Dear Harmon,
Please do not use the 3 minutes I use to get the twins out of bed and into clean diapers as a chance to scale the entire fridge and than sit up there (I would have taken a photo for posterity but I was too dang scared too). You are very very talented and think you have the potential of becoming a world famous mountain climber but not now. Right now you are SCARING THE CRAP OUT OF ME!
While we are at it while I am in the bathroom I ask that you refrain trying to spray shaving cream on your sister's head, put on my make up, and pour out shampoo all over the floor. A women does have too pee in the morning. Furthermore while we are feeding twins this is not a time to pour dishwater soap all over your clean clothes and the countertops.
Other things that would be nice is to stop trying to bury your brother with pillows and blankets or to push away your sister while she is playing on the floor simply b/c you want to now play w/that toy. You will live in time out until you are 18 and ready for college before I let you get away w/behavior that
Finally when you have done all these things to drive me insane and the nanny shows up, do not run to her w/a big grin acting like a sweet innocent w/a mean mean mommy. You and I both know the truth.
Thank you,
Your loving but tired and very worried mother
Oh man Harmon is in a class of his own. Today we got his test results and he is definetly still behind on speech (and some other stuff) but heck what 2 yr old do you know that can climb a fridge to the top? It just goes to show we are all talented in our own way... albeit I hope Harmon can show his talent in otherways. Today at gym he just amazed me. I will have to do pictures in the future but he does the climbing wall great and w/help does a mean hand stand. Of course tot gym has it's down falls. He broke Rachel's crib this weekend b/c he realized how much he LOVES to jump. He is just so smart and full of promise!
It is funny b/c Chris' mom used to always say he would be the death of her. He was just as crazy and full of energy. But just like his Dad he is also one of the most sweetest, kindest, gentlest, loving people I've known. His favorite thing is to sit on my lap facing me, hold my face, look into my eyes, and give me a HUGE kiss... than repeat for a few minutes. It is WONDERFUL. The other day Rachel was crying so he brought her his Elmo toy. Sometimes when I am not looking he starts giving the babies kisses. He may not know how to say I love you but I know he sure does.