to solve which are always stressful, I was dealing w/a therapist violating our HIPAA rights and breaching confidentiality with Rachel's condition, we had to make final decisions on our house, etc. etc. I think by the end of the day we just didn't even want to talk. He tried a little but the effort minimal and mine was non-existent. I was so stressed last night that I don't think I fell asleep till past one. I finally drifted off watching this silly show on Animal Planet about 25o lb stingrays in a river in East Asia.
Today wasn't going much better. We had differences of opinion about the latest model, what to have for breakfast, what to do for the day, and how to spend our cash at the Farmer's Market. After visiting family the kids were all napping and we could either go our separate ways or we could watch a cheesy movie that found it's way on our cue. We choose the latter... it was a cheesy but cute romantic comedy/drama "Return to Me" about a guy's wife dying and he finding a second chance at love with a girl who got a second chance at life with a heart transplant (which happen to be his dead wife's).

Afterwards we talked about not putting off our dreams (like going to Europe again) while we diligently plan for the future. We cuddled and laughed together. We didn't talk about work and cerebral palsy was not in our vocabulary. There were no inlaw issues to discuss or wondering when our diaper expenses will no longer be in the triple digits. I reminded him that he better remember I am an organ donor and if he goes he will be donated.
It was nice! We worked so hard at Valentines to be romantic and it didn't work. It goes to show the nicest moments in life are always the simplest :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
I finally ran away...
Last night in about 6 hrs. my kids woke us up 9 times. The twins are on another teething kick but Harmon was just on some sort of kick from who knows where! He was the ring leader and he was just moaning in pain. We asked him if he was okay and he said yeah but when I asked if he had an ouchie he said yeah to that as well. So after not sleeping the whole night Chris left for work at I think 7 (which is my wake up time and he is normally already at work long before than). I turned of the alarm clock b/c I was miserably tired.
I dreamed Chris and I ran away while the kids were napping. We were heading to the mall (a cool one like in Vegas not a boring one like here in Las Cruces). We went there and I invented the most amazing thing: an automated fresh Dominos Pizza Vending machine. The machine makes a 100% fresh pizza in 10 minutes after you order it and it comes out like a coke at the bottom. I was so proud of myself but we realized we needed to get back home before the kids woke up. So we got into a HUGE fight on the way home b/c Chris wanted to take a wierd shortcut. We drove over a cattleguard that was more like those spikes that you see in the fancy gated communities so people don't go out the exit instead of going through the coded entrance. Of course our tires popped and I was mad at Chris b/c our knew our nanny Miriam would be there and she would be very upset we left the kids unattended for a nap.
I was freaking out... it seemed so real but it really was just a dream. I come to my senses and grab my phone. It said 9:03... thank heaven's this was the day Miriam didn't come till 9:45 and I didn't need to be anywhere until 10. I could hear the twins laughing in their cribs and Harmon was just rousing himself.
I guess the point of this blog is that I need sleep b/c I'm beginning to hallucinate.
Today I took Harmon to the doctors. He is fine. She thinks it is just an allergy headache that had him so miserable. He is on Zyrtec now and hopefully tonight will mean some good sleep for everyone. He and I spent about 2 hrs alone together and we had a great time tonight. I may want to run away sometimes but I'm glad I always come home :)
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The EVIL Droid Rooster!

At the butt crack of dawn both of us practically fall out of bed. You would think that stupid rooster was violently getting murdered in a cock fight. Here is a sample if you don't believe me: link but trust me when it is going off for like 1 minute it is MUCH worse.
So yes, the IPhone is superior. It has a peaceful harp sound I wake up too. So Mr. Rooster I'm channeling my Cee Lo Green and all I've got to say is "Forget you"!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Best Valentines Day gift EVER!!!!!!!!!
In times past my Valentines gifts have always been the sweet but usual suspects: flowers, chocolates, earrings, etc.
Today I got the most amazing Valentines day gift ever and it didn't cost Chris a dime! Right after Rachel's occupational therapy she was a little anxious so I picked her up and took her to our family photos. She loves to look at the pictures and I always tell her who everyone is. Before I opened my mouth she focused on Chris in one of the pictures and said "daddy" all on her own. I hadn't even mentioned the word all morning but she saw his picture and said it all on her own.
This is special for us. The specialists all have warned us that speaking might be very difficult with her cerebral palsy. One beautiful, completely spontaneous word has given me so much hope that this will NOT be an issue for her. That is the best feeling ever and the best Valentines day gift a girl could ask for :)
Edit: Tonight Harmon came in here with a card. "Please open Mommy, it is gift for you". It wasn't what was in the card that mattered, all my babies are the best gift ever and Chris reminded me one last time tonight of that!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Procrastination is not just a gift but an art form!
My friends and I locally have a tradition. Rather than exchanging Christmas Cards you drop off freshly baked goods. Some make tasty breads while others make yummy cookies. We received countless sweet treats and warm wishes. Planning ahead at the beginning of December I bought lots of Reeses Peanut Butter Cups, Hershey Kisses, and rolls of Pillsbury gingerbread cookie dough. The PB cups are gone b/c of Chris' slow raiding of the bags, the dough sits sadly in my refrigerator and the kisses will be finding a new purpose. What do you think my friends will think if they get Christmas cookies in March?

