Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We are a sick and tired family...

Oh my heck, 4 of the 5 of us are sick! I'm not kidding you, everyone but Harmon. I'm doing better but now Chris is sick, Cally is still sick (he was at 101 for a fever today), and Rachel has her first ever cold. I'm not kidding! At least I am doing a little better b/c if Momma ain't well... than too bad she still has to take care of everyone.

It is funny two nights ago I tried to think about how many times I woke up at night. First Harmon was wandering around 12... than Rach woke... than Cally woke... than Harm went wandering, again... than Chris had to get up for work early so his alarm woke me. So that was 5 times and in 2 or 3 times for needing Chris to roll over b/c of snoring (when he is congested he snores). Also it takes me a while to always fall back asleep. Maybe this explains why I'm always complaining on the blog how I'm always tired.

There was a story when we visited the Farm and Ranch museum about this beautiful longhorn mounted on the wall. They said she lived there happily for 18 yrs but never had a calf. When she was 18 she had a calf and died 1 year later. The moral of this story, is motherhood kills, and I probably might end up going by the way of this longhorn unless things get better around her. Just kidding ;)

I promise tomorrow I will share all about Thanksgiving including the cute pics but tonight I need sleep.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Death by Turkey!

No, I didn't cause food poisoning from my first Thanksgiving meal. Besides a Pioneer Women butternut squash recipe turning NASTY and Chris getting attacked by a sweet potato; it all went pretty well. If I was feeling better I would share the really cute pictures of my little critters and go into detail how Thanksgiving was. Perhaps tomorrow I will feel up to it more but today I can barely put 2 words together.

What I haven't mentioned on the blog is that Cally has been pretty sick for about 2 weeks now (nothing scary like in the past with the pneumonia and bronchiolitis). I really thought he was getting much better (he went to the doctor and has been on medication now for over a week). Saturday his fever spiked and he has gotten worse. With breathing treatments and aggresive medication I am hopeful we will not have a scary repeat of the past. I will be taking him in tomorrow and update with good news hopefully.

This time though I got real sick as well. Last night I was woozy and today I have been pretty out of it. Hopefully it is a weekend thing and I will be back in action tomorrow, because the holidays are over and I've lots to do. In the mean time I must give kudos to Chris b/c he has been pretty much on his own caring for them critters.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Moms of multiples are freaks of nature

This video is courtesy of mompetition.blogspot.com and it is the best thing I've seen in a LONG time. Seriously every single day I am placed in a similarly awkward conversation with similarly awkward comments. Add in the whole "and is the toddler your's too" question and I could be held hostage in the produce aisle at Albertson's for 15 minutes! I know people mean no harm but sometimes a girl has to get going places... especially when it takes 20 minutes to get everyone back into the car!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Are the holidays done yet???

Are the holidays done yet??? I'm already worn out!

I tried to go to Super Walmart tonight to go get Thanksgiving fixings and there were NO parking spots anywhere... I couldn't drive away fast enough. Tomorrow I will attempt Albertsons because what I will lose in lost savings will more than be made up with more sanity.

2 weeks ago I bought my turkey! Miriam (our nanny) is teasing me that it is a chicken w/an identity crisis. We think it is about a 7 lb bird but the problem is that it didn't have a label so when it defrosts I will have to weigh it. All I know is that it only cost us $8 and it is name brand. I'm excited and nervous about cooking my first Thanksgiving... Chris has set expectations well though: "Don't worry, we are all not expecting it to be very good". With a vote of confidence like that how can I lose?

I'm already stressed about gifts so I'm trying to get it done early. I'm really getting picky what I buy the critters b/c we have so much STUFF around this house. I feel like I live in a day care center and so I want what we get them to be QUALITY. I can't wait till I'm done!!! It is the best feeling :) I got great coupons for a Target 3 day sale but they were sold out of what I wanted to get Cally and Rachel. It doesn't help that we are signed up for every gift exchange imaginable. Chris promises this year he will help... I hope he will! Now the question is... will I dare Black Friday??? I'm leaning towards... I need sleep, but knowing me I will cave.

Lets just be honest! What we are all really looking forward too is the following...

Santa Cally! And of course

Elf! I've already watched it twice since Saturday... I love this movie (Chris by the end of December is ready to send hate mail to Will Ferrell).

Oh and in other good news Chris and I bought our plane tickets for a weekend getaway to New Orleans for mid-December (Gualita will be on critter duty). It will be what I need to stay in the Christmas spirit!

Finally lets not forget, this year on December 22 I will not be having a total hip replacement and spend Christmas drugged! Wohoo!

