Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today was a big milestone for my little man! Harmon had his first real soccer game :) We are part of the Little Boulders Soccer Team which is a bunch of kids of all the construction guys. The team is awesome and everyone is so sweet.

It was a lot of lessons all at once. Poor Harmon just didn't understand why those older kids push him and steal the ball from him. He got frustrated at one point and just took the ball and sat on it so no one would take it from him.

At a couple points when he would get pushed down he would crumple in a ball and just cry. I wanted to get him and save him but his coach would intervene and get him back into the game.

Every time though he just dusted himself off and really got into it. His team is the youngest in the whole league and these kids were older (5 yo's) but Harmon never got discouraged or gave up... even when we were down 10-0... THAN IT HAPPENED!!!!!!!

GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! Harmon did it! He made our team's one and only goal of the game. We may not have won but I couldn't be prouder of him. He really proves what heart he has and I know he will do good in this and whatever he does if just keeps that same persistence.

That deserved a celebration dinner at his favorite restaurant: Le Golden Arches

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Cupcakes!

Having twins is very surreal. When I had Harmon it was like: "look this is my cute little baby boy". We did pictures all the time, traveled, etc. He was very much the center of our universe. Than all of a sudden I brought two of them home and it wasn't just one cute little baby to focus on. Instead you see double!

Suddenly instead of one baby to feed, hug, change, etc. there were two. Sometimes I feel bad b/c they never get to be a singular unit hardly (we try to change that by doing one on one activities). They just go together like a great pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. As they age I realize they are starting to part ways and will grow into two wonderful individuals. They will have always have each other though and that is a gift. While they may have had to share the limelight, how many people are born with a built in best friend.

So now my baby cupcakes are growing into full sized pastries. That means as of today our household has no more babies (and it won't unless I die and Chris remarries b/c for me I'm beyond done). I should be sad (and I imagine I will get sad here and there) but in general I'm very excited for my babies and this new phase. Each is growing into such a cute little child. They are determined, sweet, and each is unique. It is like reading a book and being so excited for the next chapter to begin.

My Birthday Letters to my children....

Dear Ms Rachel,

You are my first born of the twins. By the time you are old enough to read this letter you will probably be helping me shop at Fashion Show Mall in Vegas making sure your mom stays in style. Afterwards we will be basking in our mani/pedis and while talking boys you like in a cafe overlooking the strip. I guess that is the future I picture for us. The dream I didn't know I wanted but now am so glad I have. Already you are my little BFF. You make me smile and laugh all day with your antics. I've never seen a girl want to wear 17 bows at one time and change clothing every hour on the hour.

You are so girly; but at the same time so strong and smart! That is what I love most about you! The day you were born you could have died but you fought your way through! You have a condition, cerebral palsy, but you never let it define you. You always break down the walls that keep you down and exceed all expectations. I love how you run the house and are so smart. You figure out what you want and go for it. With this attitude I know you will do in life anything you choose to do. No boundary or limit will stop you. All you will need to do is focus on what you want and the world will eat out of your hands.

I love you baby girl! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love, Mom~

Dear Callum,

You are the baby of the family. People say the babies always get spoiled and perhaps that is true (although all the kids around here get spoiled). We call you Jolly ally Cally for a reason. You are a source of light in our home. While your siblings are high energy and very frenetic, you seem to be the calm one (which of course is what your name means). I love how you still want to be cuddled and always want to cheer up anyone who is down. Your brother Harmon calls you his favorite bestest friend in the world. You have a gift Callum and that is to draw everyone to you. Everyone falls in love with you when they meet you.

Today you were singing in the car. Yesterday I caught you dancing. It makes me wonder what you have in store for your future. You have been given gifts and talents that I've never seen in such a youngster. I know that one day in the future you will start experiencing disappointment and maybe rejection. Please don't let those things ever stop you! You were put on this earth to help others and share your gifts. You are a magnet for goodness. As the scripture says don't hide your candle under a bush but let your light so that it shines for all the world to see.

I love you little man! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love your Mum~

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Secret's Finally Revealed!!!

First off my niece might get released from the hospital soon!!!! Hopefully...

A few weeks ago I posted about all these changes I was making. At the time I wasn't going into into any detail over what I was doing (and I'm still not going to give every detail b/c poor Chris does worry about us maintaining some sort of privacy). Nonetheless, I really wanted this week to talk and it was sooo frustrating not being able to really do that all on the blog. This blog is where I just let everything go and being so secretive just isn't me.

So a few weeks ago I stepped away from a lot of things but it wasn't so simple. I was really looking forward to a new work opportunity but now isn't the time. So I'm staying put in that sense. (This is the part where I need to keep the privacy more).

So the real secret was that I was starting to take a few business classes to prepare for eventually getting an MBA when the kids were older. I just figure that is the next logical step... Anyhow so I enrolled in this accounting class and micro-economics class. I realized I HATE ACCOUNTING. If I hate accounting, I will probably hate statistics, etc. etc. That made me realize Wednesday night life is short, dang this if I'm going to take some classes to enrich my life and give me something personal... well than I'm going to go do classes I'm interested in! After all there was a reason I choose to study theatre for my undergrad ;) I know if I really wanted I could do it, I just realized I don't want it.

So I'm now taking a rhetoric because I always want to improve my written expression and I'm going to take a literature class so I can have an excuse to read some more books. I love books and I never read b/c I feel like I don't have time. So I get to write and read! For a dyslexic person I know, I have odd hobbies but it makes me happy even if I won't ever end up a Jane Austin or William F. Buckley. When in my life have I ever taken a logical step? I've always gone my own path and it has worked out really well for me so far... I don't know if these classes will lead to anything in the long run. It is merely my hope that I can take these classes and enjoy something that interests me. With all that I'm doing I don't need to be worrying about my next grand step.

Final Verdict: I'm still doing some stuff for me... I'm just not trying to reinvent my life all at once. One small step at a time rather than an Extreme Makeover like I attempted. I get very restless. This way I still won't miss out on moments with the little critters and I won't feel like I have my head in a blender. I just really appreciate all the support and encouragement my friends provided me while I was trying to figure this all out. Especially Miriam, she just was so optimistic but realistic and very patient with me trying to juggle everything at once. I'm really blessed to be surrounded by great people.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Detours and better directions!

If our week wasn't already turning into a complete disaster, well it got MUCH worse! Honestly I might jump off a bridge but I'm grasping tightly to the one hope that at least I'm not sick or in that bad of pain. Nevertheless I got that kick in the pants that I just didn't need...

