Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On vacation!!!

It is so funny b/c I've been
meaning for a whole week to get on the blog and share some cute stories, funny stories, and the usual setbacks BUT with trying to get ready for vacation I've been so busy and tired it never happened :(. But all our work is tied done, the kids are at Grandmas, and now we are at the airport going to San Juan Puerto Rico for the week! I'll miss my babies... I'm worried sick about Rachel especially with her stranger anxiety. But we need this time. I need a break and so does Chris.

If I've got time we will post pictures during the week. If not, hasta la vista and talk to y'all Sunday!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Convair,El Paso,United States

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My husband the kill joy!

So for Father's Day today all my husband wanted was a vacumn. So I got him a vacumn, renewed his favorite magazine, and used a gift card to get him a new pair of gym shorts that were sorely needed. His reaction to the shorts are "this is awesome but I think I'll return it so you can get something for yourself". UGH!

So than I planned for a really nice dinner w/homemade Chile Rellenos and beans. But his reaction was "that is too much work for you... I'll just grill something".

I had to practically hit him over the head w/a frying pan to make a nice breakfast for him.

It is funny b/c he hates the fuss. He does this w/his birthday and all his other "days". But if I don't make a big deal he would be crushed. Oh well, the man is an enigma!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Stow Away...

Chris and I have a big difference of opinion. He LOVES PF Changs and while I like it I prefer going to Pei Wei b/c it is the same food but cheaper and faster. So he has waited a year to go to the real PF Changs. Today for an early Father's Day gift we set up babysitting w/my Mom. Unfortunately right when we were leaving Rachel started fighting w/Harmon. He wanted to play w/his train set that Gualita has and she wanted to eat the train set. So we went ahead and took her.

She slept well through out lunch and was well behaved; except for losing her hair bow (thus the no bow pic taken above). Afterwards we stopped at Academy Sports for some Father's Days gifts. That is where she had a BLOW OUT that ruined her yellow dress so Daddy changed her diaper and cuddled her into the store just in a diaper. There he picked her out a new Longhorn dress and even ran her through the check out scanner like merchandise when it was time to leave (all the ladies around couldn't stop laughing). It is sooo cute to see this amazing daddy/daughter relationship. They are inseparable!

The most poignant moment though was when I turned around and saw a little girl that was around 18 months and it HIT me... her and Cally are my last babies. This is it for me. I am going to miss having a tiny baby SOOO much. It made me glad we had those moments w/Rachey today. It made me happy that I started taking the kids out one on one and also all together so we could have some good quality memories. Now I keep asking Chris... can't the kids all go to Puerto Rico w/us? He say NO! and he is right b/c we need the one on one time. Nevertheless I will miss them though! I will miss this time w/my small babies... even when they crash dates and blow out diapers ;) We can't turn back the clock but we can enjoy every moment!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We need a life...

There isn't much to do when you have 3 kids in 2 yrs. One thing we have learned though is that it is important to get everyone out of the house. Today we sunk to a new low... or should I say Lowes! We toured Lowes for over an hour and we only made it through the kitchen section :p The funny part is that Chris and I have TOTALLY different tastes so all we did was argue who has better taste while Harmon opened up every fridge and oven in the section (and I followed him closing them). The twins loved looking at all the shiny things. It was sad b/c we ALL had so much fun tonight but it makes me think, compared to our Vegas days MAN our lives have turned quite mundane.

In other funny news tonight I realized we look at Real Estate WAYYYY too much. B/c of the family business we often drive through communities at night scoping out everyone (another sad sign that we need real hobbies). It isn't a large town and tonight we passed by a community that we scope out often. Every time we pass Chris always goes in a scary voice "VELOZ" the name of a competitor. Well tonight before Chris even said anything Harmon (who according to Early Intervention has less than 50 words) shouts "VELOZ"! I guess our next goals will be to teach him key terms such as "Target Consumer Group" and bigger competitors like "DR Horton". At this rate Harm might be a Super-Intendent for us by age 12 ;)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Poppa don't sweat it!