Friday, November 19, 2010

You're my best friend!!!

When we had Callum I was so excited because I always wanted 2 boys. Chris and his brothers are so fricken close it is scary and my brothers also have a very special bond. Much to my delight though I think big brother/big sister is going to prove to be just as special a bond.

Harmon and Rachel are just inseparable. He "gets" her and she "gets" him. They share toys, they take turns pushing each other on the riding toys, and he is even teaching her how to walk by letting her hold onto his pants while he walks her slowly around the house. It is really cute! They remind me of Buzz and Woody in Toy Story with that song singing "You're my Best Friend".

I always knew Harmon and Callum would be close b/c nothing beats the bond of brothers. I also always knew that Rachel and Callum will always be close (they are twins after all). Now it feels like a perfect circle... I know, I'm cheesy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being happy where I am at!

The other day a good friend of mine announced her pregnancy. A couple of yeara ago we were trying at the same time. She not having infertility beat me of course. I remember feeling back than, happy for her but sad that it was so hard for us. This time when she announced her pregnancy I had very different feelings. I was still VERY happy for her but rather than sad I won't ever be pregnant again I was happy for me.

I feel very complete these days. I love my little critters, I love my husband, and I'm even learning to like somewhat living out in a one horse town. When the kids get older I'm excited to further my education with a graduate degree and Chris and I talk about me starting a business of my own (far far away from homebuilding which was always Chris' dream).

I still have many dreams to fulfill in life but while they are in the process I am very happy to have what I have. I feel complete as an adult and excited to see what is next not only for me but for all of us!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!

Anyone who tried to get ahold of me yesterday pretty much got a cold shoulder. On Sunday night Photoworks, the company I do all my pictures with had a fabulous deal on photobooks. I got each custom one for $10 (rather than 30 or 40 dollars) and free shipping. But of course the sale was only good for 24 hrs. So I killed myself and did a baby book for each child.

It was neat. I can't believe how much they have all grown. I can't believe how much Callum and Harmon look so alike. I'm glad a 24 hr sale forced me to do this because I wouldn't have done it otherwise. I think the mis-spellings that I'm sure are there and the photos not properly centered may drive me crazy (when I create an ad for example I used to spend an hour on moving font one inch so 3 books done so hastily is pretty drastic for me). If I had waited they all might be in college before I did this so I'm glad it is done!!!

So for the people who are curious, here is my children's first year in pictures!

Harmon's Book: link
Callum's Book: link
Rachel's Book: link

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I don't like you anymore!

I'm sure one day Harmon won't like me for putting his picture like this on the web ;)

But that isn't the point of this entry! Rather it is about those rare moments as a parent where you don't particularly like your child. I realized today it isn't because you don't love your child or you are a bad mom. After many months of struggling with Harmon and his Special Needs (and talking to other moms in similar circumstances) that feeling really frustrated is ok.

Today for example something went off for him and set off a full out melt down that involved 45 minutes of crying, biting, and trying to assault Rachel with a fire truck. Eventually I got him calmed and all was better but during that time I will admit I was frustrated!!!! I just want to tell him: "I need to feed you lunch. I need to feed the twins. Just get over it!". But I know in my heart he isn't programmed that way and I need to be patient. That is the hardest thing about not just being a parent but being the mom of a child with special needs. You always have to stay calm and remember that the reason why they are doing what they are doing is in part because of their special needs and is out yours and his control. I really don't think I can explain how difficult having a special kid like Harmon is, hour by hour can be a trial somedays. But along with those trials, come many wonderful blessings and I wouldn't have my Harmon be any other way!!!!

Even when Harmon is just being a normal kid and marking my brand new purse with permanent marker I can be temporarily frustrated with him. I will always love and like him but sometimes I won't love the predicament he has caused and I won't like his choices. It doesn't make me a bad mother to say "I don't like that" unless I start to forget what a great amazing kid he is and harbor resentment instead. These feelings apply to the twins as well. I think it applies to all relationships.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Edit: Last night I had stayed up late trying to get things ready for today. Harmon jumped in my bed first thing and did something he has never done before, told me "I love you". I will never forget this moment after waiting so long to hear these words. Like I said last night, I would never trade him for anything because when you have a child with special challenges I believe watching him overcome them is the sweetest blessing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Football Season SUCKS this year!!!

Cally crying over our season!
If my nephew read my blog he would tell me "Aunt Francisca sucks is not a nice word," but oh heck things are so horrible right now you are lucky it is not something like the CeeLoo Green song I talked about earlier this week!!!!