It isn't like I didn't see this coming. After all his first day of pre-school was Thursday and so he has been exposed to school germs now for a few days. I saw the slight sniffling on Sunday and than it just got worse slightly, and than more intense, finally he was DEAD this morning: moaning, vomiting, and spewing all types of things. So of course that meant canceling everything, doctors, medicines, etc. Than just as suddenly as the hurricane hit by tonight he was smiling, happily playing with his new trains, etc. It was really really joyful to watch :) I hope tonight is a good night (we drugged him up silly) and maybe tomorrow he will be back to his Harmon self.

I think tonight though I finally got the guidance I needed on my long term plans. I was hoping I could do everything at once but I can't. Look at this week! I'm realizing that no matter what I try I will always be tied to the company and that is life. I guess I should feel glad I'm wanted. My niece's injury has refocused my mind on the importance of family. I had some very lofty goals to do all at once and I think they need a little editing but I'm still on that path of reaching my dreams. I just can't do everything ALL RIGHT NOW!

I promise one day I will share everything with everyone once I have all the kinks and details worked out and I'm on my way!!! The important thing is that I'm not giving up, I'm just adjusting :) It is kind of fun. I feel like I was 19 and I had endless possibilities. Everything is possible as long as I balance, keep the important things first, and not give up even though it is hard.

PS: For those following the latest, my niece is still in the hospital :(

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Houston we have a problem!

My new job means working late some evenings so that I can be home a little more during the day. That means Daddy is in charge. Today the kids ate dinner at 7:30... Houston we have a problem!!!

It isn't just Chris, it is me too. I can't seem to get laundry done or anything else for that matter. So Chris is taking on more of the household chores on Saturday morning while I'm working. To be honest we were never really good at getting things done around the house. Remember when he promised to do more of the meal making? Yeah that never took off and my check book balancing is still lacking. All the plants we bought this Summer are DEAD DEAD DEAD! Neither of us are domesticated :p

I think it is funny how I can make all these goals and still really only have time for the essentials (and even some of the essentials are falling by the wayside). So, back to the drawing board! Like our nanny said though, as long as we are making time for the kids and each other, everything else is secondary (Miriam is so wise).

PS: for those who have been sending well wishes and prayers for my niece, thank you. She is still in the hospital but we are hopeful she will be home soon.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I haz a sad!

Last night I was whining about not going to a silly football game. Just after I pressed "publish" I received texts from my mom that my niece was hurt in just a random freak accident. The rest of my night was in panic mode waiting to hear what the doctors would say the prognosis would be...

Today everything was different. My little niece was in the hospital for at least another night. We think she will be fine! It got me in a funk. I couldn't help but think of my wonderful niece in the hospital and how her parent's heart was broken over everything. It reminded me what it was like when my children were in the hospital. It also just scared me a little. Accidents are so easy and can happen in an instant...

Now knowing the worse is over I think it made me realize to count our blessings. She will be okay. My kids are doing well, healthy and happy. I need to be grateful for all I've been given. As a family, we have had a lot of close calls and I think we must have a few angels watching over us.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A strange visitor in my bed!

Callum refuses to sleep. Usually Chris and I say tough but tonight we couldn't!

So he laying next to us wide awake. We have a NO kids in bed policy but we just don't have the heart to put him back. He is just so sweet and innocent. My niece got hurt tonight seriously. It made me realize how precious our children are, makes me want to hold tight. As I keep saying these days are numbered! We have to treasure these times!

So a few more minutes before he goes back...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Gypsy Wanderlust, Football, and Reality :(

For anyone who has followed this blog for a while you might have observed 2 things...

1) I'm in INSANE Longhorn fan. Yes I am one of those tacky people who spend ubber amounts of money to dress my family in matching garb. I play the fight songs for them and have chanted the chants for them. Granted when I was at UT I don't think I really appreciated being there. After I was done... well I changed. I suddenly loved my alma-mater!

2) I was probably an European Gypsy or Traveller in a past life. Not only did I once read fortunes for a living but I LOVE traveling. I almost dropped out of college and became a stewardess b/c I can't enough of it! That is why I loved Vegas. I was real close to San Diego, LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, etc. and would always go for quick weekend trips! Also I could always go to Venice (the Venetian), Paris (Paris Hotel), or hop over to Ancient Rome (Caesars Palace) any time I wanted.

One lesser known fact is that Chris is a BYU Grad. Thus this game on September 10th would have been so much fun for us!!!!!!! But alas it is totally irresponsible if we go. We didn't budget for it and it is going to cost a lot. I'm too busy with the new thing I'm doing and Chris is drowning in the midst of the company stuff. Furthermore last year's season for Texas was a total depressing bloodbath... do I really want to go to a game where Chris gloats all the way home? So yes there is no reason for us to go, BUT I REALLY WANT TOO! I'm anxious to scream curse words and do Longhorn chants. I want to travel again. I hate staying put. I want to take Chris to see all my old haunts: kayaking in Town Lake, the balcony at the student union (and maybe even kiss him), etc.

But no, that is irresponsible! As a practical working mom adult I understand it... but the crazy Longhorn gypsy in me says... DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Probably a good thing we lost the credit card last week ;) Better not reorder it until Sept 12!

Edit: Chris read my blog early this morning and he surprised me with a night in the mountains for that weekend. It isn't anything like Austin but at least it will be nice to get away for the night, its affordable, and the kids get to come :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tales of Teeth Brushing...

Today was quite a day and I'll share more of it tomorrow... tonight I'm too tired! Instead I wanted to share some great advice from a fellow Mommy Blogger.

All 3 of our kids have HUGE teeth (wonder where they got them from... poor Chris I tease has horse teeth). Brushing teeth in our home is quite a battle but we both know it is very important. Chris complains Miriam and I are not doing a good enough job. Of course when he brushes the kids teeth they scream louder than a person auditioning for a horror film. They hate it! They run away from him. This is why I wanted to share the following advice.

Melissa is a dentist and more importantly she is a mommy. She helped me a few months ago about the pacifier addiction Rachel had and put my mind at ease. Anyhow she did this guest blog on another friend's blog (link) and I asked her if I could repost it. The advice is just great!

Some tips to help with brushing:

  1. Brushing kids’ teeth can be extremely challenging. One of the most important things you can do is establish a routine with brushing your kids’ teeth. When most patients’ moms ask me how this can be done with a wiggly kid, I usually suggest brushing their teeth in the bath. Sounds funny, right. I can tell you it does work in a lot of cases! Most kids love to bathe and are surrounded by toys. While they are playing with their toys, use this as a distraction and whip out the toothbrush. Most of the times they are having so much fun, they will be happy to oblige.