Tonight I walked into the bathroom after organizing the kids outfits for the next day. All the kids were hanging out w/Dad watching him brush his teeth. So I go in there and Harmon is ripping apart the stuff on the sink while Rachel is happily playing in a GIANT puddle of spilt shaving cream (right after I just changed her for bed) and Cally was just taking it all in bouncing in his excersaucer. Of course I go "Oh no Rachel is playing in shaving cream" and Chris was like... "so"?

I think Dad's have this magical gene to just not sweat the small stuff. When I was attending class at night for fun last semester it NEVER mattered what random time I came home the house was always in CHAOS. But you know what the house never burnt down and everyone was healthy and happy.

It makes me think when I harp on him for things like: "Cally needs a new onesie b/c he peed all over it" or "no Harmon CAN NOT eat Pizza for the 2nd meal in a row today". That perhaps Chris knows the true secret to happiness as a parent: "don't sweat the small stuff".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcome to Toys R Us of Las Cruces...

I think Geoffery the Giraffe has VOMITED all over my living room!
I know I've shown pictures of my family room before but it doesn't do it justice! I will take more for a future date. Right now to make matters worse we had to put down a foam floor on our tile to keep Rachel who is learning how to walk from hurting herself, so it now looks like a daycare center.

YOU CAN'T WALK IN THERE. I clean, my wonderful Nanny cleans, DH cleans... but as soon as we put everything up the babies or Harmon takes it out. We are trying to teach Harmon to clean it up but he takes out things faster than I can get him to put the last thing up. Obviously I need to work on this more!

So Chris has a plan... we need a bigger house. I think that is his solution for everything (after all he is a builder). I dunno if we will move again soon or not... it is possible. In the mean time we need to keep working on teaching Harmon to help clean up after himself and live w/what we can't change.

I just keep reminding myself one day I will have a gorgeous living room all pristine and perfect but no small babies playing in their excersaucers and no little tiny hands reaching for me w/a book. What a sad day that will be!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Game Show Network

I'm not a big fan of kids watching TV. My mother only let us watch TV when it was Saturday morning cartoons and occasionally one show after school. Otherwise we watched what the adults watched which was either news or TV-Novelas.

So with Harmon about 2x a week we let him watch TV that normal kids watch: Dora, Sesame Street, etc. Other than that we encourage playing outside, playing inside, reading books, helping out, etc. By some sort of kismet accident though Harmon got addicted to TV anyhow. It all started that Harmon noticed Daddy and I like Jeopardy at night. He started going around the house humming the tune. Than he started liking "Wheel of Fortune" and learned letters... he always shouts "E" anytime they call out a letter. One day my Nanny put it on "Deal or No Deal" while they were all eating lunch. Suddenly Harmon took interest and so it sort of became a tradition. At 12:30 he just knows it is coming on and starts shouting "Deal Deal". One day we missed it at getting home late from gymnastics and he cried on the floor shouting "Deal Deal" and refused to eat lunch. Than Daddy realizing that this was something both of them could get into they started watching it on night on the Game Show Network while he fed the twins. Now it is spilling over into "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". He also likes "The Price is Right" in the mornings but not as much as the other shows.

We need to stop this from escalationg... or one day he might run away to Hollywood and turn into Howie Mandel. I wonder if they have Game Show Addicts Anonymous?

You always wake up...

This week has really been difficult. It has been one of those weeks when you really feel the cosmos are aligned against you. Nothing tragic happens but it is 900 little things that all go wrong or are twice as hard to do. Worst, we really are having difficulty w/Harmon and Rachel co-existing. Now that she is so mobile (she is cruising everywhere) Harmon really feels threatend so he is either always chasing her down stealing each toy she tries to play w/or just doing desperate bids for attention. It is killing my last nerve!

Last night Chris told me he is going golfing early and leaving the house at 5:30 so I would need to wake up early w/the kids (the twins have had this lets party at 6 am and than go back to bed at 7 when Harm wakes up). We were going to bed really late. The kids had been fighting mad the whole night and just wouldn't go down. I just knew today would not be fun. I just didn't want to wake up this morning. I didn't want to deal w/everything.