I just am HORRIFIED!!! Last year had our quarterback not been injured, the great Colt McCoy, we would have won the National Championship!!!!!!! This year UTEP has a better record than we will have. It makes no sense. I'm sure Garrett Gilbert is a nice guy, but a good quarterback he is not. If they don't get rid of his rear end soon I will personally fly to Austin and demand a swift firing of Mack Brown since I don't hanging and quartering is an option.

Actual game photo while the game was still playing... maybe only a 100 or so people left during a division 1 game

In better news: even when you think you are the worse team in the nation New Mexico State can always boost you up! We went to the game tonight. We got there late b/c of the kids and they were only 3 pts behind. In 8 mins of play they went from 3 pts behind to losing the game 41-20. It was so sad! More people attend the local high school games than NMSU games. The good thing about it is that we got to upgrade our seats and the kids LOVED the band. They danced in the stands even after the game was over. It was freezing but we had a great time.

Rachel loving the music

Friday, November 12, 2010

Being nice can be a good thing!!!

Yesterday at breakfast I was reading the newspaper and I saw that there was a Carrie Tingly Hospital outreach clinic here in Las Cruces for this month. Rachel's appointment is not until January so I got so excited!!!! I called and the most surly women answered. She totally started witching me out saying that the newspaper had an error, there were no appt's available for months, etc. etc. I was disappointed but remained very polite. Suddenly her attitude changed. She told me b/c I was being so understanding she could of course check for cancelations. She did and she found one for December so now Rachel will get seen about her muscle tone issues a whole month earlier than scheduled. I'm so happy for her.

Oh and as an update the really special evaluations at UNM (the ECEP) will be in January!!! I'm really excited :) Hopefully we will get some good answers. Now to figure out logistics for us all going up to Albuquerque.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Joy in the little things! (and RenFair Pics)

How do you do it? I get this question a lot. I guess the question isn't how, it is why. Both Chris and I have given up a lot but in return we have gained the world. It isn't the big moments that keeps us going it is the little joys.

It is:
~Rachel looking like a princess at the Renaissance Festival and everyone wanting a picture of her.
~Harmon getting a wonderful "first" report card.
~Cally learning how to do a high five.
~Harmon jumping into bed with me first thing in the morning and cuddling.
~Cally dancing to any music put on.
~Rachel saying "bye bye" to the cashier at Walgreens...

It goes on.

Than there are the things Chris and I do to let each other know we love one another. Like these last few mornings he covers me up in his blanket before he leaves at 6:30 so I don't get chilled my last little bit in bed. I try to do things for him too like making his favorite tacos this week.

Life has it's challenges. These days I'm just wasted by the time the evening comes around and I know Chris feels likewise. The company is going crazy and the kids are much crazier (and demanding). But we are surrounded by good people, and we are blessed. You just have to remember when you are dead exhausted, "the little things", than life no longer feels hard but happy.

Here are more pictures from last weekend's RenFair, yes, I know I'm cheesy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

FU and other colorful things you hear on the radio!

I need to spend more time with setting up Itunes and bringing my Ipod in the car because the radio is getting out of hand. I don't think it is much worse than it was say 6 months ago but 6 months Harmon couldn't talk. Now he can and HE LOVES music. He is very good at echoing things and learning new things. Just today his teacher asked me why he kept singing "Take it off" over and over again. Than I remembered Kesha's latest song and it made sense. The funniest thing he has sang in front of people was Lady Antebellum's "I'm a little drunk and I need you now". Of course that was in front of Chris' oh so conservative friends.

Anyway, I think Chris and I are becoming more aware of what we have on as background music. After all I can't stand Kesha but it is what is on the radio and I'm just listening to whatever is on. The final straw was tonight Chris said I really like this song: "riding around town with the girl I love, and I love you oh oh ohhh." So I listened to the lyrics and I was like I don't think that is what he is saying. So we used the iphone and googled only to find out it was worse than even I thought: I see you driving ’round town with the girl I love and I’m like “F*** you!” Ooo ooo oooo
and it gets a lot worse from there.

So I need to stop being lazy. After all there is nothing cuter than him singing his Taylor Swift or when he sings to our nanny "Just the way you are". We just need to make sure we don't have him also singing any "Teenage Dream" type songs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I don't like our neighbors!