  1. Go to the store with your kids and have them pick out their own toothpaste flavor ( refer to the no section below for options). Give them a few choices and have them pick out their favorite toothpaste. Believe me it works. With my own daughter, we had so much trouble with the toothpaste. When she was a year and a half, we went to the store and I gave her 3 toothpaste packages and told her to pick out the one she wants. When we went home and it was my time to brush her teeth, I whipped out HER toothpaste and explained to her that we are going to use what she picked. It worked!

  1. If using a manual toothbrush doesn’t work, let them pick out an electrical toothbrush that sings to them. They have virtually every type imaginable in a local CVS or Walmart. The kids will be too distracted by the toothbrush “singing” they will forget that you are brushing their teeth.

  1. Make sure you give them some time to “brush” their own teeth and then once done explain to them that mommy/daddy are now going to brush their teeth.

  1. Have them brush your teeth with your toothbrush. Show how happy you are to get your teeth brushed by them. Then tell them it is time for you to brush their teeth. Role play- it works!

  1. At the infant stage, take a little washcloth, wet it, and take them to the mirror. Only water at this point though! Have them watch you cleaning their gums. Babies like their reflection and will learn that having something such as a washcloth/toothbrush in their mouth, is normal. When an infant gets used to having someone in their mouth, it will also make the first dental visit less traumatic when they are a toddler. As they get older, keep this tradition and show them brushing by doing it in the mirror.

  1. As they get older, set up a timer for 2 minutes and tell them till the beeper goes off, they mush brush. (see #5 below)

  1. Positive reinforcement always works well. Try with just praise by way of hugs or words. If they are still refusing to have you brush their teeth, try sticker or little prize reinforcement. Absolutely no candy reinforcement for brushing though.


  1. NEVER NEVER NEVER put your kid to bed with a sippy cup/bottle with milk or juice in it. You can email me and I can tell you some horror stories of kids’ teeth that had to be extracted at a young age because of this!

  1. After brushing, no snacks or food should be given. When an adult brushes, that signals the end of the day and we are done eating. Don’t give into kids. Once they are brushed, they are done eating/drinking as well.

  1. NO FLOURIDE toothpaste should be given till they can learn to spit. Swallowing fluoride toothpaste can be damaging so it is best to avoid it till they master spitting. Most kids are able to spit between 2-3 years old. If you want any suggestions for natural toothpastes that I recommend, please feel free to email me.

  1. Only use a pea size amount of toothpaste. You do not want a ribbon of toothpaste. The kid will end up gagging if this is done.

  1. And I will end with this. Once kids reach the school age and are dressing themselves, DO NOT let them brush their teeth by themselves. They might say they are going upstairs to brush after you put on the timer. They will then proceed to tell you they are all done. Don’t take their word! Chances are they didn’t really do a good job brushing or perhaps didn’t even brush at all. Make sure you are there when they are brushing. That is the only way you will know it was done proficiently.

Melissa has a great blog: The Mommyhood Chronicles! Check it out if you have the time :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simple moments of joy...

I'm a Vegas girl at heart. I hate to say it but I have trouble slowing down and just enjoying a moment. I dream about a Mayberry like existence but I don't really do well in those types of situations. Today though was just peaceful. Tomorrow I start my new beginning and I'm so excited. Today though I just enjoyed the moments.

I ate a green chile hamburger from What-A-Burger (my indulgence here since there is no In & Out to be found).

I helped take the twins to gym and just loved watching how HAPPY they were. We took a 3 month break from gym to do an art and music class and everyone today was just telling us how much the kids have grown into themselves. Rachel was more cautious and graceful. Callum was confident and flirting with everyone. It was just happy :)

Harmon didn't fight me or Miriam on anything today. He too is excited because tomorrow is his first day back at school. We visited his teachers and he met a new classmate. He loves school. This will also be good for the twins. I think they like getting a little extra attention when King Critter is around.

This evening after dinner Rachel begged to go outside. I brought my IPad out but rather than check email I was smarter... I pushed swings. It was so much fun playing with the 3 of them. They are all very innocent and sweet.

Finally Chris and I had an impromptu touch of romance. Honestly we are not very lovey dovey day to day but I admitted to him I missed the little lovey things he did when we were first married. I thought it was sad we traveled just to get a little romance. So he brought home flowers and later when a song came on the radio we danced... we didn't plan on it but it was nice. We even kissed... than Callum saw us and got jealous so we danced with him!


I may be getting busy again starting tomorrow but hopefully I will remember the lessons learned today and take it easy more often!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Barbie & Walmart, you are killing me!

Friday Rachel and I were at the store when I saw THIS:

I know, I shouldn't be upset by a silly Barbie doll but this one made me mad. It was like a bad 1950's version of the happy cooking housewife but instead of a cute dress and pearls she was dressed like a ho! Really, the women's movement brought us only this far???? Seriously???

If that wasn't bad enough my nanny sent me this picture from the Walmart baby section while she was picking something up for me. Can you tell what doesn't belong????

Changes for me...

I've been realizing slowly (probably over the last year) that I put myself last. Before I got married I just hit life full force: career, fun, fashion, etc. That hasn't really been the case. While I wouldn't turn my family in for my old life any day (they are the best thing that has ever happened to me) I can't continually put my needs on hold. Chris doesn't. He is living his dream by being here in New Mexico and starting this business alongside his brothers; but I have. I've focused my talents and energies helping him building his dream business, caring for the kids, and just holding everything together.

I guess I just realize there will never be a good time to start pursuing my goals and dreams. So tomorrow I am stepping down from my obligations and later this week I'm starting a new full time opportunity that will bring me closer to my dreams. The kids will be fine, it won't affect them all that much. I've made it so that I will still be around a whole lot and I know Miriam will have their best needs when I can't be there; and I think (hope) Chris will be ready to step up to the plate more when he isn't at work.

It won't be easy but I know this is something that needs to be done. Life is too short to live with regret. I have always had a real respect for my friends and family who are following their dreams. I have friends who love and just really excel at being stay at home moms. I have other friends who are lawyers, teachers, etc. I have a brother who once had his own TV show and a sister managing Las Vegas shows. I'm proud of my husband who dared to follow his dreams. I don't think it matters what you do in life but it matters more that you are happy doing it! Now is my turn again to do that...