But than I woke up. Granted I was in a bear of a mood but I did what I had to do and survived. It wasn't an easy day but good things happend and I'm still alive. Hopefully tomorrow things will get easier. If not Saturday is coming and I may just go into hiding for a few hours (I need to get my hair cut anyway).

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My little peanut... and piggy!

Thursday we had a doctors appt. Rachel has gone from 3.5 lbs at birth to a pawltry even 13 at 9 months. I was really worried she was going to be "failure to thrive" but she is okay. The doctor assured me that even though she is NOT on the growth charts she has a healthy growth curve that is all her own. She thinks b/c I am small Rachel will be small. It isn't my doing anything wrong, it is just tiny genetics.

Cally is doing great at 17 lbs. He is around the 50th percentile and if you adjust his age he is actually in the 75th percentile for length and height on the growth chart. Of course Chris is worried this means he is going to be shorter than Harm who was in the 95th percentile for height (his 2yr appt predicts him at 6'2 to 6'4). My husband is 5'11 and is pretty sensitive about the height thing being the smallest of his brothers. So we will have to see at Cally's 2 yr appt! The only bad news is that Callum is getting further screened for hearing loss... hopefully it is still just bad machines.

I love that they are so healthy and happy. I am still confident this hearing screening will be okay in the long run. When we think of how they were 9 mos ago these little ones are miracles :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It can go so bad so quickly...

Today was just another day. Usual stuff, we had a great doctors appt w/good stuff to report (if I have time I will share it tonight, otherwise I will share it tomorrow) but other than that really it was just plain Jane day.

At 3:00 I realized Callum is still asleep, Rachel is getting tired, and Harmon will also be going down for his nap. If I timed it all masterfully I might have 15 minutes to myself until a 4:00 appt came to the house.

3:05 Cally woke up at but that was doable, 2 were going down, all was not lost!

3:10 or so I was rocking Rachel when Cally started SCREAMING bloody murder (he was constipated again). This woke up Rachel. She was wired... so now I have an upset kid and wide awake kid. So I put her in her crib hoping she would just fall asleep.

3:25 After getting nowhere comforting Cally and having the lovely pleasure of putting in a suppository. It was time to put Harm down. He was excited. He went right to bed, kissed me good nap, and said "night night".

3:30 After still getting nowhere comforting Cally, Rachel began to scream. Now I started to worry b/c I was suddenly outnumbered but at least Harm was down.

3:45 Harm began to scream and of course I had gotten no where comforting two twins who were each PO'd for different reasons so I go and check on Harmon... THIS IS WHEN I ALMOST DIED... the boy was covered in poop. He had for the first time ever taken his diaper off and decided to play in a poopy diaper rather than tell me he had pooped. The good thing is that he hated this feeling and was deeply disturbed.

Just a recap... so now I have a tot covered in poop, another child who can't poop and is beyond comfort, and an overtired little princess, w/a 4 o'clock coming in about 10 mins. So when my 4:00 came I had Harmon in the tub, Cally just had a 2nd suppository, and Rachel was still PO'd.

It all worked out. I got the room cleaned, Harmo dressed and ready for night night, Cally did poop, but there was one last piece of drama... I had accidently put Rach in Cally's crib and Cally in her crib which is bad b/c Cally's crib hasn't been lowered... right when I was picking up a fallen pacifier under the crib I saw Rachel falling out... but I got her before anything happend!!!! So alas, all is well that ends well.

No I didn't get 10 mins to myself this afternoon (which I rarely do) but I did have a good appt. once it got started. Days like this though make me think maybe I should have my nanny a little later in the day, b/c man when you are outnumbered by 3 in 2 yrs, THEY CAN REALLY KICK YOUR BOOTY!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Harmon...