I'm not talking about our human, neighbors... they are awesome. It is the 4 legged ones that are scaring the crumb out of me. We live in a pretty populated area that borders some BLM land and the mountains. I realize the wildlife came first but I wish they wouldn't wander so close to us. Today Chris was outside early in the morning and he saw a HUGE coyote just walking up our street. A few wks ago we saw one about 10 ft from our back yard. We lost one of our cats after he snuck out while I was putting stuff inside the house... I worry what his fate was. It makes me all the more careful with our pets and especially our critters! Good thing we are moving soon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The tale of the flowers :)

Needless to say things have been crazy and after all we did in October we have been decompressing this week. I think with that in mind Chris wanted to make sure I knew I was appreciated and loved. So every night this week he has bought me flowers! Each are beautiful and he succeeded because I feel very loved and appreciated. He is the best!!!!

Hopefully I won't kill the potted flowers before we can plant them this Spring... the odds don't look good for them though (I've a black thumb).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Toddler Kleptomaniac...

I'm starting to notice a problem when Harmon visits his MiMa's (this hasn't happened elsewhere)! Last time we were getting ready to leave and Lisa kept insisting "I think he has too much pee in his diaper b/c he is walking funny". I just assumed he was showing off to her but as we were leaving I noticed some cars in his hands and had to explain that he needed to leave them at MiMa's. Later as I was putting him in the car I felt his side. Lisa and I were shocked... he had not one, not two, not five, but nine tonka trucks/cars stuffed into his jeans (thus the funny walking). He tried it again this Sunday at church w/MiMa. It looks like I will have to pat my mini-criminal down before he leaves the presence of MiMa.

In other amazing Harmon news he showed us he could spell his name. Miriam randomly asked him "what is your name?" and he said: "Harmon, h-a-r-m-o-n". I didn't believe her so later in the evening I asked him Harmon can you spell your name? And he just rattled it off. I couldn't believe a 2 1/2 year old could do it! I'm amazed what he us learning in school. It proves "special needs" does NOT mean dumb!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our "Picture Perfect Life"

Here is a good sum of what we did. There were soooo many... and many of them as you could imagine involved either tears, a tot running away, or all! These are some of the better pictures.

And since we all know life is never picture perfect, for fun here is one of the outakes! This is what we are more normally like ;)

After all there is no such thing as "picture perfect" especially in a home with 3 tots!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Very Very SCARY day!

Don't worry nothing bad happened today. It was just a scary day. After all today was not only "Dia de los Muertos", Election day, but our semi-annual pictured day. Yes each of these events on their own could scare the dickens out of anyone but put together it led to a very scary day.

Dia de los Muertos: Has been kind of a cute tradition since Chris and I got married. Neither of us are Catholic. Neither of us are Mexican (I'm Puerto Rican and Chris is as Anglo/Saxon as they come). But I have lived here on the border most of my life and Chris lived in Mexico City for a little bit so both of us have a love for the culture.

So this year we made an effort to teach the kids about the holiday. We have been visiting all the local bakeries for Pan de Muerto, have attended festivals on Saturday, and tonight we watched the processional from the main church in Mesilla to the grave yard. Harmon was loving it. He calls the day "Dia de los Pretzals"!

We want to teach our children other cultures and traditions. I was immersed (especially in college) with everything from Indian to Pakistani to El Salvadorian etc. I love it, I think if we can teach the children that the world is a big place hopefully they will be more loving and tolerant!

Election Day: Yes I voted, no I didn't like most of the candidates (our congressional race I considered it "Satan" vs "The Devil"), no I'm not enthusiastic for sudden change... but we really are lucky to live in this country and hopefully we will go in the right direction!

The funny thing has been Chris. When we dated he claimed he was not just another "Republican" and was Independent like I was. I doubted that claim. Tonight he keeps shouting "We are winning! We are winning!" every time a Republican won something. An Independent????? I think not!

Picture Day: It took over two hours between the time we arrived at the studio and by the time I paid and left. I HATE doing pictures but I love the memories so I keep doing this. This proved especially hard. After all it was like trying to herd cats w/not one, not two, but three toddlers!!! Cally was the star. He got the best pics and Rachel kept running away... yeah she failed today.

Above is a preview... I'll upload the rest tomorrow to share with everyone. I was sad b/c we always get the one "perfect" shot but we couldn't get it this time. Oh well, we will try again in April :)

Night Terrors and Sleep Walking came back: In finishing our scary day I thought I would update everyone on Harmon. He was doing much better with his sleep but last night was HORRIBLE. He kept waking up over and over and over again (I counted 6 times between 11 and 7). Finally Chris went to get him and couldn't find him. He was huddling in a corner crying and screaming "Lollipop" over and over again. If he looks sad in the pictures this is why. No one got any sleep, but I don't care about me, I just feel so bad my little boy is struggling still.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We are a sick and tired family...

