Saturday, December 5, 2009

The boy is out of control!

Whoever thought kabobs was a good idea never had a toddler who likes to play with sticks!

I think I need to confess something: I have THAT kid! You know that out of control one screaming, running around, and throwing tantrums. It is funny b/c the odds of keeping him controlled in a nice quiet restaurant are about a 100x better than getting him to behave in a Peter Piper. As I've mentioned he has something called Sensory Integration which means if he is in a situation where the senses are overly simulated than he goes NUTS.

So tonight we had a very frustrating night going to our church's Christmas Party. He was chasing kids with sticks, stealing little kids cookies, grabbing the head dresses off the Wise-man, and basically TORTURING his parents. We had to take him out into the hall for the entire nativity presentation. I'm exhausted. I am wondering what I will do if all 3 of these kids has the same condition. We have multiple Early Intervention specialists helping us but I just don't know when this is going to get better.

Harmon with his own cookie right before he attempted to steal another one from a little girl :p


  1. I think we all have THAT KID at some point. Keep your chin up!

  2. Sorry Fran, seriously LOL. Holden is major fan of sticks too.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

The boy is out of control!

Whoever thought kabobs was a good idea never had a toddler who likes to play with sticks!

I think I need to confess something: I have THAT kid! You know that out of control one screaming, running around, and throwing tantrums. It is funny b/c the odds of keeping him controlled in a nice quiet restaurant are about a 100x better than getting him to behave in a Peter Piper. As I've mentioned he has something called Sensory Integration which means if he is in a situation where the senses are overly simulated than he goes NUTS.

So tonight we had a very frustrating night going to our church's Christmas Party. He was chasing kids with sticks, stealing little kids cookies, grabbing the head dresses off the Wise-man, and basically TORTURING his parents. We had to take him out into the hall for the entire nativity presentation. I'm exhausted. I am wondering what I will do if all 3 of these kids has the same condition. We have multiple Early Intervention specialists helping us but I just don't know when this is going to get better.

Harmon with his own cookie right before he attempted to steal another one from a little girl :p


  1. I think we all have THAT KID at some point. Keep your chin up!

  2. Sorry Fran, seriously LOL. Holden is major fan of sticks too.
