No spouse is perfect... even Chris, but after a week plus of Charlie Sheen antics I sure am glad he is not the father of my twins. Chris has an incredible amount of confidence in everything he does (for good reason) including parenting. He likes to run a tight ship which worked great when our children were really little and he had to give the twins bottle at tandem but now that they are all toddlers this is proving quite harder. He tries to get them to all line up and get their diapers changed. Instead the three kids run around like wild animals throwing the diapers out of the baskets and putting their PJ's on their heads.
Chris also sometimes has trouble understanding why the kids don't get "quiet" time. He sits down for 2 minutes to read the paper and Rachel is writing on the walls, Harmon is hiding DVD's, and Callum has diligently removed the entire contents of the lower kitchen cabinets amongst the kitchen. I think the problem is that at work Chris roars and everyone listens but at our house Chris roars and no one cares. Such is the life when you have 3 toddlers under your roof.
Still Chris works so hard trying to care for the little ones so I can get work done or get a break. If you ask him how everything is he will admit life isn't perfect but he is definitely "winning"!
Note: Don't let your toddler watch "Showbiz Tonight" every evening. Harm's favorite phrase is guess: "duh, winning!"
:) Poor guy. Sometimes men just need a little extra help with understanding children. :) But he is wonderful to let you have your time. And to take care of things in the way you need him to. What lucky kiddos they are to have such awesome parents!