Oh my heck, 4 of the 5 of us are sick! I'm not kidding you, everyone but Harmon. I'm doing better but now Chris is sick, Cally is still sick (he was at 101 for a fever today), and Rachel has her first ever cold. I'm not kidding! At least I am doing a little better b/c if Momma ain't well... than too bad she still has to take care of everyone.

It is funny two nights ago I tried to think about how many times I woke up at night. First Harmon was wandering around 12... than Rach woke... than Cally woke... than Harm went wandering, again... than Chris had to get up for work early so his alarm woke me. So that was 5 times and in 2 or 3 times for needing Chris to roll over b/c of snoring (when he is congested he snores). Also it takes me a while to always fall back asleep. Maybe this explains why I'm always complaining on the blog how I'm always tired.

There was a story when we visited the Farm and Ranch museum about this beautiful longhorn mounted on the wall. They said she lived there happily for 18 yrs but never had a calf. When she was 18 she had a calf and died 1 year later. The moral of this story, is motherhood kills, and I probably might end up going by the way of this longhorn unless things get better around her. Just kidding ;)

I promise tomorrow I will share all about Thanksgiving including the cute pics but tonight I need sleep.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Death by Turkey!

No, I didn't cause food poisoning from my first Thanksgiving meal. Besides a Pioneer Women butternut squash recipe turning NASTY and Chris getting attacked by a sweet potato; it all went pretty well. If I was feeling better I would share the really cute pictures of my little critters and go into detail how Thanksgiving was. Perhaps tomorrow I will feel up to it more but today I can barely put 2 words together.

What I haven't mentioned on the blog is that Cally has been pretty sick for about 2 weeks now (nothing scary like in the past with the pneumonia and bronchiolitis). I really thought he was getting much better (he went to the doctor and has been on medication now for over a week). Saturday his fever spiked and he has gotten worse. With breathing treatments and aggresive medication I am hopeful we will not have a scary repeat of the past. I will be taking him in tomorrow and update with good news hopefully.

This time though I got real sick as well. Last night I was woozy and today I have been pretty out of it. Hopefully it is a weekend thing and I will be back in action tomorrow, because the holidays are over and I've lots to do. In the mean time I must give kudos to Chris b/c he has been pretty much on his own caring for them critters.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Moms of multiples are freaks of nature

This video is courtesy of mompetition.blogspot.com and it is the best thing I've seen in a LONG time. Seriously every single day I am placed in a similarly awkward conversation with similarly awkward comments. Add in the whole "and is the toddler your's too" question and I could be held hostage in the produce aisle at Albertson's for 15 minutes! I know people mean no harm but sometimes a girl has to get going places... especially when it takes 20 minutes to get everyone back into the car!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Are the holidays done yet???

Are the holidays done yet??? I'm already worn out!

I tried to go to Super Walmart tonight to go get Thanksgiving fixings and there were NO parking spots anywhere... I couldn't drive away fast enough. Tomorrow I will attempt Albertsons because what I will lose in lost savings will more than be made up with more sanity.

2 weeks ago I bought my turkey! Miriam (our nanny) is teasing me that it is a chicken w/an identity crisis. We think it is about a 7 lb bird but the problem is that it didn't have a label so when it defrosts I will have to weigh it. All I know is that it only cost us $8 and it is name brand. I'm excited and nervous about cooking my first Thanksgiving... Chris has set expectations well though: "Don't worry, we are all not expecting it to be very good". With a vote of confidence like that how can I lose?

I'm already stressed about gifts so I'm trying to get it done early. I'm really getting picky what I buy the critters b/c we have so much STUFF around this house. I feel like I live in a day care center and so I want what we get them to be QUALITY. I can't wait till I'm done!!! It is the best feeling :) I got great coupons for a Target 3 day sale but they were sold out of what I wanted to get Cally and Rachel. It doesn't help that we are signed up for every gift exchange imaginable. Chris promises this year he will help... I hope he will! Now the question is... will I dare Black Friday??? I'm leaning towards... I need sleep, but knowing me I will cave.

Lets just be honest! What we are all really looking forward too is the following...

Santa Cally! And of course

Elf! I've already watched it twice since Saturday... I love this movie (Chris by the end of December is ready to send hate mail to Will Ferrell).

Oh and in other good news Chris and I bought our plane tickets for a weekend getaway to New Orleans for mid-December (Gualita will be on critter duty). It will be what I need to stay in the Christmas spirit!

Finally lets not forget, this year on December 22 I will not be having a total hip replacement and spend Christmas drugged! Wohoo!