So what am I doing? Well for privacy I'm not sharing for now (although if you know me IRL you probably already know)... but one day I'll share with everyone ;) For now though lets just say it is a good change on the way!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The scary monster attacks!

My little guy Harmon is just really wonderful. He tells me sweet things like: "Mommy I missed you please don't leave me I love you so much." or "You are very special and I love you Mommy" But alas Harmon is a toddler and it isn't always peaches and creme.

Sometimes he is like this:
And when his like this he tries my patience so hard. I could blame it on Sensory Intergration but the fact is the kid is 3 and I've always said Terrible Twos have nothing on the Ghastly Threes.

Anyhow my sweet boy took his "Mr. Hyde" pills and just became defiant this weekend. Miriam our nanny was out of town and add in all the celebrations this weekend... well little man got an attitude this week. He fights me on everything (not so much Miriam b/c he knows she can quit but I'll always be there I suspect). I've had to leave public places, have him in permanent time out, etc. But after a few days of sticking to my guns I'm hoping he will be back to the pleasant Dr. Jekyll any time now... HOPEFULLY!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Husband's dirty little secret!!!

My son Harmon is like a little sponge. When he started school he learned various theme songs like "Go Diego Go" but he has been out of school or summer camp for over a month now. So when he is with his peers either Miriam or I are with him. Imagine my surprise when he started singing "wow wow Wubbzy Wubbzy Wubbzy wow wow" over and over again.

He couldn't have learned it from his peers or I would have noticed so I asked him. Being the honest little guy he is he said "daddy lets me watch it at night while you are working".

We have a strict no TV policy. I could be mad but I wasn't. Chris does much more than many dad's I know and they watch it together after he puts the twins down.

So I guess we have one exception to the NO TV rule. I think life is too short to get mad at Wubbzy. Harmon understands what happens with daddy stays with daddy and is not cool with Mommy; while daddy understands that this better not go beyond Wubbzy!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moments from our Pink Flamingo party!

These some of our pictures. It was a pain and I did more than Chris promised I would need to do :p but I'm really glad we did it. Everyone had a great time. Their birthday is still a few weeks away but it was time to party!

This dress was lent to us by a fellow Mommy Blogger Jenni (link) from my online mom's group. I need to get more pictures b/c it is so beautiful and Rachel loved it.

We could never get Harm off that waterslide to eat or take a picture with us!
My wonderful sister came in from Vegas just to be here!

The twins hit their first pinanta

My friend Jaimie help design and craft the party favors. They were beautiful thanks to her!

Everyone was happy... even the flamingo which died!
It was hotter than Hades but it was great. Next year though we are getting a canopy and pre-cooked food :p I have a lot more pictures on our photo blog: link. We had so many wonderful guests and it was a great party!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

One exhaustingly fun night!!!!

When I'm overdoing I just don't notice. It is pretty funny b/c I'm having so much fun I'm just running back and forth and back and forth. Than when everyone leaves I feel like I was ran over by a truck. That is how I feel right now but I'm also full of immense joy. Today we celebrated 2 wonderful years with our twins. Their birthday is still a few weeks away but we needed to celebrate early. It was just great :) My sister was there. My friends were all there. My family were all there. Most importantly when it was all over I got to celebrate with my little baby cupcakes (above picture). It was just a great celebration. I'm truly a blessed lady.

So tomorrow I'll post some Pink Flamingo Blowout pictures and I'll share all the fun details. It was a little carried away (we had at least 70 people here) but it was wonderful :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The little Diva got her earrings!!!

I always said I was going to wait until Rachel is older before we do the earring thing. Than I started thinking about how everyone says it is easier when they are tiny and Rachel started asking me for them. She would point to mine every day. She would say "Pretty! Mine!" So today we got Rachel her first set of pretty earrings (call it an early birthday gift).

It went soooo much better than I thought it would. We had our Pediatrician do it. Miriam and I iced her little ears (she didn't mind that one bit which was a positive sign) and we gave her a huge lollipop to suck on. First pierce and she didn't even notice. Second ear she was sucking on her lollipop and than when the pierce occurred she got startled and a little angry at us (she felt that one) but after 10 seconds of protest she just went back to her lollipop. When we showed her in the mirror she got so happy.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pink flamingos in the pool and other party secrets!

How do I start this post?

Birthdays are special in our home. Just looking at this picture I realize how quickly time flies and you need to celebrate. Well when Rachel and Callum were born their birthday was not a happy day. They were pre-mature and very ill. So last year we had a huge blow out. It was lovely but exhausting. So this year I thought it would be nicer to do a small get together crepe party. It would be book themed (Madeline and Paddington). Harm's 2nd birthday was very subdued so I thought it would be fitting.

Chris knows better. He knows between work and kids we don't socialize as much as we should. We are blessed with great friends and family but little time. Last year albeit big and exhausting but was still very special and wonderful.

So this year Chris made me a deal. We could do a big party again if he took the planning reigns. Physically I've been stretched so he was excited to help. The first thing he did was during a Dollar Tree shopping trip pick out the theme: PINK FLAMINGOS and Tiki gear.

Yes, TACKY pink flamingos but I relented. After all he got everything for a party large enough for an army battalion for about $40 dollar including decorations, plates, cups, utensils, etc. Yes, decorations wise we have every flamingo item you could imagine! I asked so why the flamingos?

He responded b/c of the Katy Perry song I listen to with the line "pink flamingos in the pool" and it made him wonder why would anyone want a pink flamingo in their pool... He was thinking you know a real flamingo! When I explained it was tacky plastic ones it just got his eye. It sounded like such fun. So yes our twin's 2nd birthday will be pink flamingos. We will have a waterslide, food, fun, and of course pink flamingos in the pool!

So this year's party bigger than last year! Needless to say we might have bit off more than we can chew but it is going to be fun we both know. There is something about how I was raised. Puerto Rican's (and many Hispanics in general) believe that a birthday isn't just a Peter Piper with a handful of friends. Each milestone is special and must be celebrated as if it could be your last. Everyone needs to be welcome. You renew old friendships and build stronger new ones. It is a pain to use but it was really beautiful and wonderful for all involved. I'll never forget my Abuelita's 80th. The room was filled with a hundred people who loved her dancing and laughing. I realized than, that is how you should live. I'm grateful we are keeping the tradition of big parties alive... as long as it doesn't kill me. If it does though I hope my husband will throw a party instead a drab funeral (he can even book the water slide again).