Dear Harmon,

Please do not use the 3 minutes I use to get the twins out of bed and into clean diapers as a chance to scale the entire fridge and than sit up there (I would have taken a photo for posterity but I was too dang scared too). You are very very talented and think you have the potential of becoming a world famous mountain climber but not now. Right now you are SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME!

While we are at it while I am in the bathroom I ask that you refrain trying to spray shaving cream on your sister's head, put on my make up, and pour out shampoo all over the floor. A women does have too pee in the morning. Furthermore while we are feeding twins this is not a time to pour dishwater soap all over your clean clothes and the countertops.

Other things that would be nice is to stop trying to bury your brother with pillows and blankets or to push away your sister while she is playing on the floor simply b/c you want to now play w/that toy. You will live in time out until you are 18 and ready for college before I let you get away w/behavior that

Finally when you have done all these things to drive me insane and the nanny shows up, do not run to her w/a big grin acting like a sweet innocent w/a mean mean mommy. You and I both know the truth.

Thank you,

Your loving but tired and very worried mother

Oh man Harmon is in a class of his own. Today we got his test results and he is definetly still behind on speech (and some other stuff) but heck what 2 yr old do you know that can climb a fridge to the top? It just goes to show we are all talented in our own way... albeit I hope Harmon can show his talent in otherways. Today at gym he just amazed me. I will have to do pictures in the future but he does the climbing wall great and w/help does a mean hand stand. Of course tot gym has it's down falls. He broke Rachel's crib this weekend b/c he realized how much he LOVES to jump. He is just so smart and full of promise!

It is funny b/c Chris' mom used to always say he would be the death of her. He was just as crazy and full of energy. But just like his Dad he is also one of the most sweetest, kindest, gentlest, loving people I've known. His favorite thing is to sit on my lap facing me, hold my face, look into my eyes, and give me a HUGE kiss... than repeat for a few minutes. It is WONDERFUL. The other day Rachel was crying so he brought her his Elmo toy. Sometimes when I am not looking he starts giving the babies kisses. He may not know how to say I love you but I know he sure does.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

On vacation!!!

It is so funny b/c I've been
meaning for a whole week to get on the blog and share some cute stories, funny stories, and the usual setbacks BUT with trying to get ready for vacation I've been so busy and tired it never happened :(. But all our work is tied done, the kids are at Grandmas, and now we are at the airport going to San Juan Puerto Rico for the week! I'll miss my babies... I'm worried sick about Rachel especially with her stranger anxiety. But we need this time. I need a break and so does Chris.

If I've got time we will post pictures during the week. If not, hasta la vista and talk to y'all Sunday!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Convair,El Paso,United States

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My husband the kill joy!

So for Father's Day today all my husband wanted was a vacumn. So I got him a vacumn, renewed his favorite magazine, and used a gift card to get him a new pair of gym shorts that were sorely needed. His reaction to the shorts are "this is awesome but I think I'll return it so you can get something for yourself". UGH!

So than I planned for a really nice dinner w/homemade Chile Rellenos and beans. But his reaction was "that is too much work for you... I'll just grill something".

I had to practically hit him over the head w/a frying pan to make a nice breakfast for him.

It is funny b/c he hates the fuss. He does this w/his birthday and all his other "days". But if I don't make a big deal he would be crushed. Oh well, the man is an enigma!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Father's Day Stow Away...

Chris and I have a big difference of opinion. He LOVES PF Changs and while I like it I prefer going to Pei Wei b/c it is the same food but cheaper and faster. So he has waited a year to go to the real PF Changs. Today for an early Father's Day gift we set up babysitting w/my Mom. Unfortunately right when we were leaving Rachel started fighting w/Harmon. He wanted to play w/his train set that Gualita has and she wanted to eat the train set. So we went ahead and took her.

She slept well through out lunch and was well behaved; except for losing her hair bow (thus the no bow pic taken above). Afterwards we stopped at Academy Sports for some Father's Days gifts. That is where she had a BLOW OUT that ruined her yellow dress so Daddy changed her diaper and cuddled her into the store just in a diaper. There he picked her out a new Longhorn dress and even ran her through the check out scanner like merchandise when it was time to leave (all the ladies around couldn't stop laughing). It is sooo cute to see this amazing daddy/daughter relationship. They are inseparable!

