Monday, April 5, 2010

A rose by any other name...

So lately I've been contemplating changing Rachel's name. I always thought my daughter's name would be Rachel. It was an inspiration I had years ago. Than with the stress of having these kids I really never had a chance to contemplate that inspiration. So now I am having regrets. The boys names are both very English/Australian and go great with our last name. So I have been thinking of naming her Adelaide. Of course that would be a pain in the butt considering she is already 7 months old and I would have to do birth certificate and social security. I probably won't... I am horridly lazy after all. But maybe just maybe...


  1. You could always just call her Adelaide but leave her legal name Rachel. Why fight inspiration? If you don't like the name, just call her something else. But whatever you call her, she will still be the sweetest little girl ever.

  2. Rachel is very English, and I think it goes beautifully with your last name.

    If you want to change her name, I'd go by the middle (second middle, that is). Call her Snow...or Snowy. Seriously...who else has Snow in New Mexico?

  3. You are crazy! Just leave it Rachel. You can't change it now! I agree with Amy, call her whatever (as long as its nice) but leave her name Rachel.

  4. Rachel is beautiful! Just like her mommy!

  5. I think Rachel fits her perfectly. Of course I'm not her mom. You'll figure it out. You could always call her whatever you want.

  6. We changed Nathans name from Nathan Turley to Nathan Joseph when he was 6 months. I was suprised that it wasn't that hard to do! She has a beautiful name either way:)


Monday, April 5, 2010

A rose by any other name...

So lately I've been contemplating changing Rachel's name. I always thought my daughter's name would be Rachel. It was an inspiration I had years ago. Than with the stress of having these kids I really never had a chance to contemplate that inspiration. So now I am having regrets. The boys names are both very English/Australian and go great with our last name. So I have been thinking of naming her Adelaide. Of course that would be a pain in the butt considering she is already 7 months old and I would have to do birth certificate and social security. I probably won't... I am horridly lazy after all. But maybe just maybe...


  1. You could always just call her Adelaide but leave her legal name Rachel. Why fight inspiration? If you don't like the name, just call her something else. But whatever you call her, she will still be the sweetest little girl ever.

  2. Rachel is very English, and I think it goes beautifully with your last name.

    If you want to change her name, I'd go by the middle (second middle, that is). Call her Snow...or Snowy. Seriously...who else has Snow in New Mexico?

  3. You are crazy! Just leave it Rachel. You can't change it now! I agree with Amy, call her whatever (as long as its nice) but leave her name Rachel.

  4. Rachel is beautiful! Just like her mommy!

  5. I think Rachel fits her perfectly. Of course I'm not her mom. You'll figure it out. You could always call her whatever you want.

  6. We changed Nathans name from Nathan Turley to Nathan Joseph when he was 6 months. I was suprised that it wasn't that hard to do! She has a beautiful name either way:)