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Today was a big milestone for my little man! Harmon had his first real soccer game :) We are part of the Little Boulders Soccer Team which is a bunch of kids of all the construction guys. The team is awesome and everyone is so sweet.

It was a lot of lessons all at once. Poor Harmon just didn't understand why those older kids push him and steal the ball from him. He got frustrated at one point and just took the ball and sat on it so no one would take it from him.

At a couple points when he would get pushed down he would crumple in a ball and just cry. I wanted to get him and save him but his coach would intervene and get him back into the game.

Every time though he just dusted himself off and really got into it. His team is the youngest in the whole league and these kids were older (5 yo's) but Harmon never got discouraged or gave up... even when we were down 10-0... THAN IT HAPPENED!!!!!!!

GOOOOAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!! Harmon did it! He made our team's one and only goal of the game. We may not have won but I couldn't be prouder of him. He really proves what heart he has and I know he will do good in this and whatever he does if just keeps that same persistence.

That deserved a celebration dinner at his favorite restaurant: Le Golden Arches

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Cupcakes!

Having twins is very surreal. When I had Harmon it was like: "look this is my cute little baby boy". We did pictures all the time, traveled, etc. He was very much the center of our universe. Than all of a sudden I brought two of them home and it wasn't just one cute little baby to focus on. Instead you see double!

Suddenly instead of one baby to feed, hug, change, etc. there were two. Sometimes I feel bad b/c they never get to be a singular unit hardly (we try to change that by doing one on one activities). They just go together like a great pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. As they age I realize they are starting to part ways and will grow into two wonderful individuals. They will have always have each other though and that is a gift. While they may have had to share the limelight, how many people are born with a built in best friend.

So now my baby cupcakes are growing into full sized pastries. That means as of today our household has no more babies (and it won't unless I die and Chris remarries b/c for me I'm beyond done). I should be sad (and I imagine I will get sad here and there) but in general I'm very excited for my babies and this new phase. Each is growing into such a cute little child. They are determined, sweet, and each is unique. It is like reading a book and being so excited for the next chapter to begin.

My Birthday Letters to my children....

Dear Ms Rachel,

You are my first born of the twins. By the time you are old enough to read this letter you will probably be helping me shop at Fashion Show Mall in Vegas making sure your mom stays in style. Afterwards we will be basking in our mani/pedis and while talking boys you like in a cafe overlooking the strip. I guess that is the future I picture for us. The dream I didn't know I wanted but now am so glad I have. Already you are my little BFF. You make me smile and laugh all day with your antics. I've never seen a girl want to wear 17 bows at one time and change clothing every hour on the hour.

You are so girly; but at the same time so strong and smart! That is what I love most about you! The day you were born you could have died but you fought your way through! You have a condition, cerebral palsy, but you never let it define you. You always break down the walls that keep you down and exceed all expectations. I love how you run the house and are so smart. You figure out what you want and go for it. With this attitude I know you will do in life anything you choose to do. No boundary or limit will stop you. All you will need to do is focus on what you want and the world will eat out of your hands.

I love you baby girl! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love, Mom~

Dear Callum,

You are the baby of the family. People say the babies always get spoiled and perhaps that is true (although all the kids around here get spoiled). We call you Jolly ally Cally for a reason. You are a source of light in our home. While your siblings are high energy and very frenetic, you seem to be the calm one (which of course is what your name means). I love how you still want to be cuddled and always want to cheer up anyone who is down. Your brother Harmon calls you his favorite bestest friend in the world. You have a gift Callum and that is to draw everyone to you. Everyone falls in love with you when they meet you.

Today you were singing in the car. Yesterday I caught you dancing. It makes me wonder what you have in store for your future. You have been given gifts and talents that I've never seen in such a youngster. I know that one day in the future you will start experiencing disappointment and maybe rejection. Please don't let those things ever stop you! You were put on this earth to help others and share your gifts. You are a magnet for goodness. As the scripture says don't hide your candle under a bush but let your light so that it shines for all the world to see.

I love you little man! Happy Second Birthday :)

~Love your Mum~

Friday, August 26, 2011

My Secret's Finally Revealed!!!

First off my niece might get released from the hospital soon!!!! Hopefully...

A few weeks ago I posted about all these changes I was making. At the time I wasn't going into into any detail over what I was doing (and I'm still not going to give every detail b/c poor Chris does worry about us maintaining some sort of privacy). Nonetheless, I really wanted this week to talk and it was sooo frustrating not being able to really do that all on the blog. This blog is where I just let everything go and being so secretive just isn't me.

So a few weeks ago I stepped away from a lot of things but it wasn't so simple. I was really looking forward to a new work opportunity but now isn't the time. So I'm staying put in that sense. (This is the part where I need to keep the privacy more).

So the real secret was that I was starting to take a few business classes to prepare for eventually getting an MBA when the kids were older. I just figure that is the next logical step... Anyhow so I enrolled in this accounting class and micro-economics class. I realized I HATE ACCOUNTING. If I hate accounting, I will probably hate statistics, etc. etc. That made me realize Wednesday night life is short, dang this if I'm going to take some classes to enrich my life and give me something personal... well than I'm going to go do classes I'm interested in! After all there was a reason I choose to study theatre for my undergrad ;) I know if I really wanted I could do it, I just realized I don't want it.

So I'm now taking a rhetoric because I always want to improve my written expression and I'm going to take a literature class so I can have an excuse to read some more books. I love books and I never read b/c I feel like I don't have time. So I get to write and read! For a dyslexic person I know, I have odd hobbies but it makes me happy even if I won't ever end up a Jane Austin or William F. Buckley. When in my life have I ever taken a logical step? I've always gone my own path and it has worked out really well for me so far... I don't know if these classes will lead to anything in the long run. It is merely my hope that I can take these classes and enjoy something that interests me. With all that I'm doing I don't need to be worrying about my next grand step.

Final Verdict: I'm still doing some stuff for me... I'm just not trying to reinvent my life all at once. One small step at a time rather than an Extreme Makeover like I attempted. I get very restless. This way I still won't miss out on moments with the little critters and I won't feel like I have my head in a blender. I just really appreciate all the support and encouragement my friends provided me while I was trying to figure this all out. Especially Miriam, she just was so optimistic but realistic and very patient with me trying to juggle everything at once. I'm really blessed to be surrounded by great people.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Detours and better directions!

If our week wasn't already turning into a complete disaster, well it got MUCH worse! Honestly I might jump off a bridge but I'm grasping tightly to the one hope that at least I'm not sick or in that bad of pain. Nevertheless I got that kick in the pants that I just didn't need...