The most poignant moment though was when I turned around and saw a little girl that was around 18 months and it HIT me... her and Cally are my last babies. This is it for me. I am going to miss having a tiny baby SOOO much. It made me glad we had those moments w/Rachey today. It made me happy that I started taking the kids out one on one and also all together so we could have some good quality memories. Now I keep asking Chris... can't the kids all go to Puerto Rico w/us? He say NO! and he is right b/c we need the one on one time. Nevertheless I will miss them though! I will miss this time w/my small babies... even when they crash dates and blow out diapers ;) We can't turn back the clock but we can enjoy every moment!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

We need a life...

There isn't much to do when you have 3 kids in 2 yrs. One thing we have learned though is that it is important to get everyone out of the house. Today we sunk to a new low... or should I say Lowes! We toured Lowes for over an hour and we only made it through the kitchen section :p The funny part is that Chris and I have TOTALLY different tastes so all we did was argue who has better taste while Harmon opened up every fridge and oven in the section (and I followed him closing them). The twins loved looking at all the shiny things. It was sad b/c we ALL had so much fun tonight but it makes me think, compared to our Vegas days MAN our lives have turned quite mundane.

In other funny news tonight I realized we look at Real Estate WAYYYY too much. B/c of the family business we often drive through communities at night scoping out everyone (another sad sign that we need real hobbies). It isn't a large town and tonight we passed by a community that we scope out often. Every time we pass Chris always goes in a scary voice "VELOZ" the name of a competitor. Well tonight before Chris even said anything Harmon (who according to Early Intervention has less than 50 words) shouts "VELOZ"! I guess our next goals will be to teach him key terms such as "Target Consumer Group" and bigger competitors like "DR Horton". At this rate Harm might be a Super-Intendent for us by age 12 ;)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Poppa don't sweat it!

Tonight I walked into the bathroom after organizing the kids outfits for the next day. All the kids were hanging out w/Dad watching him brush his teeth. So I go in there and Harmon is ripping apart the stuff on the sink while Rachel is happily playing in a GIANT puddle of spilt shaving cream (right after I just changed her for bed) and Cally was just taking it all in bouncing in his excersaucer. Of course I go "Oh no Rachel is playing in shaving cream" and Chris was like... "so"?

I think Dad's have this magical gene to just not sweat the small stuff. When I was attending class at night for fun last semester it NEVER mattered what random time I came home the house was always in CHAOS. But you know what the house never burnt down and everyone was healthy and happy.

It makes me think when I harp on him for things like: "Cally needs a new onesie b/c he peed all over it" or "no Harmon CAN NOT eat Pizza for the 2nd meal in a row today". That perhaps Chris knows the true secret to happiness as a parent: "don't sweat the small stuff".

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Welcome to Toys R Us of Las Cruces...

I think Geoffery the Giraffe has VOMITED all over my living room!
I know I've shown pictures of my family room before but it doesn't do it justice! I will take more for a future date. Right now to make matters worse we had to put down a foam floor on our tile to keep Rachel who is learning how to walk from hurting herself, so it now looks like a daycare center.

YOU CAN'T WALK IN THERE. I clean, my wonderful Nanny cleans, DH cleans... but as soon as we put everything up the babies or Harmon takes it out. We are trying to teach Harmon to clean it up but he takes out things faster than I can get him to put the last thing up. Obviously I need to work on this more!

So Chris has a plan... we need a bigger house. I think that is his solution for everything (after all he is a builder). I dunno if we will move again soon or not... it is possible. In the mean time we need to keep working on teaching Harmon to help clean up after himself and live w/what we can't change.