Yes, my name is Francisca and I'm a serial procrastinator! I really do try to be on the ball but I've always been this way. Working I've always had to follow the Franklin Covey rules so I don't miss deadlines and I keep piles moving. Unfortunately I've never learned this type of planning for the rest of my life! This is why meals are never made, grocery shopping is spotty, and yes, I forgot to put my son's birthday party together.
I'm repenting! I planned Harm's party today and I made the cupcakes for Harm's class tonight instead of trying to bribe Miriam our nanny to do it tomorrow morning for me. I caught up on all my old Facebook messages. I even bought Chris' Valentines day gift for the first time before February 14.
But I'm still not there yet... I was supposed to clean either my office, closet, or the garage today. I need to file for Social Security Disability for Rachel. Etc. etc. etc. Honestly though eating stale popcorn and chicharones, watching a "My Fair Wedding" marathon with Chris and browsing big boy bedding sounded like so much fun. How could I resist? When I'm crying on this blog about not being ready to move or whatever else I've procrastinated on at least I had a peaceful Sunday afternoon!

Friday, February 11, 2011
"She seems so normal..."

Now the future seems fuzzier to me. I just got out of a meeting explaining that I need to register Rachel for long term community resources and care. Care that she might need in adulthood. I don't think that possibility even dawned on me. That she could need help even into adulthood. After all why would the future CEO of a Fortune 500 need disability services. She isn't disabled when I see her. When I see her she is perfect. People tell me "she seems so normal" and I always want to tell them: she is better than normal... she is amazing!
Just a month ago I was anxiously looking for summer programs like gymnastics to get her involved in and now she will be doing "special programs" instead so she can learn to use her body better and not be in so much pain. I have to fill out forms for Social Security Disability, DD Waiver Services, Early Intervention, etc. Not fun! I keep thinking this is a dream and I'm going to wake up from it but it is serious and it is life long altering condition for her. I don't think I want to wrap my mind about all of that.
I know tonight I promise I will work on "getting my loving on" as I talked about last night and try to put this behind me for a least a day or two. It is hard b/c every time I'm coping than I get hit with more news. Chris and I need help more than ever and so I'm more grateful than ever for the friends who have come by dropping off cookies or giving us virtual support. As I always say, I can't let myself get too down b/c Rachel isn't down or depressed. She is smiling, even as she struggles and looks in pain she still smiles! That is what I need to do too. Rachel is filled with endless possibilities CP and all!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Getting Your Loving on :p
Remember this picture from earlier this week?
Yeah that is me these days when I'm not out and about! I'm tired and I've got more on my plate than I think I can possibly take. Chris mentioned when we talk we don't just laugh or joke or even argue politics. Instead it is about the kids, family, work, health, etc. Very serious stuff because right now there is a lot going on. Always very serious.
Of course as I walk the aisles of Target I realize it is Valentines... the season of love. I remembered being in love while we were first dating. This hard nosed unromantic focused chick was secretly listening to cheesy love songs on her IPod and swooning over Chris' last kiss goodnight. Love and romance just seems so foreign some times and this was one of those times. How do you reconcile being this tired stressed out Mom with that one who fell off her rocker and fell in love overnight giving up everything for this one guy?
I need to try! After all the best things in my life have never been a promotion or a great new outfit. It is my family and my relationship with Chris at the heart of it. We both need to grow out of all the stresses that we are feeling and just fall back in love.
Tomorrow we are going on a mini-vacation. We are dropping off them critters and we are going out to a fine restaurant and going to spend the night at a nice hotel. Maybe go and visit some museums the next day and than go back to the real world. I think we are hoping that will bring us closer. It wont make everything perfect but hopefully the little time together will put some of the stresses of life aside and give us that chance to reconnect.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Things that make me happy in tired world!
Today was exhausting! The twins are having a new round of teething and so Chris and I are suffering from sleep deprivation again. In fact I was so tired today I fell asleep meeting with someone... he kept talking and talking and next thing I know I'm closing my eyes! So embarrassing! He was cool with it though thankfully.