Friday, November 19, 2010

You're my best friend!!!

When we had Callum I was so excited because I always wanted 2 boys. Chris and his brothers are so fricken close it is scary and my brothers also have a very special bond. Much to my delight though I think big brother/big sister is going to prove to be just as special a bond.

Harmon and Rachel are just inseparable. He "gets" her and she "gets" him. They share toys, they take turns pushing each other on the riding toys, and he is even teaching her how to walk by letting her hold onto his pants while he walks her slowly around the house. It is really cute! They remind me of Buzz and Woody in Toy Story with that song singing "You're my Best Friend".

I always knew Harmon and Callum would be close b/c nothing beats the bond of brothers. I also always knew that Rachel and Callum will always be close (they are twins after all). Now it feels like a perfect circle... I know, I'm cheesy!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Being happy where I am at!

The other day a good friend of mine announced her pregnancy. A couple of yeara ago we were trying at the same time. She not having infertility beat me of course. I remember feeling back than, happy for her but sad that it was so hard for us. This time when she announced her pregnancy I had very different feelings. I was still VERY happy for her but rather than sad I won't ever be pregnant again I was happy for me.

I feel very complete these days. I love my little critters, I love my husband, and I'm even learning to like somewhat living out in a one horse town. When the kids get older I'm excited to further my education with a graduate degree and Chris and I talk about me starting a business of my own (far far away from homebuilding which was always Chris' dream).

I still have many dreams to fulfill in life but while they are in the process I am very happy to have what I have. I feel complete as an adult and excited to see what is next not only for me but for all of us!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!

Anyone who tried to get ahold of me yesterday pretty much got a cold shoulder. On Sunday night Photoworks, the company I do all my pictures with had a fabulous deal on photobooks. I got each custom one for $10 (rather than 30 or 40 dollars) and free shipping. But of course the sale was only good for 24 hrs. So I killed myself and did a baby book for each child.

It was neat. I can't believe how much they have all grown. I can't believe how much Callum and Harmon look so alike. I'm glad a 24 hr sale forced me to do this because I wouldn't have done it otherwise. I think the mis-spellings that I'm sure are there and the photos not properly centered may drive me crazy (when I create an ad for example I used to spend an hour on moving font one inch so 3 books done so hastily is pretty drastic for me). If I had waited they all might be in college before I did this so I'm glad it is done!!!

So for the people who are curious, here is my children's first year in pictures!

Harmon's Book: link
Callum's Book: link
Rachel's Book: link

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I don't like you anymore!

I'm sure one day Harmon won't like me for putting his picture like this on the web ;)

But that isn't the point of this entry! Rather it is about those rare moments as a parent where you don't particularly like your child. I realized today it isn't because you don't love your child or you are a bad mom. After many months of struggling with Harmon and his Special Needs (and talking to other moms in similar circumstances) that feeling really frustrated is ok.

Today for example something went off for him and set off a full out melt down that involved 45 minutes of crying, biting, and trying to assault Rachel with a fire truck. Eventually I got him calmed and all was better but during that time I will admit I was frustrated!!!! I just want to tell him: "I need to feed you lunch. I need to feed the twins. Just get over it!". But I know in my heart he isn't programmed that way and I need to be patient. That is the hardest thing about not just being a parent but being the mom of a child with special needs. You always have to stay calm and remember that the reason why they are doing what they are doing is in part because of their special needs and is out yours and his control. I really don't think I can explain how difficult having a special kid like Harmon is, hour by hour can be a trial somedays. But along with those trials, come many wonderful blessings and I wouldn't have my Harmon be any other way!!!!

Even when Harmon is just being a normal kid and marking my brand new purse with permanent marker I can be temporarily frustrated with him. I will always love and like him but sometimes I won't love the predicament he has caused and I won't like his choices. It doesn't make me a bad mother to say "I don't like that" unless I start to forget what a great amazing kid he is and harbor resentment instead. These feelings apply to the twins as well. I think it applies to all relationships.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Edit: Last night I had stayed up late trying to get things ready for today. Harmon jumped in my bed first thing and did something he has never done before, told me "I love you". I will never forget this moment after waiting so long to hear these words. Like I said last night, I would never trade him for anything because when you have a child with special challenges I believe watching him overcome them is the sweetest blessing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Football Season SUCKS this year!!!

Cally crying over our season!
If my nephew read my blog he would tell me "Aunt Francisca sucks is not a nice word," but oh heck things are so horrible right now you are lucky it is not something like the CeeLoo Green song I talked about earlier this week!!!!