I just keep reminding myself one day I will have a gorgeous living room all pristine and perfect but no small babies playing in their excersaucers and no little tiny hands reaching for me w/a book. What a sad day that will be!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Game Show Network

I'm not a big fan of kids watching TV. My mother only let us watch TV when it was Saturday morning cartoons and occasionally one show after school. Otherwise we watched what the adults watched which was either news or TV-Novelas.

So with Harmon about 2x a week we let him watch TV that normal kids watch: Dora, Sesame Street, etc. Other than that we encourage playing outside, playing inside, reading books, helping out, etc. By some sort of kismet accident though Harmon got addicted to TV anyhow. It all started that Harmon noticed Daddy and I like Jeopardy at night. He started going around the house humming the tune. Than he started liking "Wheel of Fortune" and learned letters... he always shouts "E" anytime they call out a letter. One day my Nanny put it on "Deal or No Deal" while they were all eating lunch. Suddenly Harmon took interest and so it sort of became a tradition. At 12:30 he just knows it is coming on and starts shouting "Deal Deal". One day we missed it at getting home late from gymnastics and he cried on the floor shouting "Deal Deal" and refused to eat lunch. Than Daddy realizing that this was something both of them could get into they started watching it on night on the Game Show Network while he fed the twins. Now it is spilling over into "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". He also likes "The Price is Right" in the mornings but not as much as the other shows.

We need to stop this from escalationg... or one day he might run away to Hollywood and turn into Howie Mandel. I wonder if they have Game Show Addicts Anonymous?

You always wake up...

This week has really been difficult. It has been one of those weeks when you really feel the cosmos are aligned against you. Nothing tragic happens but it is 900 little things that all go wrong or are twice as hard to do. Worst, we really are having difficulty w/Harmon and Rachel co-existing. Now that she is so mobile (she is cruising everywhere) Harmon really feels threatend so he is either always chasing her down stealing each toy she tries to play w/or just doing desperate bids for attention. It is killing my last nerve!

Last night Chris told me he is going golfing early and leaving the house at 5:30 so I would need to wake up early w/the kids (the twins have had this lets party at 6 am and than go back to bed at 7 when Harm wakes up). We were going to bed really late. The kids had been fighting mad the whole night and just wouldn't go down. I just knew today would not be fun. I just didn't want to wake up this morning. I didn't want to deal w/everything.

But than I woke up. Granted I was in a bear of a mood but I did what I had to do and survived. It wasn't an easy day but good things happend and I'm still alive. Hopefully tomorrow things will get easier. If not Saturday is coming and I may just go into hiding for a few hours (I need to get my hair cut anyway).

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My little peanut... and piggy!

Thursday we had a doctors appt. Rachel has gone from 3.5 lbs at birth to a pawltry even 13 at 9 months. I was really worried she was going to be "failure to thrive" but she is okay. The doctor assured me that even though she is NOT on the growth charts she has a healthy growth curve that is all her own. She thinks b/c I am small Rachel will be small. It isn't my doing anything wrong, it is just tiny genetics.

Cally is doing great at 17 lbs. He is around the 50th percentile and if you adjust his age he is actually in the 75th percentile for length and height on the growth chart. Of course Chris is worried this means he is going to be shorter than Harm who was in the 95th percentile for height (his 2yr appt predicts him at 6'2 to 6'4). My husband is 5'11 and is pretty sensitive about the height thing being the smallest of his brothers. So we will have to see at Cally's 2 yr appt! The only bad news is that Callum is getting further screened for hearing loss... hopefully it is still just bad machines.

I love that they are so healthy and happy. I am still confident this hearing screening will be okay in the long run. When we think of how they were 9 mos ago these little ones are miracles :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It can go so bad so quickly...

Today was just another day. Usual stuff, we had a great doctors appt w/good stuff to report (if I have time I will share it tonight, otherwise I will share it tomorrow) but other than that really it was just plain Jane day.

At 3:00 I realized Callum is still asleep, Rachel is getting tired, and Harmon will also be going down for his nap. If I timed it all masterfully I might have 15 minutes to myself until a 4:00 appt came to the house.

3:05 Cally woke up at but that was doable, 2 were going down, all was not lost!

