On this blog I do occasionally contemplate the roads not taken. I don't do it because I'm uhappy with anything but rather just out of simple fun. For example I almost accepted an out of state job a week or so after Chris and I had met. Would I have married? What a different path that would have taken my career! Those are the little moments I always think... hmm... interesting.
Chris and I don't exactly see everything eye to eye perfectly on certain issues dealing with family and so this led me to spend the evening/night at home by myself while Chris and the Critters go freeze in a cabin in the woods.
I wasn't lonely tonight until I thought about who I was missing. I realized I wouldn't be putting Rachel in her nightgown or playing with Harm's Little People while watching Cally danced. Tonight I will have no one to tell to roll over "you are snoring" or give a good night kiss too. I must admit though it has been nice at times just to chill ALONE. I browsed, shopped, got my hair done, saw a cheesy chick flick, and enjoyed a nice quiet dinner at a cafe. It was nice to just spend a night in quiet. It also reminded me that i need to go out with my girlfriends more too. Tonight though belonged to me alone!
I think had my life gone in a different direction I would have been perfectly happy but I sure am glad that tomorrow everyone will be home! I enjoy contemplating the occasional "what if" perhaps b/c it always leaves me glad I am on the path I am... critters and Chris and all!
Wished we lived closer, GNO sounds fun. :) Glad you had some time to yourself. :)