It isn't like I didn't see this coming. After all his first day of pre-school was Thursday and so he has been exposed to school germs now for a few days. I saw the slight sniffling on Sunday and than it just got worse slightly, and than more intense, finally he was DEAD this morning: moaning, vomiting, and spewing all types of things. So of course that meant canceling everything, doctors, medicines, etc. Than just as suddenly as the hurricane hit by tonight he was smiling, happily playing with his new trains, etc. It was really really joyful to watch :) I hope tonight is a good night (we drugged him up silly) and maybe tomorrow he will be back to his Harmon self.

I think tonight though I finally got the guidance I needed on my long term plans. I was hoping I could do everything at once but I can't. Look at this week! I'm realizing that no matter what I try I will always be tied to the company and that is life. I guess I should feel glad I'm wanted. My niece's injury has refocused my mind on the importance of family. I had some very lofty goals to do all at once and I think they need a little editing but I'm still on that path of reaching my dreams. I just can't do everything ALL RIGHT NOW!

I promise one day I will share everything with everyone once I have all the kinks and details worked out and I'm on my way!!! The important thing is that I'm not giving up, I'm just adjusting :) It is kind of fun. I feel like I was 19 and I had endless possibilities. Everything is possible as long as I balance, keep the important things first, and not give up even though it is hard.

PS: For those following the latest, my niece is still in the hospital :(

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Houston we have a problem!

My new job means working late some evenings so that I can be home a little more during the day. That means Daddy is in charge. Today the kids ate dinner at 7:30... Houston we have a problem!!!

It isn't just Chris, it is me too. I can't seem to get laundry done or anything else for that matter. So Chris is taking on more of the household chores on Saturday morning while I'm working. To be honest we were never really good at getting things done around the house. Remember when he promised to do more of the meal making? Yeah that never took off and my check book balancing is still lacking. All the plants we bought this Summer are DEAD DEAD DEAD! Neither of us are domesticated :p

I think it is funny how I can make all these goals and still really only have time for the essentials (and even some of the essentials are falling by the wayside). So, back to the drawing board! Like our nanny said though, as long as we are making time for the kids and each other, everything else is secondary (Miriam is so wise).

PS: for those who have been sending well wishes and prayers for my niece, thank you. She is still in the hospital but we are hopeful she will be home soon.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I haz a sad!

Last night I was whining about not going to a silly football game. Just after I pressed "publish" I received texts from my mom that my niece was hurt in just a random freak accident. The rest of my night was in panic mode waiting to hear what the doctors would say the prognosis would be...

Today everything was different. My little niece was in the hospital for at least another night. We think she will be fine! It got me in a funk. I couldn't help but think of my wonderful niece in the hospital and how her parent's heart was broken over everything. It reminded me what it was like when my children were in the hospital. It also just scared me a little. Accidents are so easy and can happen in an instant...

Now knowing the worse is over I think it made me realize to count our blessings. She will be okay. My kids are doing well, healthy and happy. I need to be grateful for all I've been given. As a family, we have had a lot of close calls and I think we must have a few angels watching over us.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A strange visitor in my bed!

Callum refuses to sleep. Usually Chris and I say tough but tonight we couldn't!

So he laying next to us wide awake. We have a NO kids in bed policy but we just don't have the heart to put him back. He is just so sweet and innocent. My niece got hurt tonight seriously. It made me realize how precious our children are, makes me want to hold tight. As I keep saying these days are numbered! We have to treasure these times!

So a few more minutes before he goes back...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Gypsy Wanderlust, Football, and Reality :(

For anyone who has followed this blog for a while you might have observed 2 things...

1) I'm in INSANE Longhorn fan. Yes I am one of those tacky people who spend ubber amounts of money to dress my family in matching garb. I play the fight songs for them and have chanted the chants for them. Granted when I was at UT I don't think I really appreciated being there. After I was done... well I changed. I suddenly loved my alma-mater!

2) I was probably an European Gypsy or Traveller in a past life. Not only did I once read fortunes for a living but I LOVE traveling. I almost dropped out of college and became a stewardess b/c I can't enough of it! That is why I loved Vegas. I was real close to San Diego, LA, Phoenix, San Francisco, etc. and would always go for quick weekend trips! Also I could always go to Venice (the Venetian), Paris (Paris Hotel), or hop over to Ancient Rome (Caesars Palace) any time I wanted.

One lesser known fact is that Chris is a BYU Grad. Thus this game on September 10th would have been so much fun for us!!!!!!! But alas it is totally irresponsible if we go. We didn't budget for it and it is going to cost a lot. I'm too busy with the new thing I'm doing and Chris is drowning in the midst of the company stuff. Furthermore last year's season for Texas was a total depressing bloodbath... do I really want to go to a game where Chris gloats all the way home? So yes there is no reason for us to go, BUT I REALLY WANT TOO! I'm anxious to scream curse words and do Longhorn chants. I want to travel again. I hate staying put. I want to take Chris to see all my old haunts: kayaking in Town Lake, the balcony at the student union (and maybe even kiss him), etc.

But no, that is irresponsible! As a practical working mom adult I understand it... but the crazy Longhorn gypsy in me says... DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! Probably a good thing we lost the credit card last week ;) Better not reorder it until Sept 12!

Edit: Chris read my blog early this morning and he surprised me with a night in the mountains for that weekend. It isn't anything like Austin but at least it will be nice to get away for the night, its affordable, and the kids get to come :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tales of Teeth Brushing...

Today was quite a day and I'll share more of it tomorrow... tonight I'm too tired! Instead I wanted to share some great advice from a fellow Mommy Blogger.

All 3 of our kids have HUGE teeth (wonder where they got them from... poor Chris I tease has horse teeth). Brushing teeth in our home is quite a battle but we both know it is very important. Chris complains Miriam and I are not doing a good enough job. Of course when he brushes the kids teeth they scream louder than a person auditioning for a horror film. They hate it! They run away from him. This is why I wanted to share the following advice.

Melissa is a dentist and more importantly she is a mommy. She helped me a few months ago about the pacifier addiction Rachel had and put my mind at ease. Anyhow she did this guest blog on another friend's blog (link) and I asked her if I could repost it. The advice is just great!