I just am HORRIFIED!!! Last year had our quarterback not been injured, the great Colt McCoy, we would have won the National Championship!!!!!!! This year UTEP has a better record than we will have. It makes no sense. I'm sure Garrett Gilbert is a nice guy, but a good quarterback he is not. If they don't get rid of his rear end soon I will personally fly to Austin and demand a swift firing of Mack Brown since I don't hanging and quartering is an option.

Actual game photo while the game was still playing... maybe only a 100 or so people left during a division 1 game

In better news: even when you think you are the worse team in the nation New Mexico State can always boost you up! We went to the game tonight. We got there late b/c of the kids and they were only 3 pts behind. In 8 mins of play they went from 3 pts behind to losing the game 41-20. It was so sad! More people attend the local high school games than NMSU games. The good thing about it is that we got to upgrade our seats and the kids LOVED the band. They danced in the stands even after the game was over. It was freezing but we had a great time.

Rachel loving the music

Friday, November 12, 2010

Being nice can be a good thing!!!

Yesterday at breakfast I was reading the newspaper and I saw that there was a Carrie Tingly Hospital outreach clinic here in Las Cruces for this month. Rachel's appointment is not until January so I got so excited!!!! I called and the most surly women answered. She totally started witching me out saying that the newspaper had an error, there were no appt's available for months, etc. etc. I was disappointed but remained very polite. Suddenly her attitude changed. She told me b/c I was being so understanding she could of course check for cancelations. She did and she found one for December so now Rachel will get seen about her muscle tone issues a whole month earlier than scheduled. I'm so happy for her.

Oh and as an update the really special evaluations at UNM (the ECEP) will be in January!!! I'm really excited :) Hopefully we will get some good answers. Now to figure out logistics for us all going up to Albuquerque.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Joy in the little things! (and RenFair Pics)

How do you do it? I get this question a lot. I guess the question isn't how, it is why. Both Chris and I have given up a lot but in return we have gained the world. It isn't the big moments that keeps us going it is the little joys.

It is:
~Rachel looking like a princess at the Renaissance Festival and everyone wanting a picture of her.
~Harmon getting a wonderful "first" report card.
~Cally learning how to do a high five.
~Harmon jumping into bed with me first thing in the morning and cuddling.
~Cally dancing to any music put on.
~Rachel saying "bye bye" to the cashier at Walgreens...

It goes on.

Than there are the things Chris and I do to let each other know we love one another. Like these last few mornings he covers me up in his blanket before he leaves at 6:30 so I don't get chilled my last little bit in bed. I try to do things for him too like making his favorite tacos this week.

Life has it's challenges. These days I'm just wasted by the time the evening comes around and I know Chris feels likewise. The company is going crazy and the kids are much crazier (and demanding). But we are surrounded by good people, and we are blessed. You just have to remember when you are dead exhausted, "the little things", than life no longer feels hard but happy.

Here are more pictures from last weekend's RenFair, yes, I know I'm cheesy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

FU and other colorful things you hear on the radio!

I need to spend more time with setting up Itunes and bringing my Ipod in the car because the radio is getting out of hand. I don't think it is much worse than it was say 6 months ago but 6 months Harmon couldn't talk. Now he can and HE LOVES music. He is very good at echoing things and learning new things. Just today his teacher asked me why he kept singing "Take it off" over and over again. Than I remembered Kesha's latest song and it made sense. The funniest thing he has sang in front of people was Lady Antebellum's "I'm a little drunk and I need you now". Of course that was in front of Chris' oh so conservative friends.

Anyway, I think Chris and I are becoming more aware of what we have on as background music. After all I can't stand Kesha but it is what is on the radio and I'm just listening to whatever is on. The final straw was tonight Chris said I really like this song: "riding around town with the girl I love, and I love you oh oh ohhh." So I listened to the lyrics and I was like I don't think that is what he is saying. So we used the iphone and googled only to find out it was worse than even I thought: I see you driving ’round town with the girl I love and I’m like “F*** you!” Ooo ooo oooo
and it gets a lot worse from there.

So I need to stop being lazy. After all there is nothing cuter than him singing his Taylor Swift or when he sings to our nanny "Just the way you are". We just need to make sure we don't have him also singing any "Teenage Dream" type songs.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I don't like our neighbors!