So on days like this I can either bemoan my fate of count the many great things going on!
My good things of the day list :)
- Rachel did not spend her whole physical therapy hour running away screaming (like she has for the last 3 months)! She actually worked with her PT for 5 minutes here and there.
- Harmon ate a peanut butter and Nutella sandwich... A REAL SANDWICH!!!! He has NEVER eaten bread since he was 18 mos!!!!! It was so cool. He always has rejected this in the past.
- I got a new pillow! I love super overstuffed firm pillows and mine was getting flabby so now I have a new one :) I will sleep so nicely tonight if the twins don't do an encore.
- Callum is just walking everywhere and learned a new song. He can now hum the "clean up" song in addition to "Twinkle Twinkle". He also learned today to put small objects into a container.
- A friend saw yesterday's post and recommended this Easy Meals club. I actually think I could do something like this and cook some good meals rather than Taco Bell and Bertolli!
- I picked out my new light fixtures for the new house. I found the most hideously cute ceiling fan for Rachel's room w/pastels and flowers. We found a cute Cinderella Toy Vanity too for her room for only $27 on clearance at Walmart. Can we say her birthday is bought for?
- Everyone napped when they were supposed to meaning they were all in great moods.
I know my some of these things seem silly but I'm trying to be more grateful and enthusiastic. This way when I am so tired on nights like this I won't be cursing the Heavens.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Oh to be SUPER rich! I would love it at this point!

When I first moved to Las Vegas after college I got to know some of the local entertainers. I thought it was so crazy how they had assistants for what I saw was the silliest things. They had people to buy groceries for them. They had cleaning crews to clean their homes and pools. Other people would be charged to get lunch and pick up the latest gadget at Fry's electronics. I thought it was RIDICULOUS! I was like I will never waste money like that! Come on anyone can find time to grocery shop!
Now I would UTTERLY LOVE to be in the position to have people to do all the jobs around here. I have my hands so full! I have a nanny but after caring for the kids, helping me coordinate Harm's DDPre and the twins various therapies, and picking up the floor she doesn't ever have a lot of time to do other things. I made a "to-do" list of the most pressing things and I wanted to faint. It includes organizing/packing this whole house before the April move, going over our investments, organizing our March of Dimes team, throwing Harmon his long overdue birthday party, etc. etc. Add in all of Rachel's new therapies I really think I might lose my mind. Instead of despairing I am dreaming...
So here is my fantasy wish list!
- A chef who could make us all healthy meals that taste good
- A cleaning crew who could come in weekly to just scrub everything down perfectly
- A personal assistant to run errands like grocery shopping and cleaning my car
- An executive assistant who can handle paying bills, paying all these other assistants, balance my books, handle insurance issues, etc.
- Oh and most important a personal masseuse for a daily massage. After all I'm worth it!
This way when I am home all I would have "to do" is play/love my critters, snuggle with Chris, and maybe even relax a little ;)
But alas, none of this is in the budget for we are not millionaires. Nevertheless when all is said and done it will get done and I know can't worry!
But man I should have become a magician...
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sorrow & Joy... Let the games begin!!!!
Today we met with the entire team set to work with Rachel. I came into the meeting sick with worry but now I realize I was over-worrying. Everyone was on the ball and ready to work. I found out that the ECEP team will be meeting one more time with not only Chris and I; but her entire therapy team to make sure she is getting the services needed to give her the best chance possible to overcome her Cerebral Palsy challenges. She will be in physical therapy, pool, gym, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and probably itsy bitsy yoga and even a music class. It will be intense not only for (the PT and OT will likely be at times painful) but for us to make sure everything is taken care of. I'm grateful at least she will have so many good resources available but sad she has to deal with this.