3:10 or so I was rocking Rachel when Cally started SCREAMING bloody murder (he was constipated again). This woke up Rachel. She was wired... so now I have an upset kid and wide awake kid. So I put her in her crib hoping she would just fall asleep.

3:25 After getting nowhere comforting Cally and having the lovely pleasure of putting in a suppository. It was time to put Harm down. He was excited. He went right to bed, kissed me good nap, and said "night night".

3:30 After still getting nowhere comforting Cally, Rachel began to scream. Now I started to worry b/c I was suddenly outnumbered but at least Harm was down.

3:45 Harm began to scream and of course I had gotten no where comforting two twins who were each PO'd for different reasons so I go and check on Harmon... THIS IS WHEN I ALMOST DIED... the boy was covered in poop. He had for the first time ever taken his diaper off and decided to play in a poopy diaper rather than tell me he had pooped. The good thing is that he hated this feeling and was deeply disturbed.

Just a recap... so now I have a tot covered in poop, another child who can't poop and is beyond comfort, and an overtired little princess, w/a 4 o'clock coming in about 10 mins. So when my 4:00 came I had Harmon in the tub, Cally just had a 2nd suppository, and Rachel was still PO'd.

It all worked out. I got the room cleaned, Harmo dressed and ready for night night, Cally did poop, but there was one last piece of drama... I had accidently put Rach in Cally's crib and Cally in her crib which is bad b/c Cally's crib hasn't been lowered... right when I was picking up a fallen pacifier under the crib I saw Rachel falling out... but I got her before anything happend!!!! So alas, all is well that ends well.

No I didn't get 10 mins to myself this afternoon (which I rarely do) but I did have a good appt. once it got started. Days like this though make me think maybe I should have my nanny a little later in the day, b/c man when you are outnumbered by 3 in 2 yrs, THEY CAN REALLY KICK YOUR BOOTY!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dear Harmon...

Dear Harmon,

Please do not use the 3 minutes I use to get the twins out of bed and into clean diapers as a chance to scale the entire fridge and than sit up there (I would have taken a photo for posterity but I was too dang scared too). You are very very talented and think you have the potential of becoming a world famous mountain climber but not now. Right now you are SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME!

While we are at it while I am in the bathroom I ask that you refrain trying to spray shaving cream on your sister's head, put on my make up, and pour out shampoo all over the floor. A women does have too pee in the morning. Furthermore while we are feeding twins this is not a time to pour dishwater soap all over your clean clothes and the countertops.

Other things that would be nice is to stop trying to bury your brother with pillows and blankets or to push away your sister while she is playing on the floor simply b/c you want to now play w/that toy. You will live in time out until you are 18 and ready for college before I let you get away w/behavior that

Finally when you have done all these things to drive me insane and the nanny shows up, do not run to her w/a big grin acting like a sweet innocent w/a mean mean mommy. You and I both know the truth.

Thank you,

Your loving but tired and very worried mother

Oh man Harmon is in a class of his own. Today we got his test results and he is definetly still behind on speech (and some other stuff) but heck what 2 yr old do you know that can climb a fridge to the top? It just goes to show we are all talented in our own way... albeit I hope Harmon can show his talent in otherways. Today at gym he just amazed me. I will have to do pictures in the future but he does the climbing wall great and w/help does a mean hand stand. Of course tot gym has it's down falls. He broke Rachel's crib this weekend b/c he realized how much he LOVES to jump. He is just so smart and full of promise!

It is funny b/c Chris' mom used to always say he would be the death of her. He was just as crazy and full of energy. But just like his Dad he is also one of the most sweetest, kindest, gentlest, loving people I've known. His favorite thing is to sit on my lap facing me, hold my face, look into my eyes, and give me a HUGE kiss... than repeat for a few minutes. It is WONDERFUL. The other day Rachel was crying so he brought her his Elmo toy. Sometimes when I am not looking he starts giving the babies kisses. He may not know how to say I love you but I know he sure does.