I'm not talking about our human, neighbors... they are awesome. It is the 4 legged ones that are scaring the crumb out of me. We live in a pretty populated area that borders some BLM land and the mountains. I realize the wildlife came first but I wish they wouldn't wander so close to us. Today Chris was outside early in the morning and he saw a HUGE coyote just walking up our street. A few wks ago we saw one about 10 ft from our back yard. We lost one of our cats after he snuck out while I was putting stuff inside the house... I worry what his fate was. It makes me all the more careful with our pets and especially our critters! Good thing we are moving soon.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The tale of the flowers :)

Needless to say things have been crazy and after all we did in October we have been decompressing this week. I think with that in mind Chris wanted to make sure I knew I was appreciated and loved. So every night this week he has bought me flowers! Each are beautiful and he succeeded because I feel very loved and appreciated. He is the best!!!!

Hopefully I won't kill the potted flowers before we can plant them this Spring... the odds don't look good for them though (I've a black thumb).

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Toddler Kleptomaniac...

I'm starting to notice a problem when Harmon visits his MiMa's (this hasn't happened elsewhere)! Last time we were getting ready to leave and Lisa kept insisting "I think he has too much pee in his diaper b/c he is walking funny". I just assumed he was showing off to her but as we were leaving I noticed some cars in his hands and had to explain that he needed to leave them at MiMa's. Later as I was putting him in the car I felt his side. Lisa and I were shocked... he had not one, not two, not five, but nine tonka trucks/cars stuffed into his jeans (thus the funny walking). He tried it again this Sunday at church w/MiMa. It looks like I will have to pat my mini-criminal down before he leaves the presence of MiMa.

In other amazing Harmon news he showed us he could spell his name. Miriam randomly asked him "what is your name?" and he said: "Harmon, h-a-r-m-o-n". I didn't believe her so later in the evening I asked him Harmon can you spell your name? And he just rattled it off. I couldn't believe a 2 1/2 year old could do it! I'm amazed what he us learning in school. It proves "special needs" does NOT mean dumb!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our "Picture Perfect Life"

Here is a good sum of what we did. There were soooo many... and many of them as you could imagine involved either tears, a tot running away, or all! These are some of the better pictures.

And since we all know life is never picture perfect, for fun here is one of the outakes! This is what we are more normally like ;)

After all there is no such thing as "picture perfect" especially in a home with 3 tots!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Very Very SCARY day!

Don't worry nothing bad happened today. It was just a scary day. After all today was not only "Dia de los Muertos", Election day, but our semi-annual pictured day. Yes each of these events on their own could scare the dickens out of anyone but put together it led to a very scary day.

Dia de los Muertos: Has been kind of a cute tradition since Chris and I got married. Neither of us are Catholic. Neither of us are Mexican (I'm Puerto Rican and Chris is as Anglo/Saxon as they come). But I have lived here on the border most of my life and Chris lived in Mexico City for a little bit so both of us have a love for the culture.

So this year we made an effort to teach the kids about the holiday. We have been visiting all the local bakeries for Pan de Muerto, have attended festivals on Saturday, and tonight we watched the processional from the main church in Mesilla to the grave yard. Harmon was loving it. He calls the day "Dia de los Pretzals"!

We want to teach our children other cultures and traditions. I was immersed (especially in college) with everything from Indian to Pakistani to El Salvadorian etc. I love it, I think if we can teach the children that the world is a big place hopefully they will be more loving and tolerant!

Election Day: Yes I voted, no I didn't like most of the candidates (our congressional race I considered it "Satan" vs "The Devil"), no I'm not enthusiastic for sudden change... but we really are lucky to live in this country and hopefully we will go in the right direction!

The funny thing has been Chris. When we dated he claimed he was not just another "Republican" and was Independent like I was. I doubted that claim. Tonight he keeps shouting "We are winning! We are winning!" every time a Republican won something. An Independent????? I think not!

Picture Day: It took over two hours between the time we arrived at the studio and by the time I paid and left. I HATE doing pictures but I love the memories so I keep doing this. This proved especially hard. After all it was like trying to herd cats w/not one, not two, but three toddlers!!! Cally was the star. He got the best pics and Rachel kept running away... yeah she failed today.

Above is a preview... I'll upload the rest tomorrow to share with everyone. I was sad b/c we always get the one "perfect" shot but we couldn't get it this time. Oh well, we will try again in April :)

Night Terrors and Sleep Walking came back: In finishing our scary day I thought I would update everyone on Harmon. He was doing much better with his sleep but last night was HORRIBLE. He kept waking up over and over and over again (I counted 6 times between 11 and 7). Finally Chris went to get him and couldn't find him. He was huddling in a corner crying and screaming "Lollipop" over and over again. If he looks sad in the pictures this is why. No one got any sleep, but I don't care about me, I just feel so bad my little boy is struggling still.