I think what made me so sad for her yesterday and today was the overwhelming theme that this is very serious and she will likely have doors closed to her. I started feeling this way yesterday morning at 7 am when I was watching that campy chick flick, Center Stage on Oxygen. For those who have not seen this poorly written, poorly acted, yet incredibly addicting movie it is about ballet dancers and all this behind the scenes drama. I danced till I was 11 and got diagnosed with RA. I love to see dancing movies and always wished I could move like that. It makes me sad that Rachel will probably feel limited as I. It made me sad that she will have these stupid limitations when she has such determination! It had me worry if kids will tease her because she walks odd or one day or if she will feel sad because she is the last picked for kickball.
As I was thinking all of this I remembered listening to Katy Perry's song "Firework" and there are the following lyrics:
Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
It kind of renewed my hope. Just like I've had doors closed due to my RA and other health issues it is what led me to where I am now and who I am. God doesn't make mistakes. I know He has watched over me and will watch over Rachel. She will grow strong because of her trials and one day help others. Perhaps becoming a drama filled ballerina is out of her sights but something great will be waiting for her whatever it may be.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Embracing the snow and the "other" snow haters!
Today I loved the snow and the cold. The snow had stopped and was just nice and fluffy all over the house. I got to wear my cute winter clothes that only get touched once a year. The roads were clear and so life continued onward. I felt like a Christmas card today going about my business in town.
The kids on the other hand HATED the snow. I bundled Harmon up all cuddly and was going to let him play just a little this morning while the twins were asleep but he got out there, screamed while I took a picture and ran back in. That is my boy! The twins only peeked out quickly for a picture with Miriam (we were so worried about them we ran outside took a picture and ran them back in all within 30 seconds) but nevertheless Callum protested. Only Rachel was crazy enough to want to go out and played. She let us know every few minutes.
No one wanted to play with the snow in a bowl but w/some creativity we kept everyone very happy today. Harmon even got to see the office today and have lunch w/Daddy and I. Tomorrow our Meetup group has plans so no cabin fever for the critters. The whineist of all though has been Chris. The city government has been closed so no inspection and of course none of the trades want to be outside so he is very concerned about the homes falling behind schedule. He thinks he has it hard... he should have hung out with me yesterday!
The only negative is that we are still having power outages (thank Heaven's for Steve Jobs b/c our only light was the iphone and my Ibook) but oh well... You can't change mother nature! You can only embrace the moment and dream of the Carribean. Come Sunday life will be normal back in the 50's and Monday it will all be a memory. Hopefully we have some good memories along with the bad.
Blog Note: Tomorrow is Rachel's big meeting to make a plan and figure out what services will help her most. Wish us luck. I'm so nervous... it is 11:30 and I'm wound up to a 10. Hopefully it will go well. I'll update tomorrow as soon as I can.
Oh and I promise, no more weather posts!!!!! (At least for the near future).
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What a day... and Tomorrow more of the same?!?
Vintage Harmon b/c I'm too lazy to download the new pictures
Let's see today I dealt with rolling black outs the whole day. I never realized how gratful I am for electricity. Everything was closed today including Target and the Mall. Even if I did manage out of the house, despite my driveway being an ice skating rink, it isn't like we had a place to go :p The worse was that the specialist who was supposed to see me for my sinus issue (I've been waiting for 6 wks to see him and am still not myself) canceled b/c their office never opened! Seriously, now they want me to wait till the last day in February... argh!
So we were stranded at home (Chris managed to miss most of the drama working in El Paso today) but it could have been worse. Miriam our nanny did actually make it to work late after it looked like she wouldn't make it. I owe her (and her brother who took her) BIG TIME!!! Harm was out of control. Poor little guy loves his pre-k and being stuck at home was just torture for him. I had some Thomas trains that were meant for his birthday that I took out in desperation... it helped until he got sick tonight and vomited b/c he had too many cookies.
Tomorrow school is canceled again and so are my meetings for Rachel (they are now on Friday). I'm frustrated with that to no end. I feel like time is of the essence figuring out her therapy plan. But Miriam and I have plans assuming Harm is doing well. One reader gave a great idea about bringing the snow into a bowl inside to play with the kids and so we will try that. I got some watercolors and I have a new coloring book all the kids can play with. Also Chris and I are taking Harm out to lunch and to the design center... hopefully that will stave off Harm's cabin sickness. It should go good I think! I have 2 more Thomas trains left I can bring out if we really get desperate again.
One more snow day and hopefully the world will be back as it should be!!!! So those who live in cold places laugh if you may at my wussiness, but remember I lived in Las Vegas during many Summers and can handle a 128 degree day like it was nothing ;) Try that!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Puerto Ricans and snow don't mix!
Pic from last year's storm...
Tonight Chris asked me if I wanted to get out of the car and run into a store. I said no. I than explained: "I am Puerto Rican and this is Hades".
My mother is from Puerto Rico and so I was raised that if the temperature is below 70 you better be dressed very warmly or you will instantly die of pneumonia. Although I always have toyed with the idea of living in Salt Lake City I don't know how I would ever reconcile the idea of this white stuff falling on me. Since my whole life I've only lived in West Texas, Southern New Mexico, Southern Nevada, and Southern California... I rarely worry about this darn white stuff.
Now though for the next 3 days it is snowing and having three cabin fevered tots is not going to be fun! With our nanny being Latin as well those kids won't do anything with out 7 layers of clothing. No one around here is used to this stuff and so driving is a nightmare. Already tonight there were major crashes everywhere. Oh well, at least we can take more fun house in snow pictures. I guess this is the silver lining an opportunity in SLC, NYC, Chicago, or anywhere else that is like this hasn't opened up for us.
EDIT: Worse nightmare has been confirmed this morning. My nanny who lives in the valley can't make it up to the Mesa so I'm on my own today AND school was canceled for Harmon.... white stuff is no fun!
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