Anyhow I promised to share some of our great moments on the trip.
The highlight for us was having Harmon ride the train from the Aquarium to the zoo. He loves trains. He talks about Thomas the Train all day long.
Later at the Botanical Gardens they had this HUGE Thomas the train display that was amazing. Both boys were entranced. They wanted to stay there forever!
The babies thought the aquarium was just magical. Callum especially went to each of the displays and stared for hours. It was so neat to see his face.
We went to a lot of restaurants and each one is just a crazy experience all in itself. With Harm's Sensory Integration he doesn't eat very many foods. Traveling has always meant french fries and yogurt for however many days the trip. So this time I was smart I packed fruit and vegetable servings for each meal and had it travel in a cooler. I also made peanut butter and Nutella sandwiches ahead of time so Harmon could eat things other than fries. It was a great success. In fact Harmon only had one serving of fries the WHOLE trip and everyone had balanced meals.
The first day of the trip was Chris' birthday. He just hit the big 31. I'm very proud of him and all he has done in such a short period of time.
The pool was a huge hit. That hotel was horrible but all the kids didn't care. They loved to swim (at least Rachel and Harmon do... Callum gets scared and sits with Dad the whole time). I was so amazed by Harmon. He can now swim all the way across the pool with his floaties. Rachel is not far behind him.
We went to the Explora Museum. It was horridly expensive but worth every dime. They had these great discovery sections the kids were enthralled! We had to drag them all out of there kicking and screaming. They learned about pulley systems, pipes, air shoots, etc. etc.
Chris and I even got a chance to spend some time together as well. Chris' parents were oddly enough in town as well and watched the kids for an hour and a half.
It was a hard trip. I won't sugar coat it but I loved it. The best part has been Callum. Since coming home he has become so confident. I think it was just great for him to get out of his comfort zone!!!!
It's late and I've shared a ton of pics so I'm going to bed. If you want to see more you can see our picture blog: link.