Some tips to help with brushing:

  1. Brushing kids’ teeth can be extremely challenging. One of the most important things you can do is establish a routine with brushing your kids’ teeth. When most patients’ moms ask me how this can be done with a wiggly kid, I usually suggest brushing their teeth in the bath. Sounds funny, right. I can tell you it does work in a lot of cases! Most kids love to bathe and are surrounded by toys. While they are playing with their toys, use this as a distraction and whip out the toothbrush. Most of the times they are having so much fun, they will be happy to oblige.

  1. Go to the store with your kids and have them pick out their own toothpaste flavor ( refer to the no section below for options). Give them a few choices and have them pick out their favorite toothpaste. Believe me it works. With my own daughter, we had so much trouble with the toothpaste. When she was a year and a half, we went to the store and I gave her 3 toothpaste packages and told her to pick out the one she wants. When we went home and it was my time to brush her teeth, I whipped out HER toothpaste and explained to her that we are going to use what she picked. It worked!

  1. If using a manual toothbrush doesn’t work, let them pick out an electrical toothbrush that sings to them. They have virtually every type imaginable in a local CVS or Walmart. The kids will be too distracted by the toothbrush “singing” they will forget that you are brushing their teeth.

  1. Make sure you give them some time to “brush” their own teeth and then once done explain to them that mommy/daddy are now going to brush their teeth.

  1. Have them brush your teeth with your toothbrush. Show how happy you are to get your teeth brushed by them. Then tell them it is time for you to brush their teeth. Role play- it works!

  1. At the infant stage, take a little washcloth, wet it, and take them to the mirror. Only water at this point though! Have them watch you cleaning their gums. Babies like their reflection and will learn that having something such as a washcloth/toothbrush in their mouth, is normal. When an infant gets used to having someone in their mouth, it will also make the first dental visit less traumatic when they are a toddler. As they get older, keep this tradition and show them brushing by doing it in the mirror.

  1. As they get older, set up a timer for 2 minutes and tell them till the beeper goes off, they mush brush. (see #5 below)

  1. Positive reinforcement always works well. Try with just praise by way of hugs or words. If they are still refusing to have you brush their teeth, try sticker or little prize reinforcement. Absolutely no candy reinforcement for brushing though.


  1. NEVER NEVER NEVER put your kid to bed with a sippy cup/bottle with milk or juice in it. You can email me and I can tell you some horror stories of kids’ teeth that had to be extracted at a young age because of this!

  1. After brushing, no snacks or food should be given. When an adult brushes, that signals the end of the day and we are done eating. Don’t give into kids. Once they are brushed, they are done eating/drinking as well.

  1. NO FLOURIDE toothpaste should be given till they can learn to spit. Swallowing fluoride toothpaste can be damaging so it is best to avoid it till they master spitting. Most kids are able to spit between 2-3 years old. If you want any suggestions for natural toothpastes that I recommend, please feel free to email me.

  1. Only use a pea size amount of toothpaste. You do not want a ribbon of toothpaste. The kid will end up gagging if this is done.

  1. And I will end with this. Once kids reach the school age and are dressing themselves, DO NOT let them brush their teeth by themselves. They might say they are going upstairs to brush after you put on the timer. They will then proceed to tell you they are all done. Don’t take their word! Chances are they didn’t really do a good job brushing or perhaps didn’t even brush at all. Make sure you are there when they are brushing. That is the only way you will know it was done proficiently.

Melissa has a great blog: The Mommyhood Chronicles! Check it out if you have the time :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Simple moments of joy...

I'm a Vegas girl at heart. I hate to say it but I have trouble slowing down and just enjoying a moment. I dream about a Mayberry like existence but I don't really do well in those types of situations. Today though was just peaceful. Tomorrow I start my new beginning and I'm so excited. Today though I just enjoyed the moments.

I ate a green chile hamburger from What-A-Burger (my indulgence here since there is no In & Out to be found).

I helped take the twins to gym and just loved watching how HAPPY they were. We took a 3 month break from gym to do an art and music class and everyone today was just telling us how much the kids have grown into themselves. Rachel was more cautious and graceful. Callum was confident and flirting with everyone. It was just happy :)

Harmon didn't fight me or Miriam on anything today. He too is excited because tomorrow is his first day back at school. We visited his teachers and he met a new classmate. He loves school. This will also be good for the twins. I think they like getting a little extra attention when King Critter is around.

This evening after dinner Rachel begged to go outside. I brought my IPad out but rather than check email I was smarter... I pushed swings. It was so much fun playing with the 3 of them. They are all very innocent and sweet.

Finally Chris and I had an impromptu touch of romance. Honestly we are not very lovey dovey day to day but I admitted to him I missed the little lovey things he did when we were first married. I thought it was sad we traveled just to get a little romance. So he brought home flowers and later when a song came on the radio we danced... we didn't plan on it but it was nice. We even kissed... than Callum saw us and got jealous so we danced with him!


I may be getting busy again starting tomorrow but hopefully I will remember the lessons learned today and take it easy more often!!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Barbie & Walmart, you are killing me!

Friday Rachel and I were at the store when I saw THIS:

I know, I shouldn't be upset by a silly Barbie doll but this one made me mad. It was like a bad 1950's version of the happy cooking housewife but instead of a cute dress and pearls she was dressed like a ho! Really, the women's movement brought us only this far???? Seriously???

If that wasn't bad enough my nanny sent me this picture from the Walmart baby section while she was picking something up for me. Can you tell what doesn't belong????

Changes for me...

I've been realizing slowly (probably over the last year) that I put myself last. Before I got married I just hit life full force: career, fun, fashion, etc. That hasn't really been the case. While I wouldn't turn my family in for my old life any day (they are the best thing that has ever happened to me) I can't continually put my needs on hold. Chris doesn't. He is living his dream by being here in New Mexico and starting this business alongside his brothers; but I have. I've focused my talents and energies helping him building his dream business, caring for the kids, and just holding everything together.

I guess I just realize there will never be a good time to start pursuing my goals and dreams. So tomorrow I am stepping down from my obligations and later this week I'm starting a new full time opportunity that will bring me closer to my dreams. The kids will be fine, it won't affect them all that much. I've made it so that I will still be around a whole lot and I know Miriam will have their best needs when I can't be there; and I think (hope) Chris will be ready to step up to the plate more when he isn't at work.

It won't be easy but I know this is something that needs to be done. Life is too short to live with regret. I have always had a real respect for my friends and family who are following their dreams. I have friends who love and just really excel at being stay at home moms. I have other friends who are lawyers, teachers, etc. I have a brother who once had his own TV show and a sister managing Las Vegas shows. I'm proud of my husband who dared to follow his dreams. I don't think it matters what you do in life but it matters more that you are happy doing it! Now is my turn again to do that...

