As I mentioned in the post about soccer there are real drawbacks to having kids who are the same age and some huge joys! The worse thing that I'm starting to encounter is the constant competition. Harm is better at biking, Cally is better at soccer, Rachel kills it in her handstands and each of them knows how when they do something better how to rub it into the other's face. I'm turning into my my hippy mother all over again trying to explain we are on Team Cakes and there are no winners or losers but honestly, I get it.

You see I came from an blended home of 3 half and 3 full siblings and I'm the baby of all of us. If you haven't noticed on this blog my sister is a total rockstar supermodel. Growing my brother Louie was this cool football jock and my brother Paul was a local sportscaster and later hosted a show on HGTV. My brother William was this amazing spray artist and my siblings John and Kim were the cool ones. It sucked growing up and people telling me: well you know you are the smart one and Eliza is just so pretty. It's bad enough when as kids we competed but it was always so much worse when other people would tell us, "why can't you be more like..."

That comes back to the babies. Rachel has been standing out at gym and so has Harmon. Callum, is awesome pawsome because he is to busy just being his wonderful self to care. The problem arose because we attended a rival gym's "Parent's Night Out". There Rachel really did some neat work on the bars and Harm just played (which is what this event was all about). Well two coaches began to fixate on Rachel and her talent and it crushed Harmon. When I came to pick them up the kids the two coaches swarmed me to show me all the things she could do, offer me books, etc. Harm began to cry because he felt left out and not special.

In so many ways these two are like Peanut Butter and Jelly. Harm started protecting his baby sister when she was just a baby. I don't want either of them feeling bad or not as special and I don't want this turning into a huge nasty rivalry between them. For that same reason it is needless to say I feel that way about Cally Jolly. I can't put my babies in a bubble but the most I can do is try hard to let each of them know that each is very special in their own way!