So what am I doing? Well for privacy I'm not sharing for now (although if you know me IRL you probably already know)... but one day I'll share with everyone ;) For now though lets just say it is a good change on the way!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The scary monster attacks!

My little guy Harmon is just really wonderful. He tells me sweet things like: "Mommy I missed you please don't leave me I love you so much." or "You are very special and I love you Mommy" But alas Harmon is a toddler and it isn't always peaches and creme.

Sometimes he is like this:
And when his like this he tries my patience so hard. I could blame it on Sensory Intergration but the fact is the kid is 3 and I've always said Terrible Twos have nothing on the Ghastly Threes.

Anyhow my sweet boy took his "Mr. Hyde" pills and just became defiant this weekend. Miriam our nanny was out of town and add in all the celebrations this weekend... well little man got an attitude this week. He fights me on everything (not so much Miriam b/c he knows she can quit but I'll always be there I suspect). I've had to leave public places, have him in permanent time out, etc. But after a few days of sticking to my guns I'm hoping he will be back to the pleasant Dr. Jekyll any time now... HOPEFULLY!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My Husband's dirty little secret!!!

My son Harmon is like a little sponge. When he started school he learned various theme songs like "Go Diego Go" but he has been out of school or summer camp for over a month now. So when he is with his peers either Miriam or I are with him. Imagine my surprise when he started singing "wow wow Wubbzy Wubbzy Wubbzy wow wow" over and over again.

He couldn't have learned it from his peers or I would have noticed so I asked him. Being the honest little guy he is he said "daddy lets me watch it at night while you are working".

We have a strict no TV policy. I could be mad but I wasn't. Chris does much more than many dad's I know and they watch it together after he puts the twins down.

So I guess we have one exception to the NO TV rule. I think life is too short to get mad at Wubbzy. Harmon understands what happens with daddy stays with daddy and is not cool with Mommy; while daddy understands that this better not go beyond Wubbzy!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Moments from our Pink Flamingo party!

These some of our pictures. It was a pain and I did more than Chris promised I would need to do :p but I'm really glad we did it. Everyone had a great time. Their birthday is still a few weeks away but it was time to party!

This dress was lent to us by a fellow Mommy Blogger Jenni (link) from my online mom's group. I need to get more pictures b/c it is so beautiful and Rachel loved it.

We could never get Harm off that waterslide to eat or take a picture with us!
My wonderful sister came in from Vegas just to be here!

The twins hit their first pinanta

My friend Jaimie help design and craft the party favors. They were beautiful thanks to her!

Everyone was happy... even the flamingo which died!
It was hotter than Hades but it was great. Next year though we are getting a canopy and pre-cooked food :p I have a lot more pictures on our photo blog: link. We had so many wonderful guests and it was a great party!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

One exhaustingly fun night!!!!

When I'm overdoing I just don't notice. It is pretty funny b/c I'm having so much fun I'm just running back and forth and back and forth. Than when everyone leaves I feel like I was ran over by a truck. That is how I feel right now but I'm also full of immense joy. Today we celebrated 2 wonderful years with our twins. Their birthday is still a few weeks away but we needed to celebrate early. It was just great :) My sister was there. My friends were all there. My family were all there. Most importantly when it was all over I got to celebrate with my little baby cupcakes (above picture). It was just a great celebration. I'm truly a blessed lady.

So tomorrow I'll post some Pink Flamingo Blowout pictures and I'll share all the fun details. It was a little carried away (we had at least 70 people here) but it was wonderful :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The little Diva got her earrings!!!

I always said I was going to wait until Rachel is older before we do the earring thing. Than I started thinking about how everyone says it is easier when they are tiny and Rachel started asking me for them. She would point to mine every day. She would say "Pretty! Mine!" So today we got Rachel her first set of pretty earrings (call it an early birthday gift).

It went soooo much better than I thought it would. We had our Pediatrician do it. Miriam and I iced her little ears (she didn't mind that one bit which was a positive sign) and we gave her a huge lollipop to suck on. First pierce and she didn't even notice. Second ear she was sucking on her lollipop and than when the pierce occurred she got startled and a little angry at us (she felt that one) but after 10 seconds of protest she just went back to her lollipop. When we showed her in the mirror she got so happy.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Pink flamingos in the pool and other party secrets!

How do I start this post?

Birthdays are special in our home. Just looking at this picture I realize how quickly time flies and you need to celebrate. Well when Rachel and Callum were born their birthday was not a happy day. They were pre-mature and very ill. So last year we had a huge blow out. It was lovely but exhausting. So this year I thought it would be nicer to do a small get together crepe party. It would be book themed (Madeline and Paddington). Harm's 2nd birthday was very subdued so I thought it would be fitting.

Chris knows better. He knows between work and kids we don't socialize as much as we should. We are blessed with great friends and family but little time. Last year albeit big and exhausting but was still very special and wonderful.

So this year Chris made me a deal. We could do a big party again if he took the planning reigns. Physically I've been stretched so he was excited to help. The first thing he did was during a Dollar Tree shopping trip pick out the theme: PINK FLAMINGOS and Tiki gear.

Yes, TACKY pink flamingos but I relented. After all he got everything for a party large enough for an army battalion for about $40 dollar including decorations, plates, cups, utensils, etc. Yes, decorations wise we have every flamingo item you could imagine! I asked so why the flamingos?

He responded b/c of the Katy Perry song I listen to with the line "pink flamingos in the pool" and it made him wonder why would anyone want a pink flamingo in their pool... He was thinking you know a real flamingo! When I explained it was tacky plastic ones it just got his eye. It sounded like such fun. So yes our twin's 2nd birthday will be pink flamingos. We will have a waterslide, food, fun, and of course pink flamingos in the pool!

So this year's party bigger than last year! Needless to say we might have bit off more than we can chew but it is going to be fun we both know. There is something about how I was raised. Puerto Rican's (and many Hispanics in general) believe that a birthday isn't just a Peter Piper with a handful of friends. Each milestone is special and must be celebrated as if it could be your last. Everyone needs to be welcome. You renew old friendships and build stronger new ones. It is a pain to use but it was really beautiful and wonderful for all involved. I'll never forget my Abuelita's 80th. The room was filled with a hundred people who loved her dancing and laughing. I realized than, that is how you should live. I'm grateful we are keeping the tradition of big parties alive... as long as it doesn't kill me. If it does though I hope my husband will throw a party instead a drab funeral (he can even book the water slide again).